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Posts posted by Adrieke

  1. hello Daniel thanks for the comments and for looking in on my build. the lights have added a lot of work but I am glad I took up the challenge .


    thanks Ed. I was pondering on where to get some small plastic tubes when I saw the straws sitting on the kitchen bench so I guess technically the admiral did give me the idea


    not going to work on the lights tonight having a bit of a headache (migraine) . I might just start on fitting those pesky triangles

  2. ok not a good night.


    after finishing soldering I did a test and only 4 of the 8 lights are working. I had a check but as far as I can see all the LED's are connected the right way. so either one of the solderings didn't hold or one of the LED's is faulty


    I thought I d finish painting the triangles and somehow lost one of them . I should have 2 spare if I counted correctly so fingers crossed on that


    tomorrow I ll see if I can figure out whats wrong with the lights

  3. started on the wiring


    on the bottom I added 2 half's of a connector. the idea is to add a piece of metal in them together with the wire end. these metal bits will then fit into a connector attached to the 2nd deck. this way it will be easy to lift the 3rd deck /wheelhouse assembly and still make connection for the wiring



    also started soldering the LED's together. so far the plan is working


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