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Everything posted by Jerry

  1. Good afternoon, David. I believe I sent you an article on display cases before, but at the risk of being pushy, here it is again hoping it's the article you are referring to. Have a nice afternoon and take care, Jerry http://www.modelshipcases.com/?gclid=CMWTt5Dh3b0CFUpnOgod_UMAjw
  2. Hello David.. I don't know about Admiral Nelson but I know that I'm proud of you and I'll bet all the rest of the others on this site are too. I have been asking you about the ship's boats and whether or not you intend to attach them all to the Victory or what? I know you have a couple of davits but there are 4 boats I believe. And have you decided on a case yet? If I ever get finished with my model I have decided to display it lower than I have displayed the Cutty Sark so one can see down into the hull. Just thinking out loud. Take care.. Jerry
  3. Hello Woody. It's nice to hear from you again. I'll be gone for almost a month so progress will be at a standstill for a while. I finished rigging the top gallant yard on the main mast today and hope to start on the mizzen mast yards tomorrow. I'm enjoying watching the boat take shape and am really looking forward to the rest of the rigging. I have a couple of droopy yards but that will be corrected when I install the lifts. Take care and enjoy the Memorial weekend. Jerry
  4. Hey Nick..Where you been? Good to hear from you.Yes, it's beginning to look like a boat. LOL...I'll be going on holiday soon so there's going to be a lull for about a month. Take care and thanks for the visit. Jerry
  5. Hello David. Nice to hear from you... I'm looking forward to the day when I can sit alongside my Victory, turning it slowly in its turntable and just be looking for fine tuning and touch ups... What about the ship's boats? Are you planning to build all of them? I like the idea of davits as there's no way I'm going to cover up the hole in the middle of the deck with boats. I think I'll hang a couple of the boats on the davits and place the others alongside the ship in the display case. But there's so much more to do before worrying about that. Hope you are feeling well these days. Talk to you soon.. Jerry
  6. Hello Azzoun and many thanks for your visit to my log. Actually I began this build in late February 2013. But I won't argue about a few months. Come back soon and share some thoughts with me. best regards, Jerry.
  7. Good evening everyone...A little update from the dry dock. Another yard is finished and rigged in place. I am now ready to begin forming the Main topgallant Yard which, when done, will complete the yarding of the main mast. A few pictures to mark my progress follow. I hope all is well with everyone. Jerry
  8. Good morning, Woody... Welcome to the "group." If you are as lucky as I've been, you're about to make some wonderful friendships. The best thing about this site are the people who will always come to your aid and comfort you when you make a boo boo. And believe me you will make some errors. But on the bright side, the proghress you make will be well worth the effort. Thank you very much for your comments which are much appreciated. I am still making slow progress as I'm preparing to hang the main top yard today . I have chosen to build each yard one at a time in order to slow down the process to limit mistakes and to ease any boredom possible from the much repetition. Please don't ever hesitate to ask a question when necessary as I, along with many others here, will be happy to answer you. Are you planning to create a log? Whatever you do, I wish you the best in building the Victory. Take care, Jerry
  9. Good morning, Glenn.. Nice to see your progress. English gardens are usually so nice this time of the year so I can't blame you for spending some time enjoying it. I remember the lush strawberries that I harvested from the garden where we stayed for some time in Hertford (Hertfordshire) . My wife and i spent two summers there and it was just ideal. I'm looking forward to your coppering as that is a major milestone in your building the Victory. Keep up the neat job. Best regards, Jerry
  10. Hello everyone. It's Sunday evening and I realized that I have a some pictures of the latest progress from the dry dock. Unfortunately, I ran into a physical problem like friend Lawrence so I couldn't get any work done over this weekend. I developed a good case of a stiff neck and for the past 2 or 3 nights I haven't been able to get much sleep so I felt it best to give the build a rest. That's what one gets from sitting low and working high. (High as in height, LOL) I guess looking up for some time caused this pain I have in my neck so it's a rest for the build and one for me too. But since the last post I have finished mounting the Main Yard in place complete with sling, truss pendants and Jeers. Hopefully I'll feel better soon and can get into the dry dock again. I hope these pics make sense.... and for captions don't forget to run your mouse over the photo.. Best to all. Jerry
  11. Hello Glenn... Nice to see you back in the dry dock. Must be nice to be able to take a long break from ship building; I need one myself. I'll be anxious to see you get going on the coppering, one job i actually enjoyed. But that was a long time ago and now I'm tweezering away on the rigging. I wish you continued success. Jerry
  12. Thank you for your visit to my log Curly and for your nice compliment. I would love teo give you a ride on my boat but it won't be finished for a long time. In the meanwhile visit my site again soon. Uncle jerry
  13. Looks good to me, David...So, what about the display case? Have you made plans yet? . The more I see how big this ship is the more I shudder what a decent display case will cost But, all kiddidng aside, if I get to that point, it'll be worth it. LOL.. Jerry.
  14. Thanks for the visit, Nirvana...I suppose that you mean you plan to use a drill press in shaping the masts, yards and booms. If so, you'll find it's a great way to go. Let me know if you have any questions as to the process. take care, Jerry
  15. It is complicated, Glenn, and I have benn spending lots of time studying plans, Longridge, etc. to try and understand some of this rigging. David (Shipyard Sid) has also been very good to me with lots of useful advice. But I'm moving along and getting a little done each day. I have to turn the dowels into the mainmast yards next so that will be tomorow's job. Thanks for your good words and keep up your good work, too. regards, Jerry
  16. Hello everyone.. Here's an interim report on progress from the drydock....I'm happy to say that the Foremast yards are tied in place, a bit askew, but that will be easily corrected as soon as the yard lifts are rigged. It's been a wee bit tricky rigging some of these yards as access to some of the 3mm blocks was difficult. Again, the bead threader saved my behind. Here are a few more photos and I apologize for some lack of clarity on one or two. I hope everyone is enjoying the weekend. Best, Jerry
  17. And that's why I wondered who will take the time to do so. Jerry
  18. Glenn..You're talking about 20 or 30 pictures in some cases; I wonder if anyone will take the time to make the fix? Jerry
  19. Good morning, Glenn...0630 here....Yes, I noticed several pics missing in Gil's and David's log and I have mentioned it to David. He didn't know the reason but said he knew about it. I suppose the only way to get an answer is to write to the administrator, which I have not. Nice progress on your model.. aand have a great day. Jerry
  20. Hello Rich..I just had a chance to review your log and can tell immediately you will build a very fine ship. I am happy to see another builder of the HMS Victory and will enjoy my deja vu. Keep up the great work.. Jerry
  21. Hello Rich and thank you for stopping at my log. It's so nice to meet someone new and to receive a compliment. I hope you do well with your build and anything i may do to help is in the offering. Please keep in touch. Thanks again and have a great evening. Jerry
  22. Hello David and many thanks for your nice and encouraging words. I meant what I said about the help you give me. I hope it'll always be available.. Hope you had a good night's sleep. jerry
  23. Hi Lawrence. Much obliged for your taking the time to talk about my build. Who says I'm having funanf getting joy? Are you kidding me? Ha Ha...I'm kidding you..I am having fun and especially because i have met such nice people on this site, like you, who have made the ship model building a real pleasure. Thanks for being my friend...Jerry
  24. Hera are some additional photos to go with the proceeding ones. I hope they are helpful. Jerry
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