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Everything posted by Jerry

  1. Thanks, J..Have a nice day. Chris..I appreciate the information and will try that. Best, Jerry
  2. Hello J... Thanks for the quick reply. I understand what you did but i believe i was referring to the planking above the little bow (Beak) deck, I have already worked that area and what i did was to soak the wood until I could knead it like dough until it bent into the shape i wanted. It seemed to work out very well. Here's a couple of pictures showing what I mean. Have a great evening. Best, Jerry
  3. Glenn..Pegasus is a nice model. But I like to build one at a time. Go for it. Jerry
  4. Okay. I'm over here now on your site. Your build looks neat and very tidy from here but I expected that. By the way, thanls for visiting my Half Moon site. Best, Jerry
  5. Hello Glenn. Yeah, David thinks the same thing regarding the pins. I thought it would be more attractive if I used different colored pins rather than all the same. I'm anxious to see what's happening with your Victory so get going man and stop goofing off. hope you have a fruitful Christmas and Santa leaves a rectangular box under your tree. Best Jerry
  6. Hello J.. Thanks for the visit. Nope, she can get her own tools. LOL...Well, maybe we'll share them. I'm trying to figure out how to attach a plank at the bow where there's nothing to secure it to except for a plank below it. I appreciate your good words; they encourage me so please keep them coming. Best, Jerry
  7. Hello David, I'm happy you came to see me. There's not too much action on this site yet as there was on the Victory site. But once in a while I do hear from someone with usually nice things to say. I agree, the colored(please noticve ethe correct way to spell colored) cannons are way out of line but fortunately they are temporary and will be coming down pretty soon. However, a bunch of other ones will soon be seen. I have done absolutely notthing today as I have been enjoying a very leisurely morning witha special breakfast prepared by the Admiral who is on holiday break. I don't know if I'm lucky or not, bur she has decided that she wants to build a model when she's off from school this summer. Oh my! What to do? Best, Jerry
  8. Good morning everyone... I'm about start heading north with the hull planking. Not too much has been done since my last posting but the pictures attached today represent where I'm at. Some of the strips will have to be carefully glued to each other as there is very little frame surface left in some cases. But those pictures will follow at another time. So here's where I'm at today:
  9. Good evening, J....Thanks for your visit to my log and for your much appreciated words. I know you must be very excited and happy being in the home stretch with repsect to finishing your Half Moon. As you may know i just wrapped up my HMS Victory build just in time for Christmas and the feeling is very good. I'm using your log for reference and am very thankful that you have posted your work. I have run into a few puzzles but so far I've been able to solve them. it's a lot of fun working on a small model as opposed to a very large one as the Victory. One minor problem I have is reading the very small type that the construction manual is printed in. My eyes are 82 years old and not as good as they once were. Please keep in touch and I hope you have a very Merry Christmas. Best, Jerry
  10. Hi Lawrence. It was real good to hear from you and I can assure you my Victory feels no jealousy as no sound can reach the inside of the case so nothing can be heard about Half Moon. And please rest assured that when it comes to modelling, no one can put you to shame. Please keep me posted as to your progress on the scratch build. My best to Bernie.. Best, Jerry
  11. Hello Glenn.. I'm sure the pointy end is very relaxed; it's difficult to be amputated constantly. I look forward to following your progress with Victory and to its beautiful completion. Best, Jerry
  12. Good evening, Rich and many thanks for your visit a well felt compliment. I'm truly sorry about the reflections but I think a solution to this is very expensive. Take care and wake up to a glorious Sunday. Best, Jerry
  13. Hello again, David.... Yes, I do expect to add lighting in some way to the display. This looks to be a major operation as in the ceiling directly above the display case is a soffet with a/c ductwork inside. I hope to call in a lighting person to figure out a solution. Next Christmas? No way, I hope to have Half Moon encased by the summer. Have a good sleep. Best, Jerry Jerry
  14. And a G'day to you too, John, and many thanks for your visit and comforting words. My nerves have begun to settle down and that's a good thing considering I have to now build the Half Moon. One of these days I'll get the guts that you have and try my hands at a scratch build. I suppose that's the sign of the true modeller. Have a terrific day. Best, Jerry
  15. Hello Everyone.. Well it has finally happened; the display case arrived and after breaking the "pointy thing" * 3 more times, Victory is safely sitting in its final resting place, the display case. When the case was delivered, I anxiously watched as the delivery people placed the cover on the table. To say I was nervous is definitely an understatement. And sure enough as I "carefully" carried Victory toward the rear opening in the case, I hit the edge of the cover and cracked the last segment of the bowsprit. So, I said goodbye to the delivery people, and carried the model back to my shop/office to make repairs of the bowsprit. About an hour later everything seemed back to normal and once again I picked up the ship and as I was leaving my office, I hit a door jamb and BAM!, off went the same piece of bowsprit. So back to the office to assess and repair the damage once more. This time the repair was much more involved. I had to remove 6 stays from the bowsprit, sever it completely, clean off previous glue and other gunk, repaint, replace and retie the stays. This took about three hours. It was now time, once more, to carry the model back to the room where the case is. With both mine and my Admiral's fingers crossed, I managed to successfully reach the case and as I started to place Victory into the case I hit the edge of the case and...you guessed it...knocked the "pointy thing" askew. The repair was very easy this time, just a matter of a little CV cement and a few seconds of holding the tip in place. All was well again and the model made it into the case without any more trouble I truly believe that I was more nervous at this time than at any other time during the building stage but all is well and good and here some photos of the case and the ship inside. Living in Florida, the land of sunshine, it was impossible to get a picture of the display case without the relections seen. I'm sorry about that. I have started a new build, Corel's Half Moon, and its progress can be seen on my new log, http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/9065-half-moon-by-jerry-corel-scale-150/?hl=%2Bhalf+%2Bmoon+%2Bcorel+%2Bjerry * @Copyright by Shipyard Sid 2014
  16. Good morning, Matt. Many thanks for your visit to my log site and for your kind remarks.. I'm not familiar with the HMS Bounty Launch but I'll bet it's a good primer for the Half Moon. So far I'm enjoying this build especially its size. Having just completed the HMS Victory it's a pleasure to be able to pick up this project and easily carry it around. Please let me know if there is any way I can help you when you begin the Half Moon. I hope you have a great weekend Best, Jerry
  17. Hello David.. Well it feels like Deja Vu all over again. I think I must have drank something after my admiral slipped a mickey in it. She wanted a galleon type ship and I wanted to take a long break. She won! So it's planking time again. At least with this kit you can carry it around at this stage of the game. The frame for my display case for Victory is finally here and I'll be attaching it to the table this evening in preparation for the case itself which will be here tomorrow. So Victory will finally say goodbye to dust, bugs, little fingers, etc., tomorrow, I'll post some pictures on my Victory log site. Have a great night. Best, Jerry
  18. Hello Everyone.. The first two rows of planking strips have been glued to the frame. Some people probably won't agree with my method of soaking the wooden strips but I have never had a problem with the way I do it. I actually leave he strips in a bottle of water until I'm ready to apply one. The wood has never deteriorated and is very easy to bend. So, my next endeavor will be to prepare the gunport blocks and glue them into place. Happy evening to everyone. Best, Jerry
  19. Hello Glenn.. Yep, I agree with David; I think he has a terrific idea with the fire buckets. Of course you could get fancy and put the ship's logo on each one. I didn't. Best, Jerry
  20. Hello Glenn.. I appreciate your visit to my new site. This smaller kit seems to have some advantages like being easier to move around. I'm ready to begint he first planking which looks a bit harder than with the Victory due to a blunter bow. Also, never having worked with 1.5 mm thick strips, anything can happen. I've been to your log and you are making wonderfully neat progress. It won't be too long and you'll be pondering the rigging. Take care, Glenn Best, Jerry
  21. Hello David, The primary planking uses strips of soft tanganika wood 1.5 mils thick. I have soaked them in water for a few hours and have had no problem bending them around the tighter curve. The fact that they are 1.5 mm thick makes them hold a nail or pin easier. Thanks for asking and take care, Jerry
  22. Here's the reshaped beak platform ready for planking. Jerry
  23. Hello David.. Thanks so much for dropping in to say hello. I'm happy that you have everything under control with your new build and figured out the build-up problem. I really don't see the same problem with Half Moon as there's a lot keel available beforee the planking. I do see a problem when it comes to planking the bow area, especially below and above the Beak platform deck. (part 23 in this kit) If I were to run the plank over the filler and to the keel it will fall below the platform and not along the platform's edge. I have included a couple of photos to illustrate what I mean. Upon checking the build of others, I believe that they trimmed back the edge of the platform to bring it even with the top of the filler blocks. This will allow the planking to be stacked flush with each other. I know this is confusing but I hope you understand what I mean. Talk to you soon. Best, Jerry
  24. Hello Gil.. Yep, I'm on my way with the Half Moon. I was very fortunate to be the winning bidder for the kit on Ebay, so the cost of the kit was less than half the regular selling price. This build is a real challange since there are no copper plates to hide my imperfect hull planking. Working with a much smaller model feels good though, with much easier handling than Victory; speaking of which, I'm still waiting for the display cover. It is now promised for delivery this Friday. You can be assured that once Victory is encased I'll be posting pictures on my build site. I hope you and your family enjoy a very merry Christmas and a happy and healthful New Year. Best, Jerry
  25. Hi Chris...You must be something special...I could never build 2 boats at the same time. Well, I'm almost ready to begin the first planking but i still have a little more sanding to do. hope you're having a good day. Best, Jerry
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