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    Adrieke reacted to mtaylor in Licorne by mtaylor - 3/16" scale - POF - TERMINATED LOG   
    Progress of sorts...at cost of more hair from the rapidly depleting supply on my head.  The exterior bulwark planking of the forecastle in progress, I hope.   I've fiddled with this since New Year's Day.  Tried various methods and I think, I have an answer.
    First pic shows the area in question on the plans.  The problem is that it's 9" at the rear and 18" at the bow and it curves out at the upper foremost end.  It's also seemingly bending inward.

    Hahn's solution appears to be a very thin plank spiled into position.   I don't think it would have been done this way.  Also, his upper most plank (the lower lighter one in the picture) is wider than the plans call for.

    What I had was an open area shown below.  Tried several ways to get it filled. None were successful.  Finally ripped off the thin ebony strip to give me room to experiment.

    Where I'm at now...  The plank wants to follow the lower most run so.. it's been bent with a twist.  I'll reinstall the uppermost ebony piece after I get this plank and the one I'm working on nibbed into it.

    I'm looking for ideas that might be better.  I've tried two planks thinned down to 4" at the rear and no joy... just wouldn't lay right. I've looked at other builds but not seen a problem like this.  Anyway... that's where things stand.  Hopefully, in the next day or two, it will all come together and I can move towards the stern area which has issues of it's own.
  2. Like
    Adrieke reacted to mtaylor in Licorne by mtaylor - 3/16" scale - POF - TERMINATED LOG   
    Hmm... not quite November of 2014 as I promised Sjors, but here's the latest. I finished the gunports (thank heavens it's not a 74), added the ebony wales (chain and main), and began working towards the top rails.  The red arrow points to where I need to fill in with either plum or swiss pear.  I'm undecided at this moment and waiting to see how some test wood looks with the Wipe on Poly.
    I also cut out every other frame between the build board and where the cap rail will be in the midship area.  I need to rotate her around and do the other side now.
    As for the ebony... if I ever mention on another ship, that I'm planning on using ebony, please do unto me which the Victory did unto Bucentaur at Trafalgar.   Just unload a broadside.   Aggrevating stuff.  The epoxy wasn't holding and required some gel type CA.   I think pear with ebony stain would look as good.

  3. Like
    Adrieke reacted to Sjors in HMS Agamemnon by Sjors - FINISHED - Caldercraft/Jotika - 1:64   
    Update time !
    The middle deck has his planking.....
    With ( for the first time ) the tree nailing......
    I also plank the bow deck.
    That's it for the moment.
    She goes on the shelf and the San Ildefonso is coming down again.
    When the main mast has his shrouds and ratlines, I'll be back to the Aggy again.


  4. Like
    Adrieke reacted to Sjors in HMS Agamemnon by Sjors - FINISHED - Caldercraft/Jotika - 1:64   
    Update time 
    I made a frame on the lower gun deck and fill that with planking......
    You will not see all of it when the middle deck is placed but you will see something.
    I also placed a king plank in the middle of 5 mm wide.
    The deck planking is 4 mm.
    The length is 125 mm so it fits nice on the edges.
    I have one question.
    I used the 5 shift of buts.
    I have started on the left side of the king plank.
    On the other side I did the same. 
    The right side is a mirror image of the left side.
    But is that the correct way of doing it?
    I hope you understand what I mean.
    Now it's time for pictures.

  5. Like
    Adrieke reacted to augie in USF Confederacy by Augie & Moonbug - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    At 350 hours into the build, it's time for an update.
    The second belt of planking (of 3) has been completed from the garboard on up, P/S.



    Since the next belt will close her up, I took the opportunity to give the inside 2 coats of diluted PVA.  I like the way that seals the inside and stiffens her up prior to sanding.  With the false deck in place I will obviously not be able to glue the center section but 'two outta three aint bad'.
    Though most of the planking is 1/8 x 1/16 basswood, I've snuck in some tapered 3/16 x 1/16 in the stern to try and minimize the need for stealers.  Will definitely need about 2 drop planks up in the stem.
    Next will be the 'Super Bowl of Planking'......the 3rd belt.  But not before the real game today.  My team is in it -- GO BRONCOS!!!!!!!!
    I'm hoping to leave this lower hull planking a natural, lighter color then that above the wales.  All depends on how this next step comes out  .  Should be there before Spring ---- at least according to today's Groundhog forecast.
  6. Like
    Adrieke reacted to augie in USF Confederacy by Augie & Moonbug - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Just a quick update.  The first belt of planking below the wales has been completed P/S. 


    Not bad so far and hopefully sanding will bring everything in line.  There will be a molding running across where the counter meets the planks in the stern.  Open framework amidships is starting to look nice!
    Moving on now to the lower most belt starting with the garboard plank and heading up.  Holding off on stealers and drop planks until the final belt.   Will be trying some 3/16" planks, tapered, for the stern (everything else is 1/8).
  7. Like
    Adrieke reacted to augie in USF Confederacy by Augie & Moonbug - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    With the 300 hour mark just passed, thought I'd update with her new look:


    Work on the upper hull is completed (for the moment) with the painting up to the rails.  Same process as the wales.
    Now, there are some moldings that will be attached later on.  Toward that end, some scrapers are provided with the kit to put a bead in the 1/16" square basswood moldings:

    I was a little pessimistic about this process at first.  But here's a sample of four strips treated with the scrapers then stained:

    Looks like these will actually work !!  I'll hold off installing them for now so as not to damage them during the next step.....
    ............. planking the lower hull.
    Need to do a little reading and planning before I begin.  This is NOT my strong suit  --- but then little falls into that category.  For this hull, Chuck has included a 'spiling jig' to do some edge bending so I need to work with that for a bit.  So it'll be a while.........
    But I shall be watching everyone's progress
  8. Like
    Adrieke got a reaction from edmay in Gorch Fock by Adrieke - OcCre - 1:95   
    as soon as I am over my jetlag I ll be working on her again
    this last month has been very difficult for me
    half December I had to go back to Belgium as my father was in hospital
    in the 2 weeks I had to move his belongings from the flat he lived in to a room in a nursing home as he would not be able to look after himself any more
    when I left him to go back home (on new years eve) he was getting a bit better and was supposed to be able to get out of hospital soon
    not even a week after I was back in Oz I got the message that he had taken a turn for the worse
    before I could fly back he had already passed away on January 7
    although it was a sad time I have also renewed ties with family in my home country and will be able to stay in contact with them
    I now have 2 more weeks of holidays in which I hope to recover and my building time will help with this
    please don't leave any comments on here about this as I will remove it later on. I just want to let my friends on here know and understand why I ll be a bit quiet for awhile
    thank you
  9. Like
    Adrieke got a reaction from CaptCraig in Gorch Fock by Adrieke - OcCre - 1:95   
    as soon as I am over my jetlag I ll be working on her again
    this last month has been very difficult for me
    half December I had to go back to Belgium as my father was in hospital
    in the 2 weeks I had to move his belongings from the flat he lived in to a room in a nursing home as he would not be able to look after himself any more
    when I left him to go back home (on new years eve) he was getting a bit better and was supposed to be able to get out of hospital soon
    not even a week after I was back in Oz I got the message that he had taken a turn for the worse
    before I could fly back he had already passed away on January 7
    although it was a sad time I have also renewed ties with family in my home country and will be able to stay in contact with them
    I now have 2 more weeks of holidays in which I hope to recover and my building time will help with this
    please don't leave any comments on here about this as I will remove it later on. I just want to let my friends on here know and understand why I ll be a bit quiet for awhile
    thank you
  10. Like
    Adrieke got a reaction from Anja in Gorch Fock by Adrieke - OcCre - 1:95   
    as soon as I am over my jetlag I ll be working on her again
    this last month has been very difficult for me
    half December I had to go back to Belgium as my father was in hospital
    in the 2 weeks I had to move his belongings from the flat he lived in to a room in a nursing home as he would not be able to look after himself any more
    when I left him to go back home (on new years eve) he was getting a bit better and was supposed to be able to get out of hospital soon
    not even a week after I was back in Oz I got the message that he had taken a turn for the worse
    before I could fly back he had already passed away on January 7
    although it was a sad time I have also renewed ties with family in my home country and will be able to stay in contact with them
    I now have 2 more weeks of holidays in which I hope to recover and my building time will help with this
    please don't leave any comments on here about this as I will remove it later on. I just want to let my friends on here know and understand why I ll be a bit quiet for awhile
    thank you
  11. Like
    Adrieke got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Gorch Fock by Adrieke - OcCre - 1:95   
    as soon as I am over my jetlag I ll be working on her again
    this last month has been very difficult for me
    half December I had to go back to Belgium as my father was in hospital
    in the 2 weeks I had to move his belongings from the flat he lived in to a room in a nursing home as he would not be able to look after himself any more
    when I left him to go back home (on new years eve) he was getting a bit better and was supposed to be able to get out of hospital soon
    not even a week after I was back in Oz I got the message that he had taken a turn for the worse
    before I could fly back he had already passed away on January 7
    although it was a sad time I have also renewed ties with family in my home country and will be able to stay in contact with them
    I now have 2 more weeks of holidays in which I hope to recover and my building time will help with this
    please don't leave any comments on here about this as I will remove it later on. I just want to let my friends on here know and understand why I ll be a bit quiet for awhile
    thank you
  12. Like
    Adrieke got a reaction from mtaylor in Gorch Fock by Adrieke - OcCre - 1:95   
    as soon as I am over my jetlag I ll be working on her again
    this last month has been very difficult for me
    half December I had to go back to Belgium as my father was in hospital
    in the 2 weeks I had to move his belongings from the flat he lived in to a room in a nursing home as he would not be able to look after himself any more
    when I left him to go back home (on new years eve) he was getting a bit better and was supposed to be able to get out of hospital soon
    not even a week after I was back in Oz I got the message that he had taken a turn for the worse
    before I could fly back he had already passed away on January 7
    although it was a sad time I have also renewed ties with family in my home country and will be able to stay in contact with them
    I now have 2 more weeks of holidays in which I hope to recover and my building time will help with this
    please don't leave any comments on here about this as I will remove it later on. I just want to let my friends on here know and understand why I ll be a bit quiet for awhile
    thank you
  13. Like
    Adrieke got a reaction from Micklen32 in Gorch Fock by Adrieke - OcCre - 1:95   
    Thanks Mick , I am about 1/3 of the way through the second planking, then I t ll take some time filling and sanding to get a nice smooth surface for painting
  14. Like
    Adrieke got a reaction from themadchemist in Gorch Fock by Adrieke - OcCre - 1:95   
    thanks dragzz
    thanks Robbyn, unfortunately I wont be able to keep my time line either
    progress so far . the planks have been lightly sanded

  15. Like
    Adrieke got a reaction from macinbob in King of the Mississippi by Adrieke - FINISHED - Artesania Latina - Scale 1:80 - with LED lighting   
    more work on the steering hut
    by now i had decided to light her up and i bought al lthe neccessary leds, resistors and wiring
    trying out the light in the engine room and it looks good

  16. Like
    Adrieke got a reaction from DCIronfist in Gorch Fock by Adrieke - OcCre - 1:95   
    thanks dragzz
    thanks Robbyn, unfortunately I wont be able to keep my time line either
    progress so far . the planks have been lightly sanded

  17. Like
    Adrieke got a reaction from boycott50 in King of the Mississippi by Adrieke - FINISHED - Artesania Latina - Scale 1:80 - with LED lighting   
    I wil ltry and rebuild the log as much as i can over the next days.
    lets start off with the contents of the box

  18. Like
    Adrieke got a reaction from Micklen32 in Gorch Fock by Adrieke - OcCre - 1:95   
    thanks dragzz
    thanks Robbyn, unfortunately I wont be able to keep my time line either
    progress so far . the planks have been lightly sanded

  19. Like
    Adrieke got a reaction from robert1965 in Gorch Fock by Adrieke - OcCre - 1:95   
    thanks dragzz
    thanks Robbyn, unfortunately I wont be able to keep my time line either
    progress so far . the planks have been lightly sanded

  20. Like
    Adrieke got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Gorch Fock by Adrieke - OcCre - 1:95   
    thanks dragzz
    thanks Robbyn, unfortunately I wont be able to keep my time line either
    progress so far . the planks have been lightly sanded

  21. Like
    Adrieke got a reaction from Sjors in Gorch Fock by Adrieke - OcCre - 1:95   
    thanks S.Coleman, yes the masking tape is workign well, just need to be carefull when removing it as the edges of this wood are bad and littl ebits tend to break off.
    thanks Mick
    thanks Sjors, yes its 0.6 mm , not sure what kind it is but its different from the ones from AL. as i mentioned this wood is easy to sand really smooth. i ll be using the 180 sandpaper to smooth out any bumps /edges and then sand it with the 320 i have lying around
  22. Like
    Adrieke got a reaction from DORIS in ROYAL CAROLINE 1749 by Doris - 1:40 - CARD   
    as usual absolutely magnificant . dont you dare to ever stop your work
  23. Like
    Adrieke got a reaction from clipper in ROYAL CAROLINE 1749 by Doris - 1:40 - CARD   
    as usual absolutely magnificant . dont you dare to ever stop your work
  24. Like
    Adrieke got a reaction from themadchemist in Gorch Fock by Adrieke - OcCre - 1:95   
    thanks Sjors update follows as requested
    thank you Don
    thanks Bug . you don't have to wait long its already underway
    thanks dragzz
    after lots of sanding on the first layer to get most of the unevenness out I added some filler

    after a bit more sanding I felt I had a smooth enough base for the second layer
    I also made sure the bow and stern edge was the required width of 4 mm , this to ensure that the back and front bit of the keel will fit nicely
    I have started the second layer and added the first few planks
    I decided to use some cheap masking tape (useless for fine paint jobs) to hold the planks in place till they dry as I did not want to experiment with CA
    so far this is going well

  25. Like
    Adrieke got a reaction from themadchemist in Gorch Fock by Adrieke - OcCre - 1:95   
    thanks Augie and bug
    second layer is progressing well

    I have used some P180 sandpaper on the first few planks and I am amazed how smooth it feels quickly and so far I can see that only a minimal amount of filler will be needed to have a good surface for painting
    tomorrow is the first work day this year an dhow I am looking forward to it .... not
    the next 2 weeks I will slowly work on the planking . then I will have 2 weeks of real holidays in which I am hoping I will have plenty of time to start on painting the hull which I think after the planking will be the most difficult to get right
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