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Everything posted by egkb

  1. That's the Bunny Jason and being Brazilian I'm thinking the Rock must be Rio and the Sugarloaf.. she is a sister to Belgrano (I was very tempted to give it to Nigel on that alone) it was the rear pointing 3rd forward turret that caught my attention! I got Nigels from seeing she was a dredger then Googling Dredgers... then Old Dredgers.. then Small Old Grab Dredgers (after realising she was a Grab Dredger) she was a lovely old thing. Take it away Jason.. E Just spotted your Post Nigel, you were on the right track but Jason pipped you !
  2. Think Barry Manilow Nigel.. E
  3. Good to hear there will be no Ruptured Groins on Mermaid Ollie.. E I'm afraid the nearest Tori gets to ye guys this tour is over in South Africa.. sure that isn't too far
  4. Not Gib, at least I think it isn't Gib ! but there is one other rock that is iconic.. and that will give the nationality (that's what makes me feel it isn't Gib) The Belgrano isn't soo far away.. (in at least 2 respects) Wrong Nationality but I think they came from the same original Stable! Have another go , you are sooo close! E
  5. All righty then.. here's something.. I can't guarantee it hasn't been used before as her Number was already erased in this photo, (my original photo of this scene was way too small to be of use so I had to find a larger one ! and this is it) There is one pretty big hint in the photo.. massive in fact but I thought she was an interesting looking vessel with an odd forward gun arrangement. Either her name in the photo or her previous name will be ok.. All The Best Eamonn
  6. Found her by typing 'Small Old Grab Dredgers' into Google and trawling through the results for something similar in shape.. Give me about 15 mins to put up another ! E
  7. Dang I think I found her... am reluctant to answer as it might mean my turn next... Here Goes.. The Dredger Esk ! I found some photos very similar to the boat in your photos in her 'glory days' with the Grab up front and nicely painted (there was an RC model of her too, now I've just spotted her on a cover of Model Boat Magazine !!) Fingers crossed that I'm wrong E
  8. Looks like an old Dredger Nigel E
  9. Hey there Nigel, just spent the last half hour catching up on your Mordaunt, am looking forward to your carving results no rush Mate I'm here all afternoon !! All The Very Best Eamonn
  10. Hey there Ollie, am just catching you up after some MSW down time over here (that's code for me just being plain lazy) and can say that I loved the wee boat stowed on the deck (though at the stern was grand too) Your mast is looking the absolute business and the shrouds are coming along a treat, though I'd agree with Alistair (Aliluke) in that it could be a big step up for the sailors to reach the lowest ratline (not sure if I'm remembering correctly but I seem to recall a rough 'ratio' existing for the separation of the Deadeyes.. but I may be wrong here) A pleasure to finally catch up All The Best Eamonn
  11. Thanks Nigel.. good to be back ! Tori was brilliant (am a bit of a fan.. cute Read-Heads work for me ) Am off to Godzilla now.. WooHoo (am a sucker for that kinda film too.. nuff said eh?) Catch ye later Eamonn
  12. Sorry about the 'Down Time' folks.. but the latest news is that I have begun the deck today !! Have had way too many distractions over the last few weeks including a Tori Amos concert No photos at the moment as there is only half of one row in place and who wants to see that... Hopefully things will get back on track now (well later that is as I'm off to the cinema shortly to see Godzilla ) All the Best Folks and Ta for checking in.. Eamonn
  13. Sorry for the lack of progress Lawrence, been a bit busy elsewhere of late.. hopefully can rectify that this week !! One good thing about these small builds id that they don't need much timber, so when I put orders in for more unfortunately I am sometimes a little on the 'stingy' side and don't leave allowance for poor quality or damaged strips (good tip there to any following in my wake.. if you upgrade your boats timber BUY LOADS of the stuff at least twice as much as you think you need to allow for inconsistencies) Some good news though.. I revisited my Maple strips and they may not be as bad as I originally feared ( I lightly sanded 1 or 2 and they look grand, it's just that they looked a bit rough at first.. perhaps another lesson there too eh?) Thanks for checking in Lawrence (and sorry for not leaving any comments with your Victory recently, I seem to be always a bit too late to the 'game' and am at the back of the cue but Vikkies rigging is going a treat, you make it look so easy! I wasn't kiddin when I said that I think you'll have her finished before my Ballier ) All The Best Eamonn
  14. Looking Great Jim.. I should be back in business on Tuesday (I want to revisit a couple of things, then on with deck work) Take Care Mate Eamonn
  15. Staplers & Hard soled shoes sound more like advanced carpentry Dee_Dee !! My eyes are peeled for the Timber Poacher... Elmer Fudd style. All The Best E Just spotted your reply Bob. I'm totally with you on the '1st remove thumb from the area' style of clomping stuff with hard heavy items!
  16. Jeez Bob those Hammer things sound really complicated.. too many moving parts for my liking , think I'll just continue using the Camera Lens.. Sorry Lawrence for the lack of proper updates but I'm in a bit of a Timber quandary again (hopefully will be resolves soon though) Thanks for dropping by folks.. Eamonn
  17. Sorry about the lack of recent updates folks.. been a bit busy around the house in the decent weather ok ok you got me.. I've just been lazy too Oh and I'm contemplating upgrading my already upgraded deck timber (if that makes any sense , there seems to be quiet a bit of inconsistency in thickness between the timber, I have been grouping similar thickness' together but am dubious over going ahead as it could be a sanding nightmare ! as I mentioned before there were substantial thickness differences even with the upgraded timber whilst planking the hull, but sanding that was easy-peasy , the deck on the other hand is very confined as ye all know!!!) Decisions Decisions.. All The Best Folks Eamonn
  18. Still waiting for Timber, I wonder wot that feels like ? At least it is beginning to arrive eh ! Am looking forward to your next post of you using the shiny new timber ! All The Best Nigel E
  19. Hey There Jason.. Snake looks perfectly at home amongst the fine company by the way !! I followed your link to some great builds.. thanks for that ! All The Best Eamonn
  20. Will say it again Jim.. Beautiful Stuff ! Eamonn
  21. Hi Ollie, sorry for not looking in over the last few days, just that your Cutter had slipped off the page (over to page 2) and I hadn't noticed ! So you are gonna put the wee boat on the Stern Davits then, I thought she looked the Business on deck but I guess that's wot the Davits were there for All The Best Ollie Eamonn Have to say it again.. Snazzy Wee Boat you have there.
  22. Has been a pleasure to follow you along Dee_Dee, thanks for all the tips and the 'How To's..' BTW.. Would it be possible to mention on here when you begin your next one.. that way we can all follow it too from the get go ! Am looking forward to your next build and to seeing the final shots of MBLS with it's snazzy new cleats ! All The Very Best Eamonn
  23. Brilliant stuff Jim, that looks absolutely deadly ! All The Best Eamonn
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