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Everything posted by Jerry

  1. Good Morning, David.. Your ship is beautiful. Please don't post any more pictures! You're frightening me. Now that the kidding is over let me say that it's no wonder that a well completed HMS Victory like yours will be soon, can be cherished for many, many years. It amazes me how you, Gil and others can do such beautiful work in such miniature conditions. I hope I can follow, but at this stage I can't even figure out which blocks go on the masts. But this is about your build, not mine. I love watchng your progress and how you managed to handle the little setbacks you've expressed on this site from time to time. Thanks for being a good teacher and for setting a good example. Take care. Jerry
  2. Hello Everyone... Well, it's Saturday and it looks like a lot of us have posted progress to date. Happily, the seizing, serving machine has arrived from Ships Ahoy and it looks like i won't be able to put off the rigging any longer. I need to allign the masts on the bench, attach all remaining blocks, etc. and stop procrastinating. So hopefully, I will begin seizing the shrouds this week. In the meantime, I have managed to complete some odds and end like the anchors and now the ship's lanterns, photos attached. I'd like to give a special shout out to Lawrence for his kindness and thoughfulness in mailing me some yellow plastic which gives the lanterns the candle glow. So many thanks, Lawrence, you are one special person. So if all goes well and I can get to work on alligning and gluing the masts together, and then, it's rigging for me. Take care everyone, Jerry
  3. Hello Glenn.. You're definitely on your way.. The second planking is going to be a lark compared to the first. You now have a neat base to apply the second planking strips and before you know it you'll be counting copper plates. You seem to be working quickly considering the time schedule you mentioned. It's hard to keep out of the shipyard once you see the results taking place. I'll be looking for additional progress as I'm interested to watch you do what many of us have already done. Good luck, Jerry
  4. Hello Glenn. Congratulations on getting your first planking done; it looks great. Have you decided what you are going to do in order to not have any pin holes in the upper second planking? I for one didn't use any pins but did the entire upper second planking with CA cement and did not have any problems. I did use pins where the planking was destined to be covered with copper. Keep it up; you have come along beautifully. Best, Jerry
  5. Good morning, Lawrence. You need to move to Florida. I can't believe how much snow you've had this year. Every time we hear from you, you're freezing up there and blowing snow. It's cool here this morning...71F....However, there is one good thing about all that cold weather.....gives you the incentive to stay indoors and work on your build. Thanks so much for your compliment on the anchors. I used a paint primer before the black and it gave the metal a very nice texture. So now it's more thinking about the shrouds and their construction process. Talk to you later Lawrence..Have a fabulous day, Jerry
  6. Hello Glenn.. Many thanks for stopping by my site and especially for your compliment. I expect the seizing machine to arrive within the next day or two and and hope to get started soon after. I'm still trying to decide whether or not to permanently place all the masts or just place the lower masts before beginning the shrouds. I've had mixed opinions. But until I begin the shrouds there are still some odds and ends to take care of. I think I'll make the laterns to keep me busy as I haven't touched them yet. We'll see... Have a great day and again thanks for your visit. Jerry
  7. While waiting for the serving machine to arrive I'm catching up on odds and ends in order to keep busy. Yesterday and today the project was to build the anchors. It's anchors aweigh as they are done and it'll be on to something else so as not to waste any time. Have nice day everyone...Jerry
  8. Hello Gil...I hope you don't mind this question as it may interrupt the flow of your log. I am about to start the rigging on my Victory and am trying to decide something; perhaps you can let me know what you think. I feel it may be less time consuming to attach the shrouds to the lower masts by forming the loops first and sliding them over the lower masts rather than threading them around the masts. In order to do this, the top masts can't be attached to the lower masts until this process is finished. While this method seems advantageous, I do see some disadvantages. For one, the full mast won't be plumbed until after the lower masts are shrouded. Also the various pendants won't be in place before the shrouds are begun. Simply put, although I believe you had all your masts fitted before your shrouds were done, do you think there is enough advantage to do this step before attaching the top masts? I hope I haven't confused you. Many thanks in advance and for all your wonderful photos and work. Jerry
  9. You may not be merrily rolling along...but, you sure are rolling...David, you're getting there, getting where I'd like to be and you're doing it beautifully. I see the problems you're having but you see them too and that means you really know what you're doing. You're making it easier for the rest of us following behind you. Thanks for that and thanks for the great pictures. Take care, Jerry
  10. Here's an example of one of the detail jobs I had to do. The sheaves on the fore and main top masts. The little buggers were hard to work with but like most small "stuff" on this model the fine tweezers did the job. Have a great day everyone. Jerry
  11. Good morning, Lawrence... Thanks for the look- in; I'm sure you know I appreciate your opinion. The stern looks great and your effort was well worth it. You are so patient and smart to do the change because your Victory really looks a lot better. Have a great day and I hope to have a skype visit later on. Jerry
  12. Hi Mike...Many thanks for your visit to my log and your much appreciated compliment. I have checked your log and the launch looks fantastic. I appreciate knowing about how you applied the davits as I would like to do the same thing if I can. As many others on this site have expressed, it's a shame to have to coveer up the entire waist of Victory with the ship's boats. Thanks for posting your work and have a great day. Jerry
  13. Hi Kevin...Much obliged for your visit to my log. After watching your progress and learning from it I notice that your Victory's stage is not that far behind mine. I wonder how easy (or hard) is it to do more than one build at a time. Keep going, I'd like to see what you do. Thanks again for dropping by. Jerry
  14. Hello Robipod.. Thank you very much for taking time to visit my log. You are absolutely correct. After temporarily attaching all the masts and bowsprit I had a pang of wonder. From tip of bowsprit to stern, this Victory measures approximately 50 inches.. It stands from bottom of hull to tip of mainmast about 40 inches. I guess this will require a large and expensive display case. Dependiing on the material used, this could be a very costly item. If you look back real early in my log you'll find my Cutty Sark sitting in an acrylic case which sits on a matching acylic bench. This combination of display apparatus cost almost $1000. My wife would like to dismantle a bookcase that is also a room divider and have a custom case built in its place. This cost could be prohibitive so I hope I can convince her to take another route. It is a problem but it'll be a happy one when the build is completed. In any event, it's premature to worry about display cases, etc.,since I have a lot to do ( odds and ends and all the rigging) before putting this ship in dry dock . Please stay in touch...Jerry
  15. Ahoy, David ....I don't have a horizontal lathe nor a vertical one. I'm using a friend's drill press and it works well. Lawrence plans to use the same thing. The "pointy things, except for the boomkins, which have been on from the beginning, have been removed. take care, Jerry
  16. Hello David.. Many thanks for the visit to my log. The "pointy thing" is just in place temporarily and will be removed while working on the shrouds. Anyway, thanks for your compliment; I appreciate your opinion as you well know.. Hope you have a good night. Jerry
  17. Hello everyone... It's been well over a week since I posted anything new on this site. It isn't because I haven't been working in the shipyard but mainly because the construction has slowed down. We also had some health problems in the family and presently are keeping our fingers crossed that the Admiral's mother, now in the hospital, will make it through her ordeal. I'm very happy to say that i have reached the point where all the masts and mian parts of the Bowsprit are finished, painted and ready to be attached to the hull. I have made the decision, however, to finish the lower mast's shrouds before permanently attaching the masts. This will allow me put the loops in the shrouds and then slip them over the masts and not worry about threading them through the masts before constructing the loops. I would like to serve the lines so I'll have to wait for a serving machine to arrive before I can do much of anything. I think I'll probably build some of the accessories (lamps, anchors, etc.) while waiting for the machine to arrive. I have posted some pictures of my latest progress. In the meantime I have been very happy for some of the other builders who have made great progress and have been so nice to share their work with us with great pictures. I am very appreciative to these people. Jerry
  18. Hello David...No sense complimenting you because your work deserves more than that. How nice it must be to sit back and admire your beautiful work; it scares me to think what I have to got hrough to get to where you are. I can't even build some of my masts right. I guess it won't be long and you'll be shopping for a display case. It seems that it hasn't taken you very long to accomplish the rigging although it probably feels like years to you. You certainly nailed it. Best to you my friend.....Jerry
  19. Hello Glenn... It looks like you're doing very well and i'm happy for you. The planking is the first of many repetitive processes that you will endure through the building of this fine model. You have it down very well so I believe you won't run into any problems. It seems funny now at the stage of build that I'm at as to how I was concerned about the planking. I had done it once before when I built the Cutty sark but that was over ten years ago. When you get to the point where you will have to trim a plank as you round a compound curve take your time and plan well. As I said it certainly looks like you know what you're doing so I wish you continued success and joy with your project. Take care, Jerry
  20. Hello Mike and thanks for the visit to my log. The boarding pikes are nasty little guys as they'll stick your fingers if you're not careful. I appreciate your compliment and I do wonder how you'll be able to add the pikes after being fully rigged. If you try, I wish you the best. Have you added the davits to your ship yet? I know you mentioned a while back that you intended to add them. If you have please let me know so I can see them. Have a great day. Jerry
  21. Hi Patrick, Many thanks for stopping in and saying hello. I have decided to finish the lower masts and then start the shrouds before I go further with the upper masts. It has been pointed out to me by others that it will be more practical to do things this way. So, we'll see what happens. Nothing is set in stone so it's very possible after trying the shrouds, I might change my mind and finish all the masts first. We'll see. Have a great day. Jerry
  22. Hi Lawrence...Thanks for your visit to my log. I love the way you have handled the hammock netting. It is so much neater than the way I did it. I'm looking forward to seeing the results which I believe you'll have sometime today. It must be your naps that do it. Take care, Jerry
  23. Hello Glenn. Just a note to emphasize your advice to Mick about leaving pins in the hull. There'll be plenty of sanding and can you just see the metal sparks flying? LOL Have fun, Jerry
  24. Hello David..You really have it knocked. Your Victory seems ready for a display case. I know you have plenty to do but your Victory looks close to completion. I must say that I am very proud to be hobby associated with you. With all the help you give to so many other modellers it's amazing you can get so much done on your own project. It looks beautiful and I'm very happy for you. By the way, thanks for being my firend..Take care, Jerry
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