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Everything posted by egkb

  1. Well done Jason that is indeed the Bunny.. Granuaile was also know as Grainne or Grace O'Malley. The Boat was owned by the Commissioners of Irish Lights. Over to you Mate Eamonn BTW Just realised your last one was the Argo as in JASON and the Argonauts !! am kinda slow over here eh?
  2. Ok Folks am on Lunch Break.. have been having a think and came up with this one.. There were/are a few of them so pick the one with the most 'Grace' ! Best of Luck Eamonn
  3. Jeez that was off the top of my head.. am off to work shortly so it will be later today before I post.. (it's almost 08.00 over here) All The Best Eamonn
  4. T'isn't the Argo or something like that Jason (you know.. the one from the film) E
  5. Cheers Nigel.. Looks like I'll be giving it a blast, could be fun! If I encounter any issues I'll give you a shout. E
  6. I'd be game to give it a lash Nigel so Pointers away Guvnor an' Ill see ya daann da Vic.. That's my EastEnders Speak.. E
  7. Dang Jason I've just spotted Nigels post. A friend of mine was an Apprentice with that company a couple of years later on the next vessel of that name ! E
  8. Thanks Nigel & Jason.. I'll leave well enough alone ! I have been contemplating making up the Hatch Coamings just to get a feel for where they will end up, nice tip there Jason and it encourages me more to do just that ! it would also let me see where to do the Go Fasters too, as Nigel suggests one more row of planking per side then the Beech with the scarph joints !! Hook Scarph.. Erm Nigel Mate I'm still having sleepless nights after 'regular' scarphs.. I think Hooks would see me in a little comfortable white padded room for a short stay.. or Typing over and over 'All Scarph and No Play Makes Eamonn... etc., They would look great though ! Hmmm Padded Room for One Please Matron ! Thanks again Guys Eamonn
  9. Thanks Richard, Do you think I should change the plank between aft hatch and stern or leave well enough alone ? It would be no problem to shift and put the Butt's in place.. I was thinking about it earlier this afternoon (after making the Post) the distance between Hatch and Stern is less than a full plank you see so I thought it best to leave it ! Any advice here would be appreciated Folks ! Thanks also to the 'Likes' from Mike, Andy and Jason and you too Richard Sail 'er Easy Eamonn
  10. That looks the absolute Biz Jason, am inclined to agree re the ability to adjust its length .. Good Choice ! Cheers Eamonn
  11. Photo Update Time Folks.. I know I know I do spoil ye all.. Deck Planking is going grand, am thinking about putting a Beech row down either side of the hatches (it will intersect the Companionway though.. the sideways 'hole'.. but that should be ok) The Margin planks are not yet fixed in place as I may follow Jims method which allows the nibbling/joggling to be done 'off' the boat, also if I make a pigs ear of anything it will be easier to replace.. that said the Port/Stbd stern 'margins' are fixed down as they are the base for the deck planking! I understand that 'full' un-butted planks are used between Hatches etc .. that is to say where a 'full' plank would fit, I appear to have done this between the Stern and the Aft most Hatch which I would imagine is incorrect, it will be easy to fix though ! As usual folks if ye have any thoughts suggestions please do shout them out. Sail 'er Easy Eamonn Incidentally those are the Paper Templates I'm using for the Shift Pattern (more-so the one on the Right, the left is showing the Hatch Mast Holes, and is only a rough)
  12. Ah Jeez !! I was an hour looking at Ocean & Oil Survey Ships with no luck and here it's name shared with my last question !! Nice one Nigel and well done Andy. E
  13. We have a winner !! Over to you Mate.. I'm about to stick a movie on so I may not be around much for the next 2 hours or so. E
  14. Deffo not a Blue Riband contender ! Clue Time.. She is rather Famous over here.. still in one piece but not in the water (was restored very recently) the year 1916 is important too (not when she was built though) Not a hollier snap either E
  15. Now you are on the hunt !! tis indeedy the Macha E
  16. Not Moonraker.. but there wouldn't be too many where this boat hails from ! E
  17. Look closer at the ship in the back ground Nigel
  18. Please don't use Image Search folks, there's plenty of information in the photos and clues will be given.. tis more fun doing it the hard way E
  19. Thanks Nigel.. I have a potentially nasty one here... there is a clue in the background, but it's only of limited use. The yacht is important though in it's own right ! (incidentally it is the Yacht's name I'm after ) More clues will be given as required.. but the info is all there in the photo ! Eamonn
  20. I've just typed into Google (after counting the Gun Ports) 'British 120 Gun Sailing Ships' and on the 2nd row of images here's your picture of the FRENCH ship Montebello Eamonn
  21. Oh thanks.. you're too kind.. E
  22. What say you just pop another one up Nigel E
  23. Thanks Jim.. I was thinking it was something like that, and the fact that on our wee boats even small gaps will appear large. Keep up the brilliant work E
  24. Looking fantastic Jim ! Though is the gap between Rudder and Rudder Post a tad wide? could just be the photo angle though I have begun to deck my Ballahoo by the way, so am miles behind you ! All The Best Eamonn
  25. Jason seems to be an X-Men fan .. E
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