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Everything posted by SpencerC

  1. The book I'm using which has not lead me wrong yet says clean it up with the finest grade steel wool AND glass fiber brush and then IMMEDIATELY apply cellulose clear lawyer. Ulna queried copper will show fingerprints after a few hours due to oxidization. In 3 or 4 years it will acquire exactly the right perinatal and look weathered/aged like a ship should but won't look bad. Could u post pictures of what it looks like right now? I'd like to see how the humidity affects it and how badly it's did colored. You should have put the laquer on long ago you may have to recoup per it, as long as you're using the thin foils a second layer will most likely look fine.
  2. I'm like three days away from just ordering one online but I'm too stubborn for that. I've been trying so hard to get this to work but the pieces are so small! What is the best way to put together a very small scale lantern? Like less than a half inch in height.
  3. Meant carbon paper. And sorry for the double post my phone messed up. If a moderator would delete it that's be great.
  4. I didn't read all the posts so I'm not sure if anyone's mentioned this but have you tried carbon paper (cp)? You put the cp between your pattern and the wood an trace over the pattern. It then leaves a graphite line on the wood where you traced just as if you had put the pencil directly I the wood. I love Arvin paper. This stuff sounds great too it sounds like it would be good for other specific things Arvin paper couldn't do
  5. Thank you all for you're great answers! And yes I am a scratch builder, I personally do not believe kits to be "real ship modeling" ;P right now I have a scroll saw and a jigsaw. Oh and I just got a little dremel tool (sorry about the misspelling my phone auto corrects) with a little grinder attatchment. After watching a video of what the band saw can do, I would really love to get one of those, that seems perfect. I'm also looking for a good tool to mill my own planks with, maybe just a table saw?
  6. There are a few tools that I'm not sure of as far as what they are used for. What is a router and what could I use it for while building a ship, list specific parts that would require this tool. Thickness sander, what is this and how. Does it differ from a regular sander? And what would you use it for on a ship? Band saw. How is a grinder used differently than a sander. What's a "contour" sander? I know what a deemed tool is but what are some important deemed bits to have?
  7. You gonna keep up your log? I'm just about done with planking my scratch clipper model and I'd like to see the next few steps from a kit perspective
  8. Ah!!! Beautiful!!! I am doing the clipper ariel which looks almost exactly like the flying cloud
  9. The ship i'm working on uses deadeyes annd i have no idea how they work, i thought they just wrapped around like a pulley but theyre strung through the middle. It almost seems like there would be no point to using them if they didnt work like a pulley. Could someone shed some light on the subject for me?
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