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Everything posted by Jerry

  1. Hi Lawrence.Yeah, you ARE pushing me! J/K...I did give thought to building the last two boats but I decided that I didn't want to clutter the display case because I'm seriously thinking of building a cross swection of Victory that I may squeeze into the case some day. If so, there'll be no room for the pinnacle and the cutter. Anyway, as long as you like my launch here's where I'm at tonight (see pictures)..Take care old friend, Jerry
  2. Hello David.. Thanks for the visit. After the Launch, I plan to build the barge and that's it. The launch to hang on the starboard side and the barge on the port side. I don't want to hide anything in the waist of the ship so it's going to be just the two. Besides, I'm getting real lazy now. Take care, Jerry
  3. Hello Gil... I haven't had a chance to welcome you back since i've had several life (and death) incidents the past few weeks. All is well and back to normal now. I am in the middle of constructing the ship's boats also but wanted to reach you to say thank you once more for the amazing photos and help you have offered to all of us. Good to see you back again. Jerry
  4. Hi Lawrence. Leave it to you to make things right. I'm sure fixing your davits wasn't easy but it will addto the beauty of your build. I'm enjoying working on the little boats and expect to have the launch fiished in the next day or two. Here's a picture showing where I'm at. The next step are the gunnels. Have a great weekend and don't forget to say high to Bernie. Best to you, Jerry
  5. Good day, Glenn. Thanks for your visit. I notice that you are doing very well with your build; keep up the great work. Jerry
  6. Hello Kevin. Nice to hear from you and many thanks for your well appreciated comments. Yes, it's good to get over some of life's tribulations and to be back doing what I love. I figure about another month or so and I'll be ready to display my Victory. Building the ship's boats turns out to be fairly difficult but the end result is worth it. Have a great weekend. Best, Jerry
  7. Hello Phillipe.. I have searched all my references, including Longridge's book, and can only find what is on my kit's plans. I have attached two drawings showing the assembly of the ship's wheel and the Binnacle. I hope this will help you as it is all I have from my kit. Kind regards Jerry
  8. Hello Everyone. Well I'm back in the shipyard after nearly a week of travelling from coast to coast attending my Granddaughter's wedding and unfortunately, my Admiral's mother funeral. It was no fun having the highs and lows so close together, But it's over and I'm back and have begun to work on the Launch again. The second planking has been finished, the ribs and thwart risers have been installed and the outside of the hull has been woodfilled, sanded and ready for finishing. There a several more things to do before finishing but here are some photos as the launch stands now. I hope to have it finished in a day or two.
  9. Hello Everyone... Just a quick note that I have made a little progress on the ship's boats. I have finished the first planking of the Launch and have washed it down with diluted Elmers cement. It has been sanded and is ready for the second planking. To be continued when I return from my trip to California and New York State. Some photos attached. Best to everyone, Jerry
  10. Hello Phillipe.. Thank you for visiting my log and especially for your very complimentary words. Yes, I do have the instructions and the plans for building the ship's wheel and the Binnacle. If you are building the kit, the insructions are in the Hull Construction manual, page 27, 3rd and 4th paragraph. The plans for both are on Plan sheet 4. Please let me know what your status is. If you are not building the kit I will do my best to get you the information. Have a happy day, Jerry
  11. Looks real good to me, Glenn..Just one thing, do you have heat in the basement? I hope so. Regards, Jerry
  12. Welcome home Max...The picture is so inviting and I'm glad that you had wonderful weather. So now I'm anxious to watch your progress in your shipyard as you work on your Caroline. I am in the process of gathering the components for displaying my build, a table and an acrylic display case, as I have little more to do to finish my HMS Victory. I invite you to visit my web site when you can. In the meantime i hope you have very good luck with your build. Best, http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/1951-hms-victory-by-jerry-jotika-scale-172-1805-version-wood/?hl=%2Bhms+%2Bvictory+%2BjerryJerry
  13. Hi Lawrence. Happy that you guys made it home safely. I hope you had a wonderful trip and enjoyed your holiday to the upmost. I'm most anxious to hear all about it. Many thanks for your compliments regarding Victory; coming from a wonderful builder as yourself, I take it very kindly. I'm still waiting for the parts from Jotika for the ship's boats which will be my next endeavor. I have begun getting quotes on the display case and table. You won't believe how much a case the size I need in acrylic cost. Mininum $750 plus tax. And then of course there's the table, at least another 600 to $1000. But Victory will be worth it. I have decided to stand Victory on a custom cradle I'll design and build which will sit on a mounting board on top of the table. I plan to lay strips, either of acrylic or wood, on top of the table on which the display case will fit over. The strips are to hold the case in place. Have a wonderful weekend and my best to Bernie. I'm sure I'll see you guys on skype real soon. Best, Jerry
  14. Looks like you're moving again. Nice work on the gunport lining. Best, Jerry
  15. Hi Max, You don't know me. I am a good friend of David's (Shipyard Sid) and am in the final few weeks of completing my HMS Victory. I have been checking your site so that I can watch your expert progress and David's too. I want to wish you a very happy sojurn in the Alps and good luck in finishing your beautiful build. Jerry
  16. Good afternoon everyone Today is the day that I mounted the ship's lanterns and now I can go no further until certain parts arrive from Jotika. They were shipped a day or so ago so it'll be touch-ups, fixes and worrying about a display case and mountings until the parts get here. The parts are for the ship's boats so I'm stuck until then. I also have to figure out a way to stand the ship in the display since I failed to drill holes in the bottom of the keel for mounting. I don't want to use a cradle as it distracts from the ship so I have to work on some method...... Any suggestons will be greatly appreciated...... My first and only other build, the Cutty Sark, has been sitting in an acrylic case for abou 15 years now and there is no trace of dust (I did wax all the lines) and no discloration in the acrylic. I have more or less decided on another acrylic case but this time I'm going to stand it on a low wooden table instead of an acrylic bench like Cutty Sark. So until the parts arrive for building the boats I plan to spend my time thinking about mountings and display cases. Here are a couple of pictures of the ship's lanterns. I achieved the yellow candle burning look by lining the inside of the lanterns with yellow plastic, an idea that Lawrence suggested. He also was very kind to send me the plastic. Have a great evening everyone and take care, Jerry
  17. Hello Glenn. Nice work; the caulking looks real. Good job. Take care, Jerry
  18. Hello David... I was sitting in my dry dock ready to close up when your email came. I like that keel clamp very much and I don't believe you'll need to change it if you set the clamps close to each end of the horizontal bar. One of my many mistakes is that I failed to drill the keel for mounting so I guess I'm going to have to rely on clamping. Your little boats look excellent and I hope mine will look as good. Nothing much more to say except it seems like the glazing (arylic?) seems cursed. I thought you were using glass and it was shattered during the first delivery. Cutty Sark has been sitting in its acrylic case for about 15 years now. No dust and not a drop of discoloring in the acrylic. Thought you'd like to know that. Have a great evening, Jerry
  19. Good afternoon everyone... I'm happy to say that the coils (and loops) have been completed. As many of you now when building this model it's difficult not to beak something off during construction. The "pointy things", as Shipyard Sid calls them, probably have seen breakoffs and replacements a dozen times at least. Since it now seemed to be safe, I finally mounted the ensign staff which,according to the construction manual, should have been attached a long time ago. I didn't do it then because it is just another "pointy thing" beckoning to be broken. I still have the lanterns to attach to the stern and foremast which will be the next step as I wait for the ship's boat parts to arrive from Jotika. Here a couple more photos which, with the rest previoius posted, should show all the coils includong the little one at the bottom of the mainmast---often missed.
  20. Hello Everyone. Just to prove I'm still working here some pictures of some more coils. We're getting there. Have a good night and take care, Jerry
  21. Hey Derek, summer's over. Get your ar se in gear and get going; I need to see some work coming out of Basingstoke. Your garden is getting ready for harvesting and turning the dirt over. It's Victory building time again. Jerry
  22. Hello Gil.. Hope your cruise was enjoyable and that everyone is feeling well. I look forward to your future post, especially the photos of the coils as I am working in that area now. Welcome back to our wonderful web site. Jerry
  23. Hi Lawrence. Yeah, too bad. But as you always point out, that's part of building ship models. Live and learn. Did you guys fish out the lake up there yet? Best, Jerry
  24. Hello david.. yes, indeed. It's the correct circumstances. Have a nice day, Jerry
  25. Hello Max, When you checked in on my log you made me curious about what you were building. I'm happy that I looked at your log because I think you are doing a beautiful job on the Caroline. I'm sure that a friend of mine, Shipyard Sid, who has just finished building the HMS Victory will be interested in your log, also, since he just purchased the Caroline kit. Keep up the great work. Best, Jerry
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