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Everything posted by samueljr

  1. Jay, Didn't know you were a former Marine (first - Thank you) second talk about whatever you want I aint getting in your way.................LOL Sam
  2. Jay, Thanks Jay. I'm excited. The previous builder didn't do a bad job and should be commended for his efforts. Like I said the execution of details were just kinda' "heavy handed" at times. I'll continue to check scale and make corrections were practical in the contect of just a -refit as it were. I'm not much of a BOUNTY historian either. Not much affinity for the ship but it's got a cool story (although much distorted). As far as a second set of Admiralty Plans - I doubt it. What I do know (and it's stated in the AOS) is that the BOUNTY was a purchased ship (BETHIA) so the Admiralty of course took her lines off. They made significant modifications and re-christened BOUNTY with a new set of lines. This could be what you've heard. Also (don't quote me) I think the AOS was re-issued and included additional images so that may also add to the misconception of a second set. Someone please feel free to correct me. The 3-D idea has my attention. I believe it will play a large role in the future of our mutual endeavors. I know there was a thread on MSW debating it's merits as it pertains to scratch building. I'm not here to say either way. I do think that in the creation of a master for a kit (say a figure head or stern decorations) it can be an exponential leap forward in the single master used for casting multiple items. I have a ROYAL CAROLINE sitting on my work bench that I am chomping at the bit to do. I have the AOS for it. If 3-D can be used I have entertained the idea of drawing out the carvings and having them produced with 3-D. The level of detail would be incredible as compared to the kit's offerings or individually sculpted/carved items. But that's a conversation for another time. As it pertains to BOUNTY's stern and quarter badges I'd love to be able to get the stern with a really well done cornucopia and scrolling. The same holds for the badges. I think that Testor's moves were based on the environmental aspects of the enamels vs. water based. I don't airbrush at all (don't like it) so I'll see how the Admiralty paints work without it. I may run some tests on scrap soon just for my own curiosity. I'll let you know. I am encouraged at your restraint regarding the sails. I'm sorry I had to be so hard on you but sometimes the important lessons in life are the toughest.............. I'm proud of you. Sam
  3. Hi Everybody, Decided to update a little sooner and a little differently. Here's where I'm at with BOUNTY. Let's talk scale against AOS first. The previous builder along with Mamoli (have to give them some credit) are not too bad. It is where I figured it would be. Some things are spot on and some are off with out cause. I thought I might give a listing of every item (or just the majors) but I've found my self a little lazy today. I'll discuss scale as I address each item in the refit. It's easier that way. It will allow me the chance to illustrate what I'm doing at each step a bit clearer I think. My "plan of attack" - I decided to strip the entire rig off. The rig was done fairly well with a selection of line sizes but as with most of the details the builder attempted they lacked a certain "finesse" that can only be achieved (hopefully) over time and with experience. My hat is off to him though as he included a lot of details. I'll convert the sizes given in AOS and use Syren Ship Modeling Company blocks and line. Boy am I giving Chuck a lot of business. I know I said that before but it bears saying again!................. For the bulk of the ship the process will be generally removal of elements. Repaint and in some very rare instances replace with a more appropriate scale item. There are a few construction "things" I want to look at but they'll be easier to address once she's stripped. Once stripped I'm going to run off the lines from AOS against the ship and see if there is anything that jumps out. I've got my eye on two things which I'll talk about as they come to the fore front. Two things I am running through my head as I type are the stern and the quarter badges. Both were scratched built and both will be replaced. I have the cast pieces from Mamoli and they suck - (sorry). I am intrigued by the advent of 3-D printing and am considering having the stern and badges done with 3-D. I will be looking into it. I've ordered and received Admiralty paints already so we're off........... I've decided to show her with sails..........................LOL!!!! not a chance!!!
  4. Jay, I am anxious as well to see. I ordered 1 each of every color. I am a die hard old time Floquil enamel Classic Marine and Railroad paint guy. I am pissed that Testor's is discontinuing the line(s). I ran out and bought all I could of the colors I use. Should have a BOUNTY update tomorrow night. Sam
  5. Jay, Thanks for the offer - I'm already ahead of you though, I ordered them a while back when I was considering this project. Great minds think alike. You're OFF the list. Sam
  6. Jay, The first step in being cured is admitting you have a problem.................... We here at MSW are squarely behind you. Sam
  7. Rich, Augie's take is correct that the laser setting was probably off in some way. One of the things to remember when releasing the parts is not to worry about the rest of the sheet. I've seen (and done it myself) that I was so intent on getting the part out that I was for some reason worried about sacrificing the waste material of the sheet. Cut some of that off If you can to isolate the parts as well. Not every piece can have the tabs (the connected part) running with the grain so the release is easy. Cutting cross grain on plywood is not easy. The point being just get the part out clean - don't worry about the rest of the wood. Sam
  8. Jay, I actually never liked Coors when it finally became available out here. And now (due to medical reasons) I am a 100% tea-totaller of any alcohol so I'll just have a coke with my pop corn. I'll have to wait to make decisions until I have the ship stripped down a bit. Once I've made my scale assessment then I'll know where I'm headed. Keep in touch (you're still on the list though - lol) Sam
  9. Jud, Don't know what to make of that............. Good luck if you take on the scratch build. Sam
  10. Jay, You're giving the word deep a whole new definition................LOL By the way, you're from Colorado - where the Hell is the Coors?!!!! GEEEEZZZZZ! Sam
  11. Trippwj, You gain a pass from the "list" because you brought the pop corn machine for the sail comment. Keep in mind I can only eat so much pop corn...... Build (re-build) should be fun Sam
  12. Adam This is a first for me so it will be a learning experience. I believe that the true lesson will be knowing when to accept something that isn't necessarily what or how I'd do it if it were a new build. Recognizing that after a certain point it's not a refit but just a deconstruction and I should have just build the thing from keel up if I was really interested in doing a BOUNTY. I am of the mind that not every single build has to be a "masterpiece" and some ships/builds are just what they are. There's beauty in every build. I'll take a well done PHANTOM over an average VICTORY any day of the week........ I love popcorn - please let it be kettle corn! Sam
  13. Nils, A new "voice" to this undertaking - welcome. Obviously my first inclination was just to tear it all apart - or not do it at all. But it seems to be fairly well built. I don't know much about the kit itself although I've done a couple of Mamoli products and they're OK. Where it seems (so far) to be lacking is in the "finesse" of the finishes so the trick for me will be too find the spot to stop at. Keep checking in and feel free to comment, offer suggestions or ideas Sam
  14. Jersey A voice from home of sorts - I actually grew up in Niagara Falls. From your moniker can I assume you are now located in the "garden state"? I'll give you a pass on the sails comment so you're not going on the "list" - consider it a home town favor - but only this time - LOL! S.Coleman - They're falling off! I'll go into more detail in my future posts / assessments of the build as delivered. In short they are the old style copper plates that were glued on with some type of agent that has from initial inspection crystallized. The builder thinks he might have used some type of contact cement but cant remember. I haven't fully examined them yet but am certain that they'll all be removed. Sam
  15. Thanks Max! It should be interesting. Just don't ask about sails like Jay - he's on my "list" ............. LOL! Sam
  16. Jay You're on my "list".....................lol Sam
  17. Yves Actually there are some aspects that are fairly well built. The first thing I have done is read through McKay's AOS. His research and source information is (as expected) very strong and credible. I don't think I'll need to go the route of acquiring plans from the NMM as his are based on them and his additional sources include the "standards" for rigging (which I would refer to any way). What I am going to do first is a "scale test". By that I mean take the dimensions off the model and based on the advertised scale apply and translate them against the dimensions in the AOS. This should give me a good idea of the over all model's accuracy as far as scale. I'll conduct this test with as much of the model as I can. From there I can determine what needs to be replaced due to scale. After that it's based on construction and aesthetics (I guess). As far as Expo's projects the ESSEX rig is my weekday project. This is only weekend work as I see fit to devote time to it. Thank's for checking in Sam
  18. Hi All, Seeing how I have so little else to do..........LOL? I thought I'd take on a self -indulgent project of sorts. Let me explain. A while back a local builder (to me) asked if I would be interested in finishing his BOUNTY. He started it about 15 years ago and for a number of reasons has never finished it. Now that he has retired and has time he finds himself no longer interested in modeling and would rather work on his motorcycle. I guess there's no accounting for taste.......... Having SO MUCH FREE modeling time on my hands I of course said sure. So now I own a BOUNTY. The model was about his third project and he made some very sincere attempts at "bashing/upgrading" the kit based on McKay's AOS (which I have also taken possession of from him). Alas, being only his third ship the attempts found a wide range of success or failure. So here's what I'm going to do (I think) I'm going to break the build down but not disassemble the kit as a whole. It will almost be akin to the refits the Admiralty would undertake when bringing a damaged or purchased ship into service. Over the next few posts I'll be describing in some detail what I intend to do with each aspect of the ship and we'll see where it goes from there........... I've attached a few pics. Unlike ESSEX or any of the Expo projects the pics will be from the work bench only. I'm not going to the trouble of the whole background/lighting "thing" for photos. And as always for those of you who will inevitably ask............... I don't know at this time if I'm including sails (but feel free to ask again and again)............ LOL Sam
  19. Flounder, You're decking looks super! You're PHANTOM is proving a great point - that subject matter doesn't have to be a 100 gunner or a a intricately rigged frigate to be a well thought out and executed model.
  20. Floyd I gotta agree with you on that. With scratch building - the project's your's - good, bad or anywhere in between. With kit design it belongs to EVERYBODY! LOL! Sam
  21. Bill Have you gotten your ESSEX yet?
  22. Thanks Bill
  23. Floyd Sneak another one in - she'll never know! We wont tell! LOL! Thanks for your kind words. Kit designing is "interesting" - to say the least. For me especially as I'm not a scratch builder by any stretch of the imagination. I'd rather buy a kit and bash it. So go figure............ Sam
  24. Haru To follow Frolick's post if you can take a look at the ESSEX PAPERS book. There is an entire indent of what Her Captain (Edward Prebble) had brought on board as his personal stores as well as what was "provided". You'll probably find similar (records / stores) for most of the era you're researching Sam
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