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Everything posted by Jerry

  1. Good evening everyone. Here's a little more progress in my build of the Half Moon. I still have some trimming and sanding to do but the presses were closing for the day so I figured I'd better post these photos. Have a great evening one and all. Best Jerry
  2. Hi Chris. Yep, I know you are also building the Half Moon as I have been to your site as you surely know. Interesting that in one of your posts you mentioned the thickness of the first planking strips. Thanks for the tip on the short soaking of the wood; I'll try it that way when I get to the planking. I still have a couple of more beams to shape and install and the rest of the smaller decks. I hope to do this later today. My biggest concern at this time has nothing to do with the Half Moon but rather with the HMS Victory as I'm still waiting for the display cover. Hopefully the fabricator will have for me in a couple of days as promised. Have a great evening. Best, Jerry
  3. Good morning, Lawrence. Many thanks for your visit and for your favorable comments. It was indeed a pleasure to visit with you on Skype yesterday; it was nice to see Bernie, too. I don't know why you think I'm moving quickly on this project as I believe I'm working much slower than in the past. However, either way it's still a great way to spend some time. I hope you guys do have an early spring as from what I've seen in the past, your winter can mean an awful lot of snow. I'm looking forward to your encasing Victory and displaying it. Hope you have a great day. Best, Jerry
  4. Good morning, David.... and many thanks for your visit and comments. Yes, I am lucky to have the ability to eavesdrop on a few excellent logs of the Half Moon. Don't forget Anja's contribution, a build log of substantial value. I'm taking nothing for granted with this project as what you say is true. This hull will not be covered with 1600 copper plates as the HMS Victory's hull, I imagine a neat planking job is a must and I am proceeding at a much slower pace than when building Victory. I probably will begin the aforementioned planking in a couple of days or so and am puzzled by the thickness of the strip wood used for the initial covering. Using strips 1.5mm thick is something new for me and my first thoughts are about flexibility. But as you say, others have used the same material with excellent results. I believe one plus in using strip wood this thick is its ability to take a push-pin without splitting. I'll be using my usual method of soaking the material for about 24 hours which usually helps bending it without breaking it. I'm in the process of shaping and adding the deck beams which I expect to finish today, along with the quarterdeck, poopdeck and forecastle. This should bring me to the initial hull planking. A few photos of my progress follows.
  5. Hello Glenn... Real nice job on the painting. You know, that's something I thought I'd hate but it turned out to be very enjoyable. Your build looks excellent and pretty soon you'll be doing some more deck planking. have a great evening.. Best, Jerry
  6. G'day S. Coleman.... and thank you for visiting my log. The material, so far, in this kit has been true and I have not noticed any warping. I haven't completely checked the stripping but so far, so good. Please continue to visit and offer any suggestions. Best, Jerry
  7. Good morning, Chris...I appreciate your suggestion with regard to supports between the bulkheads. There doesn't seem to be any "give" with these frames so I don't believe it will be necessary to do that. I hope you will continue to offer suggestions as time goes on. Best, Jerry
  8. Hello David. Your Caroline is really coming along nicely. I believe a good sanding will make a big difference in the finish of the hull. I also believe that Chris has a good idea with respect to varnishing the above waterline portion. Perhaps a a nice satin varnish, in fact. I have thought about possibly staining the hull and maybe even using a wax of some type but I'm not completely sold on this idea yet becuase from what i've read, waxing requires occassional touching up. The photos look very good and the wood quality doesn't look bad but I suppose the pictures hide a little. Your work on this ship seems to be moving quickly so I imagine the size of the ship makes things go quicker. Hope you have a great week. Best, Jerry
  9. Good morning everyone. Just a note to say thank you to Lawrence, Cecil, David and Dimitris. I appreciate your support and good wishes and look forward to our future communications as I progress with the build of the Half Moon. Hope everyone has a great day. Best, Jerry
  10. The boat looks very nice, Gil. I never noticed the mast supports. I guess you found that with research. I just took the easy way out and followed the kit. Hope your weekend is going well. Jerry
  11. Hi Chris... Man, you're quick. Hope you're doing okay. Best, Jerry
  12. Hello Everyone... It didn't take me as long as I expected to finish my HMS Victory by Jotika but I am blessed with a lot of time on my hands. I started her in February of 2013 and wrapped her up last month, November, 2014. Please see below.... http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/1951-hms-victory-by-jerry-jotika-scale-172-1805-version-wood/?hl=%2Bhms+%2Bvictory+%2Bjerry Although I am still waiting for the display case in which to place Victory, I have decided that sitting around watching television or playing on-line poker is just not fulfilling so I decided to start another kit. I was lucky to pick up Corel's Half Moon by being the winning bidder on EBay a week or so ago and after spending the last couple of evenings looking over the plans, instruction booklet, kit, etc., I began construction today. I feel very fortunate that others have written build logs on this site for I'm sure I'll need them badly for reference. Half Moon will be my third wooden boat build as I have also built the Cutty Sark about 15 years ago which I see every day sitting in her display case inside the entrance to our home. So here is the beginning of my new log and I hope it will be helpful to anyone that wants to use it. One good thing about pictures....they speak for themselves: Please place your mouse over the picture for a caption. Best, Jerry
  13. David...If all goes well, the case should be here and fitted before next Friday, Thanks for asking. Later, my friend. Jerrry
  14. Hello David.. I finally got around to see your new build and it looks excellent. It seems that it didn't take you long to get to where you are. I love the way your first planking looks and aren't you lucky that not too much filler is needed. I hope to watch your progress with this fine model and I know from past experience you will do very well. I just took the keel and frames (bulkheads) out of the box and have mounted the keel in the holder. "Half Moon" is quite small and that makes me very happy although I believe bending the strip planking on this hull may be more difficult than Victory was. We'll see....I'll be seeing you soon. Good luck, Jerry
  15. Hello Glenn. Glad to see you're back in business and feeling better. Your build is looking very nice as usual. I wanted to mention that unless you have other uses for a lathe, you might consider a drill press as I believe a drill press is a more versitile tool for making masts and yards. I'm sure you know that a lathe works well for specific wood projects but a drill press can be used for what it's intended for and also to turn the masts and yards. I used a drill press that I borrowed to make the masts and yards for Victory and I'm waiting for Santa to bring me my own for Christmas. I don't know if I've been more nice than naughty but i'm keeping my fingers crossed. Keep up your beautiful work.. Best, Jerry
  16. Good morning ladies and gentlemen... Here is the Union Jack finally flying correctly. Thank you to all you anglophiles who showed me the light and encouraged me to be proper. I wish one and all a happy day. Best Jerry
  17. Hello Fletch... Well you see, you and I are Yankees. We know how to positioin Old Glory the right way but the Union Jack??? Oh well, thank goodness there are plenty of Brits and Commonwealth builders hanging around. In any event it's good to know the right way and i will fix it today. Thanks for your visit and have a great day. Best, Jerry
  18. Good Morning, Kevin.. Much obliged for your remarks and thanks for seeing my site again. Hope you have a great day. Best, Jerry
  19. Hello John....I was hoping no one would notice that. (Just kidding)... Shipyard Sid, David, told me about that a while back and I had planned to make the correction. The display case is not due for another week or so and I will do the fix tomorrow. Thank you for pointing the flag mistake out to me. I sincerely appreciate your taking the time to call it out and to furnish the drawings. I hope you have a great day, Jerry
  20. Hello Gil... I just wanted to let you know that I applied a diluted coat of white glue after the first and second planking. This went along way to stiffen the planking so that when the bulkheads were removed the hull was very firm and easy to work with. Take care, Jerry
  21. I don't think you are having any problems, Gil...Looks real good so far. You are correct about the quality of the 0.5 x 3 mm wood strips. I soaked them also. The hardest bugger of them all is the little cutter. I woefully messed up on it but luckily i had an extra set of small boat parts which I purchased a couple of months ago so I was able to learn what not to do while breaking the first set of bulkheads; I did much better the second time. I look forward to seeing the rest of your work. Best, Jerry
  22. Hello J, My name is Jerry and I just had the pleasure of reviewing your log. I think you are doing a greatl job on Half Moon and although I use a different method, I love the way you attach your deadeyes. I just completed the HMS Victory and am planning to build the Corel Half Moon also. Please, if you get a chance, check my log, Link below. http://modelshipworl...+victory +jerry I was very lucky Sunday and was the winning bidder on Ebay for a Corel Half Moon kit. I was able to get it at a less than half the regular price.. I'm thinking that I may finish the hull bottom in walnut as i I have about 25 - one meter long 1mm x 5mm walnut strips left over from the Victory build. I sincerely apprerciate your hard work and hope to use your log as a reference as I build the HM. Hope you are enjoying a great day, Best, Jerry
  23. Hello Alex, My name is Jerry and I just had the pleasure of reviewing your log. I think you did a wonderful job on Half Moon and I love the way it's finished. I just completed the HMS Victory and am planning to build the Corel Half Moon too. Please, if you get a chance, check my log, Link below. http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/1951-hms-victory-by-jerry-jotika-scale-172-1805-version-wood/?hl=%2Bhms+%2Bvictory+%2Bjerry I was very lucky yesterday and was the winning bidder on Ebay for the Corel kit. I was able to get it at a less than half the regular price.. I have about 25 one meter long 1mm x 5mm walnut strips left over from the Victory build which I plan to use on the HM lower hull. I sincerely apprerciate your terrific work and hope to enjoy using it as a reference as I build the HM. Hope you are enjoying a great day, Best, Jerry
  24. Hello Chris... Thankyou for the quick response. I hope you will be bulding again soon. Jerry
  25. Hello Chris.. Just read your log and appreciate your innitiative. I guess I'm not as adventurous as you and plan to build the Half Moon conventionally. I was lucky to pick up a kit on Ebay yesterday for a ridiculous low price so I may make that my next build. I just finished the Jotika kit, HMS Victory and so I'm planning my next build. I notice it's been some time since your last posting so I hope you haven't given up. Have a great day. Best, Jerry http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/1951-hms-victory-by-jerry-jotika-scale-172-1805-version-wood/?hl=%2Bhms+%2Bvictory+%2BjerryJerry
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