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Everything posted by egkb

  1. Nice.. You are a talented man Mark ! Eamonn
  2. Cracking good stuff mate.. tis great to see her moving along ! Stay Well Eamonn PS how goes the cycling ?
  3. Have a blast in Maine & N.H. Jason, some nice sea ports not so far from there I think. Stay Well Eamonn
  4. Nice choice for backboard Kester, as I was reading down your post I was thinking to myself 'You have to use it.. even if you had to adapt the plans should the board be too small !' luckily it sounds perfect. Are you going to put the inscription (LOA, Tonnage, Official Number etc.) directly onto the wood or use a brass engraved plate ? Stay Well Eamonn
  5. Looking very snazzy Jason.. That .5mm difference does seem big when you look at it in comparison to the other one, just how tight a fit would those studding sail booms have been.. Stay Well Eamonn
  6. Hi Again Folks... It's Photo Time Again. The wee doghouse is almost finished, just a little tidying up to be done, oh and attach the doors of course (not forgetting the various handles too) The rope hand rail ring (where it attaches to the sides of the doghouse will be painted black.. they were painted black to begin with but it seems to have rubbed off in the fitting process !! The steps are glued in place but no other deck fitting is permanently in place as yet (I threw in a close up photo of the 'L' shaped Anchor Rope reinforcing brackets on the forward hatch coaming) By The Way I had one of those slow motion 'NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO' moments earlier as I was gluing the roof arrangement onto the Doghouse.. Clamps were being used to secure the whole affair when suddenly a clamp slipped causing the near total collapse of the doghouse.. there were doghouse sides, sliding roofs, rope hand rails & coamings flying through the air just like Cirque du Soleil !! How I kept my cool I'll never know ^_^ I just calmly reassembled the whole thing.. very Zen moment Stay Well Folks Eamonn a.k.a. Mr. Keep Calm & Carry On..
  7. Thanks guys.. looks like paper it will be, with an attempt at the hinge part as per Jason with a small piece of wire ! Wish me luck !! Stay Well Eamonn PS I'll try to get a photo or two as soon as I can !
  8. Thanks Jason & Nigel for the advice.. though I'm realllllllllly not more skilled than you Jason.. I'm having to work it like a rodeo clown just to keep up with ye folks having a bad day Hmmm so black paper/card looks like the solution, as I mentioned the doors will be open (or more likely half open if you follow) but I don't have any plans to make them functional Might try the Tamiya tape too Nigel. Though I do have very very thin strips of Brass plate.. same stuff I used for the Anchor Rope reinforcing on the Hatches, I can cut / file it 'fairly easily' .. :huh: :huh: If any other ideas spring to mind then fire away folks.. but the paper/card/Tamiya Tape idea may be hard to beat, especially with the space available too! Stay Well Eamonn
  9. Hi All.. Well the Steps are done & painted White.. The Doghouse is painted (White insides.. Red outsides.. Black roof/sliding roof) I had to excavate some more of the false keel to allow the steps to sit in right.. Still contemplating the doors and how to do the hinges (the doors will be open so a fake 'paper' hinge might not work) All the above hasn't been fully assembled as of yet to allow easier access to the pieces, I still have to put a rope hand 'rail' in place leading below. Any thoughts re Door Hinges folks? There are 2 doors so 4 hinges required (perhaps a piece of flat metal cut into the appropriate shape and glue it to the doors & sides, I don't need the doors to actually work ) Ollie did a great job with his doors on Mermaid, which actually open/close, but it is too confined on Ballahoo to follow in his footsteps. If you have any suggestions folks please fire away ! Stay Well Eamonn Alas no camera so photo opportunity may wait a bit longer ..
  10. Ye are all not going to believe this.. but I dropped the piece AGAIN ! I had picked it up in a pair of tweezers to examine the 'bolts' effect of the 3 blobs of glue when suddenly it isn't in the tweezers anymore and I'm back on my hands & knees searching the carpet !! Found It .. Painted It.. and Glued It ! Shouldn't be able to loose it now !! famous last words, as I'll probably loose the entire Hatch/Grating !! Might be able to have a photo tomorrow if I can talk a friend into bringing his camera in later (that's the chap whose camera I was testing Bindy !!) Stay Well Folks Eamonn Bonus Content.. Tip Of The Day #1.. If you are going to pick up small pieces in Tweezers/Fingers then please please do so over a large white sheet of paper and not directly over the Dreaded Carpet Monster Tip # 2.. When painting small items such as the above, don't panic if the piece suddenly vanishes from the work surface, chances are it is embedded in the hairs of the paint brush !! (this little gem of a tip saved me from Carpet Search Mk 3) Priceless tips like this are available to buy in book form from Eamonn's Filler & Timber Company ( A wholly owns subsidiary of Clamps Pegs & Pins Corp.) for a modest fee !
  11. Hey there Kester.. this should be good ! glad to be in on your build from the beginning ! Stay Well Eamonn
  12. Those plans look amazing Mike, can't wait to see what you will do with this beautiful boat ! By The Way , The Plans would look well snazzy framed behind the finished Peg. Stay Well Eamonn
  13. Kester. I'd like to blame Spell Checker but I can't Freudian Slip time I think.. strange you were the only one to point it out though.. :D Did some more on the Doghouse today, and also made up 2 re-enforcing 'L' bracket for where the Anchor Rope goes below through the hatch gratings.. now that was a faf.. much merriment was had including dropping one onto the carpeted floor followed by that always entertaining hands & knees hunt ! I cut them from a very thin sheet of brass I had, using a jewellers saw (very handy bit of kit by the way) I had to experiment a little with various glues to simulate bolts on them.. won't know until later how successful I was (I ended up using blobs of wood glue which are shrinking nicely as we speak.. I don't have any thick CA which seems to be the norm for this kinda work.. Oh Well !) The sides of the steps leading below are done, just needs the threads now and then attach a rope 'hand rail' to the insides of the doghouse.. easy peasy !!!!! :huh: Thanks for stopping by Mike.. I have only just realised you are doing a Peg alongside Uni... WOW ! I'll have to get myself over there after this and Follow along. Thanks again for the compliments guys and for the Likes !! Stay Well Eamonn
  14. Was thinking the same thing myself Bindy.. 'Hmmm is that a slight flaw I see in the camera which only appears intermittently.. might take a few more weeks to find out for sure ..' Yup a Cunning Plan Bindy !! we are deffo thinking on the same wavelength ! Thanks for stopping by B and for the smashing compliment on The Ballier (that's my 'Ah Shucks' face ) Stay Well Eamonn
  15. That Ironman stuff is mental looking Nigel.. I think that even at my fittest I'd have struggled to manage even a part of that ! Managed to cut a piece out of the Doghouse Roof to allow the sliding part to 'reveal' the opening to below, so things appear to be moving on the Ballier again ! Enjoy your cycling ! Cavandish must be looking over his shoulders in worry Stay Well Eamonn
  16. Ermmm.. Mate are you entering the Tour De France of wot !! Jeeez I feel tired even looking at that breast !! Brilliant job on it Thanks for the tip re the Steps.. I actually hadn't thought of that !! but by sheer chance my first step is about right (by pure chance I can assure you.. says he busily removing the first step.. Hem Hem) Stay Well And try not to embarrass those Tour guys as you fly past them ! Eamonn By The Way.. I was just over on your Deck Planking Tutorial !! .. That deck looks amazing !! wouldn't be out of place on a Floating Gin Palace !
  17. Mark that is amazing, am well pleased for you ! Can't wait to see the Figurehead ! Stay Well Eamonn
  18. Hi All.. Little wee update type thingy.. at last eh? A friend of mine stopped by a few days ago to ask me a question about his camera.. so to help him out I took some close-up shots of the latest bit of Ballahoo work (this killed two birds with one stone as my own camera is away again leading it's own life taking wedding/studio photos with a friend.. bad news when ones camera is having more fun than you are !! ) Anyhoo.. I actually have some photos so Woo Hoo!!. I had to shorten the Doors to allow for the little Coaming to be fitted, I can't imagine any boat with a companion-way not having a coaming of some type to stop sloshing deck water finding it's way below deck ! By The Way .. I have at last worked out how I am going to proceed forward with the Doghouse (thanks to Ollie's Mermaid build) which should speed things up substantially Those are the little doors sitting on the deck, they had to be separated as they were in one piece originally.. not being meant to open, if you follow.. Oh! and the Gratings aren't glued in place yet so don't worry about them not being in line! Photo Time (has been so long I hope I remember how to do this ) Stay Well Folks Eamonn PS I'll be painting the Doghouse too.. probably Red sides/doors, White inside & Black roof, and installing a kind of full width 'Door Stop' on top of the doghouse coaming to stop the doors swinging in too far.. you know the type of thing!! which may well require a little sanding to reduce the coamings a little! E.
  19. Hey there Bud.. How did I miss this ??? I wouldn't mind except that the link is actually attached to the bottom of every post you make !! Nice bit of observational skills on show up here in Ireland eh Sorry for not dropping by sooner mate.. but sure I'm here now and can offer all kinds of assistance in recognising various bits -n-pieces (as you know already I can recognise Masts pretty easily!! so can be a huge help there as Endeavour has a few of the things! ) Stay Well Ollie Eamonn
  20. That's looking the business Rob.. at this rate you'll be searching for missing Brass Bits in no time.. such fun to be had !! Stay Well Eamonn
  21. Hi Mike, Thanks for the reply re your plans, they sound brilliant ... Any chance of you dropping a quick 'Heads-Up' on here for when you start your next projects so that we can follow you along from the outset ? if you follow me Stay Well Eamonn
  22. Awesome work Mark.. you are nearly there !! Stay Well Eamonn
  23. Crackin good planking there D. Your build planking looks better than my sanded & finished planking !! Stay Well.. Eamonn
  24. Good to see you back Dee_Dee and planning away .. am looking forward to the updates ! Stay Well Eamonn
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