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Everything posted by Jerry

  1. Thanks for the good wishes, Woody...They say the keel of a ship is the sturdiest part and I guess the same goes for the human body. So my keel is mending but its repair speed has my patience disarrayed.Hopefully it won't be too much longer before I can get back to work. Take care, Jerry
  2. Hello Everyone and Hello David and thank you for your well written note.. Well, I'm on my own again. The staples were removed yesterday evening and my back no longer looks like it has a long zipper running from my neck to my ar se. The doctor told me that 90% recovery will take about 6 months. Now it's up to the "glue" to dry completely.(Just kidding) Of course the 4 screws and 2 pins in a couple of the "bulkheads" should hold things in place to ensure a strong setting and Valium and Percoset make a good cocktail to help one understand Jotika's manual and plans. It's also a good drink to take before the therapist comes for my "workout." I tried sitting at the boat to contemplate doing some work but it's still to uncomfortable. So I'm afraid I'm still a week or so away from dry dock activity. Again, thanks for all your good wishes; it's good to know I have so many friends on this web site. Best, Jerry
  3. Welcome back to the old grind. Hope you 've had a wonderful holiday and learned a lot from your visit to BIG Victory. Good luck with your cannon carraiges and remember it's like counting sheep. So far your work looks authentic. Take care.. Jerry
  4. Mort and Glenn... Thank you both for taking the time to wish me well. I sincerely appreciate your thoughts which just make feel even better to be a member of Model Ship World. Hope to see you all soon.. Jerry
  5. Thanks, Rich... I appreciate your compliment of the photos and especially your good wishes regsrding my recovery. Take care of yourself and of Victory as I hope to get to Portsmouth to see he for myself. One of these days.. Jerry
  6. Hello lawrence... Many thanks for the good wishes. I;ll be back working before you know it. Take good care of yourself and Bernie. Jerry
  7. Hey Derek... How's the garden coming along? Hope to hear from you soon Best, Jerry
  8. Much obliged, David...Glad you liked the card. I should be able to be back from the hospital Wed or Thur of next week. I'm sure going to miss working on Victory. Enjoy your BIG day my friend. Jerry
  9. I thank you, John for the time you took to wish me well. Hope all is OK down under. Jerry
  10. To Kevin and Woody... Thank you very much for your thoughts and good wishes. I ewxpect to be like new in a few weeks. Ciao.. Jerry
  11. Hello Lawremce. I sincerely appreciate your very warm remarks about my model and, of course,my health. it's better than good to have a friend like you and the others on this wonderful site who have befriended me. Yes, it looks like I'm in the home stretch regarding my Victory. i estimate that normally I would probably finish the build in about another 3 months, BUT... I learned today that I'll be operated on Monday for my back problems and hopefully in a couple of weeks from now I'll be better off without the pain I have been living with for the past several years. So, please bear with me and my silent log as I will hopefully be back in business in a couple of weeks or so. With respec to Victory,I have completed all the braces and the driver gaff as well. I'm enjoying working on Victory so much that I completely forget the pain that is constantly with me. I will be anxiously awaiting my reccovery so I can get back tp the hobby I love so much. Again, thank you so much for your much appreciated remarks and my best to Bernadette, the admiral of your fleet. Jerry...
  12. Thanks for the look-see, David. I'm watching out for the PM. Hope it's a good one. I imagine you have plans for your birthday since it's a milestone. Good to hear from you, Jerry
  13. Hey Kevin, Thw weekend will be here before you now it. Don't wish your life away. LOL. Have a good one. Jerry
  14. Hello everyone... Thanks to everyone who wrote me about my health issues. I sincerely appreciate all your comments and am so happy to know that I have made some wonderful friends over the past year and a half on this wonderful site. I have finished all the braces except for the mizzen top and topgallant yards which will be my next step. I hope to make the driver boom and driver gaff today so that I can ship them and install the final two braces which are attached to them. In the meanwhile here are some more photos of my progress.
  15. Nice going, David. The ship really looks impressive with the final touches you're adding. It won't be long now, I guess, before you'll be shipping your Victory off to the large bedroom. I'm really anxious to see what you come up with for a display case. I believe you're planning one with a wooden base which will be perfect for such a beautiful ship, Since I have an all acylic display case for my Cutty Sark my admiral and I are considering the same type for my Victory. Well, it'll be quite sometime before I will have to worry about it. best of luck, Jerry
  16. Hello Everyone.. I'm trying to get some more work done in the dry dock today as it's touch and go as to whether or not I'm going to require surgery on my back. I'll probably know the answer to this no later than Tuesday. If so, I guess it'll be a while before I can sit up and return to working on my Victory. In any event here are some photos of where I know stand as I am working on the fore mast yard braces and am about to begin the Fore Topgallant yard braces. Remember to put your mouse over the photo to get the caption. Many Thanks for putting up with my problems.. Best regards, Jerry...
  17. Hello Kevin.. I'm happy to see your log again and to marvel as to how nice the new layards look. The hull looks beautiful and the paint job stands out. Good to see you back. Jerry
  18. Hi David... Sorry, I spilled the beans to Lawrence about your birthday and picture of you and Victory. Maybe I should kept my mouth shut and let you make the announcement first. But I agree with lawrenece...Post the picture; it's a very nice one. Jerry
  19. Hope you have a wonderful holiday. Give Victory a kiss for me. Jerry
  20. Hello Rafterrat........ Sounds like you really had a tought time of it. Thanks for sharing your woes with me. I have a very good idea that it's a problem with L4 as I have been taking epidural injections regarding this and a couple other dics for the past 12 years. At last count, I had my 32 injecdtion in June. I'm able to wotk on my model but can't stand for long. But I'm managing. I suppose at my age there's probably an arthritis situation to go along with everything else. I appreciate your visit and hope to hear from you again. Best regards, Jerry
  21. Hi Kevin.. Good to hear from you again...Thanks for the compliment and encouraging words. I'll know a lot more tomorrow evening after seeing another doctor. I hope it can be handled without surgery as the very word scares me. Please stay in touch. Jerry
  22. Good morning, Woody. Thank you for dropping in to say hello. I wonder if you own a drill press? I found it much easier to make the masts and yards using a drill press rather than a lathe. I used a lathe when I built Cutty Sark and found it worked well but I felt as if I had more control when using the drill press. Maybe others feel differently. Let me now how you do. Back pain can be very debilitating as you know. I hope my visit to my "pain" doctor tomorrow will alleviate the situation. Please stay in touch. Jerry
  23. Good to hear from you, John. I believe that half the passengers on the Holland American Nieuw Amsterdam were from Australia. We did meet and eat with several Australians from Adelaide and are beginning to master Australian English. We truly enjoyed our time with the "down under" folks and especially enjoyed taking their money at theTexas Hold 'em poker table. So now it's back to my Victory to do as much as I can before overtaken by pain. Oh well, I do have some mighty strong pain pills. Take care, Jerry
  24. Hello Rich.. Many thanks for your visit to my log and for your much appreciated nice feelings. Hopefully I'll be able to get ship-shape again without surgery. Time will tell. In the meantime I'm puttering along and ignoring the back. Take care, Jerry
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