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Posts posted by Adrieke

  1. Thanks Mick  and yes I have some good news


    I saw the skin specialist today and he was happy with the progress. he figures about 2 more weeks before all the red itchy skin bits are gone and about 1 or 2 more months before my skin is back to its normal self


    to find out what caused the allergic reaction he suggested trying out a bit myself by trying out one by one instead of doing an expensive test which also meant no showering for almost a week :huh:


    when he said to try and apply one of the things I come in contact with on my lower i was thinking how it would look painted in red ochre or covered in white glue ^_^


    anyway I have decided to wait till itchy skin is gone and then slowly try doing some building work but use some gloves and be more mindful and make sure to wash of any paints glue or whatever


    on the other hand I have some news I am not to pleased about. the specialist says that the underlying issue why everything happened is bad blood circulation in my lower legs. I will need to wear special stockings to improve this which will be uncomfortable (certainly in the beginning) and most likely for the rest of my life :(

  2. thank you Robbyn . i am hoping to have a better idea tomorrow wheni  have visited the skin specialist


    and congratulations :D i ll have a look at pictures when i catch up with everything


    thanks Keith and i hope everythign for you is getting better too :) . been looking in on your build and others just but havent in the right place to post much


    mobsie :D  :D :D . its good to be back too :) 

  3. Hi Randy,


    Be careful and notice that your ratlines are not straight.

    Some are lower on the same rope then the other.

    I mean the knots…..

    When you tide them up, drop a little glue on the knot and then use a tweezer to make the knot in the right place and let the rope goes with the line on the template.

    Then it goes straight…...

    They are not terrible but you can do better ! 

    And you can always do the same thing as I do.

    Make another row between the ones who are all ready there.

    If you have any question about it or you want to see a picture how I do it, please let me know.

    I have to work tomorrow and when I get home I shall look for your replay.

    Don't give up my friend.

    You are on the right track !!!!





    look at Sjors he is now already giving advice on making ratlines :):P

  4. I received my replacement parts :)


    after a first check I couldn't find 2 of the missing parts (3 of each) . they are labelled as luces (lights). after going over the plans again I came to the conclusion they are actually the same as some other parts (remaches : rivets).


    I also received a wooden plaque with the name of the ship and build by .... :)


    from this I can conclude that this is as a result from my email to OcCre and not from the hobby store as they would not have included the plaque


    anyway I l be putting the replacement parts in the box and hope that one day I can build her

  5. thank you Mick, Robbyn, Randy and Popeye


    haven't been on much this week


    yesterday I finally had the last of the iv antibiotics . my foot and leg now look almost normal again (except the spots off the original infection)


    I will still need oral antibiotics for about a week just to make sure it doesn't come back


    the rash and itches is also much better


    tomorrow I am hoping to have the all clear to go back to work


    since I still can't do any building I have resorted to some other kind of building to keep me from being bored :


    a 3000 pieces puzzle of an underwater scene (there where none with any ships :( )

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