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Everything posted by Jerry

  1. Thanks, Gl;enn...You too my friend. Jerry
  2. Hello Everyone... I'm still working in the drydock but I would like to bring my progress up to date. The little rail post were cut with a miter saw and were real buggers to make all the same size. I finally decided to cut them close to the final dimension and sanded them to the finish size on my miniature belt sander. I'm sure you'll all agree that holding an 8mm piece of 4x4mm against a belt sander can be treacherous. I escaped with all my fingers and managed to complete the phase. All rail posts are installed as well as the forecastle railings and the bow belaying pin rack. The ram (the pointy thing as David Shipyard Sid would say) is next along with all of its components. I hope everybody has a terrific weekend and please feel free to post any comments, negative or positive, if you'd like. Best, Jerry
  3. Hello Everyone... I'm still working in the drydock but I would like to bring my progress up to date. The little rail post were cut with a miter saw and were real buggers to make all the same size. I finally decided to cut them close to the final dimension and sanded them to the finish size on my miniature belt sander. I'm sure you'll all agree that holding an 8mm piece of 4x4mm against a belt sander can be treacherous. I escaped with all my fingers and managed to complete the phase. All rail posts are installed as well as the forecastle railings and the bow belaying pin rack. The ram (the pointy thing as David Shipyard Sid would say) is next along with all of its components. I hope everybody has a terrific weekend and please feel free to post any comments, negative or positive, if you'd like. Best, Jerry
  4. Thanks, Popeye.. I will definitely test some different finishes beefore I settle with anything. To tell the truth, I'm familiar with water based varnish and that seems to work well. However, it doesn't enhance the qualities of the wood. From what I've been told by some other modelers, Fromby's lemon oil works very well and if your finished model is encased, it only needs to be touched up about once a year. I guess I'm spoiled because my Cutty Sark has been in a display case for about 16 or 17 years and I have never removed it once. The hull bottom is copper clad and the rest is painted. (same with my Victory) And believe it or not, after having waxed all the rigging lines, there is no trace of dust any place. Thanks again and please keep in touch. Best, Jerry
  5. Hello Glenn. Nice job on the ladder assembly. This is one area I constantly had a very tough time with throughout the build. I kept breaking the wire (outboard) rail when handling the model. You haven't installed that yet. Just a note to warn you that this part takes a lot of abuse. Have a great day. Best, Jerry
  6. Hello Popeye I'm really happy that you have stopped in to say hello. I'd like you to know that I welcome your visit and hope you'll make it a habit. I can use all the help I can get. Thank you very much for your advice regarding the use of lacquer. I'm not quite sure I understand what you mean. Are you saying that I should applu a coat of lacquer on top of the oil finish or do you mean I should apply the lacquer on the raw wood? Please let me knnow what you meant. Again, many thanks for your compliment and good luck with your build Best, Jerry
  7. Hello Brian... I;m very happy that you were able to find time to visit my log. And, before I forget, congratulations to you on your recent marriage I 'm really not going like a bat out of hell; I'm just going. You see, I'm an old man with nothing but time on my hands so I work on my model off and on all day. I sometimes start at 6am since I awake very early so there are plenty of hours in the day for me to build. It's sometthing I love very much, but not just because of the construction but greatly because I have made some terrific friends right here on MSW and communcating with them has been most enjoyable. Thank you so much for your compliment; I truly appreciate it. I hope you will continue visiting and offer any criticism which I will surely accept in a constructive manner. I hope you have a terrific day as I assume you will read this after you awake on Friday. Best, Jerry
  8. Hello David.. It was good of you to pay my log a visit and I appreciate your commnents as usual. I'm excited to hear that you are going to wire your Caroline and I'm anxious to see what the results. Before I started building Victory I gave serious thoughts to lighting the ship also. I figured the 4 lanterns would be a kick and of course, the stern and quarter galleries. But I chickened out. I wish you would stop breaking the pointy things; it's giving everyone a bad feeling. What is it with you? LOL.Talk to you soon, David, Jerry
  9. Hello Glenn, Thanks for your visit. Yep, you are right, of course...the enjoyment far outweighs the drudgery. Have a great day. Best, Jerry
  10. Hello J... I have always mentioned to the admiral that she has great taste; I started telling her that the night we were married. LOL. Thanks for your advice which I will take and complete the beak before any finishing. After these few weeks of working on this build I still enjoy the ability to easily handle this ship. Hope you have a wonderful day. Best, Jerry P.S. Why are you up so early in the morning?
  11. It's early morning and it's difficult to fall asleep so I decided to write this progress report on the building of my Half Moon. I have finished planking the bulwarks and the inboard transom. I will add the waterways (stringers) later today and then get on with the railing posts and the bow belaying pin rack. Then more sanding and hopefully when that's completed I expect to finish the outside of the hull with an oil finish and the inside of the hull and decks with a water based varnish. I may wiat to complete the bows (Ram, bow stems, etc.) before the oiling process but I'm not sure about this yet. Fitting the walnut strips onto the bulwarks was a chore and frankly it's a job I didn't relish. The admiral likes the way it looks so I have no choice but to call it complete. Here a a few pictures of where I stand at this early hour in the morning... Best, Jerry
  12. Glenn. Mmmmm....A special ladder jig?? I'd like to know more about that. I just put the pieces together and squared everything up. I guess you have a jig that holds everything in place. Interestting. Jerry
  13. Good morning, J.. Truthfully, I'm a bit confused with regard to the finish. I didn't realize one could cover an oil finish with a urethane coating. Live and learn, I guess. It won't be too long from now when I'll have to decide. Stay tuned. LOL Jerry
  14. Good morning, Glenn. I think you are a little to hard on yourself. From what I see your work looks excellent. But being the way you are (hard on yourself) will probably produce a ship model that will be beautiful. Your pace is quick but to me, it hasn't effected your work. You know what needs to be done and you're getting there. Be careful with the ladders as they fracture easily. I had to order a new sheet of ladder parts and that held me up for about two weeks. I'll be happy to see what you do next. Very nice work, Glenn. Best, Jerry
  15. Hello David. I think you've done the right thing I believe that vertical planking of the gunwales would not look too good I'm glad you did it the way you did. I'm sure you'll agree with me that these smaller ships are fun to handle. I'm actually working on the model while it's in my lap I better be careful with the knife...Take care David and much appreciatin\on for your visit as always.. Jerry
  16. Hello Glenn.... Things will probably slow down a bit. I think planking the gunwales will be a slow process but it'ssomething I feel is necessary even though the instructions assume nothing is to be done in this area, I see tthat you are making nice progress with your Victory and I must say you're exhibiting pretty good speed. I'm excited about getting closer to putting a finish on the hull as I'm anxious to see if an oil finish will work as I mentioned before Well..onward and onward.. Best, Jerry.
  17. Hi Gil The finishing touches only prove that excellence prevails throughout your endeavor. Lovely as usual Best, Jerry
  18. Hello Everbody. I noticed that the "manual" made no mention of planking the bulwarks and therefore there was no material in the kit to do that. I had a conversation with J who was kind enough to mention what he did because I noticed that he did plank the gunwales. He told me he used some spare wood so since I have plenty of walnut strips left over from the Victory build I decided to use that wood to plank the gunwales of the Half Moon. I'm leaning toward finishing the outside of the hull with an oil of some type. However, I think I'll varnish the gunwales with the same water based varnish I intend to use on the decks. I'll probably change my mind about all this finish stuff ten times before I get to do it but that's how my mind is working now. I have attached a few more pictures showing the deck planking and the partial gunwale planking (with walnut) that I have done so far. As soon as I set the rialing supports and the stringers (waterways) on the deck I'll do the finishing of the outside of the hull and all the decks and railings. Have a great evening everybody.. Best, Jerry
  19. Good morning, Glenn. The work you just completed looks fine. As you said, nobody can tell that you had problems because the final result shows no defects. I hate to say this but there will be more mishaps as you progress; it's the nature of the game. Don't be discouraged because from the looks of your work you will end up with a beautiful trophy and wonder what you may want to do next. Have a great weekend and march on. Best, Jerry
  20. David...Good to hear from you. I am really having fun with this one. I like the ability to easily handle it; most of the work is done while holding the model in my lap. I ruin more pairs of trousers that way. LOL Best, Jerry
  21. Hello Brian... Please don't be amazed at my progress; I have nothing much to do all day so I spend a lot of time on the build. It's something that I enjoy a lot snd look forward to each day. Thank you very much for your compliment; I sincerely appreciate it. Please come back and visit again and have a terrific weekend. Best, Jerry
  22. Thanks for the look-see, Glenn. I'll be looking forward to see your latest posting. It's been fun to watch your progress. Have a great weekend. Jerry
  23. Hello Everyone. I have manged to get a little further along with my Half Moon and am really enjoying this build. I think I may be a little short on a couple of strip woods but I believe I may be able to substitute from my Victory leftovers. I have completed the vertical walls that run adjacent to all the decks, the deck planking of the main and forecastle decks and only have the beak, quarter and poop decks to go. I'm really excited about this ship as it is so easy to manage. I know I mentioned this before but the contrast in handling and maneuvering between the Half Moon and the Victory is huge. So for the weekend I have attached a few more photos including one that shows my method of "caulking" the deck planks. Best to all, Jerry
  24. Hey J, I used a water based varnish on the decks of Victory and the results were pretty good. As you suggested, I will experiment with a few different finishes and see what I can find. I might paint the handrails walnut but everhything else will be natural under a satin varnish. I also have a few boo boos where the gunwhales did not fit perfectly so my thoughts to fix that will probably be a walnut putty used very sparingly. Have great evening, J and thanks for your visit. Best, Jerry
  25. Hello David...I don't know where the stain idea came up but I believe you and Glenn are correct. My only thought is am I better off with a satin varnish or a satin ployurethane? Jerry
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