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Bob Legge

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    Bob Legge reacted to rwiederrich in Great Republic 1853 by rwiederrich - FINISHED - four masted extreme clipper   
    One thing I can surely say.....I'm not finicky when it comes to certain details. 
    I worked on the lower topsail yard...adding bands and pad-eyes for blocks.  I'll only install the securing band to the parrel when I'm ready to permanently secure the yard to the lower mast head.
    I think I'll finish up all the yards for each mast before I step the mast...its so much easier to work on them off model.

  2. Like
    Bob Legge reacted to rwiederrich in Great Republic 1853 by rwiederrich - FINISHED - four masted extreme clipper   
    Did a bit of work today on the GR main mast.  I first finished up the shrouds and ratlines.   Then hit the books for some reverification of the lift gin-blocks and I decided to rearrange them to a more suitable location *under* the mast cap..instead of along the cap.  There needed to be a lift block I bolt mounted there...sooo....
    I also finished up the addition of the spreader as well.
    Here are some images of the days work.
    I'll finish up the lift gin-block mod on the fore and mizzen later this week.
    The spanker mast has a bit of rigging to be done as well...so I'll tackle that when I do the gin-block mods.
    I think before I proceed in stepping the masts and rigging the main shrouds....I'll deviate and turn all the spars and get them banded and finish up the iron work on them. 

  3. Like
    Bob Legge reacted to rwiederrich in Great Republic 1853 by rwiederrich - FINISHED - four masted extreme clipper   
    Well I spent some time today working on the main mast shrouds....along with that I made several more gin-blocks for the lifts for the lower topsails.
    Here in the images you can see the added gin-blocks and I decided to test fit the main spar too.  
    Just a bit more and then the ratlines.

  4. Like
    Bob Legge reacted to rwiederrich in Great Republic 1853 by rwiederrich - FINISHED - four masted extreme clipper   
    Well...as I predicted, my love has other things instore for me tonight....but I did get some pics of the mandrel I made for my saw blades.
    Here are some.  this little tool makes cutting off material so much easier.
    I have 4 sizes of blades......the large and medium are shown here.

  5. Like
    Bob Legge reacted to rwiederrich in Great Republic 1853 by rwiederrich - FINISHED - four masted extreme clipper   
    Spent a bit of time experimenting with lift block construction and for the gin blocks for the tye chain rigging I made this metal block that will get painted.  I'll need two per lower topsail for the Forbes rig.  Typically you have one and the chain tye runs through the mast sheave and back down to another gin-block and then to the halliard and further down to the purchase blocks and belay pin.  Since the  Forbes system places the lower topsail parrel stropped to the main mast doubling there is no access for a mast sheave because of the proximity of the topmast aft doubling.  So the tye must anchor at the cap, run down through the shackled first gin-block at the spar band, back up to the second gin-block at the cap head(to one side) and then down through the tops and on to the halliard. 
    Here is my first gin-block....it's about 3/8"  The chain is 42 lpi.

  6. Like
    Bob Legge reacted to Stuntflyer in HMS Winchelsea 1764 by Stuntflyer (Mike) - FINISHED - 1/4" scale   
    I am working closely with Chuck on this build, but it is not a true beta build in the way you are suggesting. There will be times when I do scratch over laser cut. Not to make it better, but to work on my scratch building skills. The nine piece knee of the head was scratched since there was concern about laser cutting 1/4" boxwood. The fixed blocks were milled. For the kit version, these parts will most likely be laser cut, though perhaps not in boxwood.
  7. Like
    Bob Legge reacted to Ferit in Loreley 1884 by Ilhan Gokcay - 1/75 - Scale Steam Yacht   
    What I most appreciate in your modeling technique is that everything is shaping up with a saw, a drill bit, some sandpapers, needles and a few glue drops... No advanced machinery... And impeccable result... 
  8. Like
    Bob Legge reacted to Ilhan Gokcay in Loreley 1884 by Ilhan Gokcay - 1/75 - Scale Steam Yacht   
    Channels cut from brass plate.















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    Bob Legge reacted to druxey in Loreley 1884 by Ilhan Gokcay - 1/75 - Scale Steam Yacht   
    Very neatly done!
  11. Like
    Bob Legge reacted to Ilhan Gokcay in Loreley 1884 by Ilhan Gokcay - 1/75 - Scale Steam Yacht   

















  12. Like
    Bob Legge reacted to DocBlake in 17th Century Battle Station from HMS Mordaunt by DocBlake - FINISHED - 1:32   
    Hi, Ken!
    The time in the acetone and acid is not critical.  15 minutes in each is fine.   A nice water rinse between.
  13. Like
    Bob Legge reacted to DocBlake in 17th Century Battle Station from HMS Mordaunt by DocBlake - FINISHED - 1:32   
    Hi, Ken!
    The time in the acetone and acid is not critical.  15 minutes in each is fine.   A nice water rinse between.
  14. Like
    Bob Legge reacted to KenW in 17th Century Battle Station from HMS Mordaunt by DocBlake - FINISHED - 1:32   
    I really like your workmanship. 
    I have a question - When blackening the gun barrels, how long do you leave the barrels in the acetone and muriatic acid?
    Don't want to make any mistakes.
  15. Like
    Bob Legge reacted to DocBlake in 17th Century Battle Station from HMS Mordaunt by DocBlake - FINISHED - 1:32   
    Except for the gun port lids all the parts have been fabricated.  Obviously the upper bulwark planking is not yet installed.  Now the model has to be assembled.  The gun deck must be completed before the upper deck is installed because of the tight quarters below.  Rigging the guns would be impossible.  Here's a preview of the model

  16. Like
    Bob Legge reacted to davyboy in 17th Century Battle Station from HMS Mordaunt by DocBlake - FINISHED - 1:32   
    Aviaamator is correct. It allowed rainwater or water from wave action to drain out of the gunport recess. Thus helping to prevent rot. Pissdales are a totally different fitting on the inside of the bulwarks around the upper deck. A little forward or aft of the waist.
  17. Like
    Bob Legge reacted to aviaamator in 17th Century Battle Station from HMS Mordaunt by DocBlake - FINISHED - 1:32   
    Shipmodel! This is the water drain part.

  18. Like
    Bob Legge reacted to DocBlake in 17th Century Battle Station from HMS Mordaunt by DocBlake - FINISHED - 1:32   
    Hey Don!
    i used Jax Black for brass, copper bronze.  First degrease with acetone, then etch with muriatic acid.  The blackening is weird.  If you leave the part in the bath too long, all the blackening rubs off.  Best 1 minute at a time, and repeat 2or 3 times to get the color you want.
  19. Like
    Bob Legge reacted to DocBlake in 17th Century Battle Station from HMS Mordaunt by DocBlake - FINISHED - 1:32   
    The gun barrels are awesome, Don.  They look great no matter what you do to them.  Mine are blackened, but they are really not “black”, rather a gunmetal dark gray color.  I like it!
  20. Like
    Bob Legge reacted to DocBlake in 17th Century Battle Station from HMS Mordaunt by DocBlake - FINISHED - 1:32   
    I assembled all the carriages.  I did make some modifications.  I lowered the stool bed and it's support so that the quoins would fit properly.  I also made new transoms that extend down to the carriage base, for ease of construction.  Here's some shots of one of the long cannons with one coat of poly on it.  No cap squares yet!

  21. Like
    Bob Legge reacted to yvesvidal in 17th Century Battle Station from HMS Mordaunt by DocBlake - FINISHED - 1:32   
    Petite Manche en toile de la pissotiere: Basically" Small tube of fabric, used to pee". A "Pissotiere" in French (slang) is a device or a place to urinate.
    Was that for the mates or to eliminate any water that may have flushed the inside decks? I let you decide.
  22. Like
    Bob Legge reacted to DocBlake in 17th Century Battle Station from HMS Mordaunt by DocBlake - FINISHED - 1:32   
    I'm working on my cannons. I've posted Jeff Staudt's plans for the carriages and you notice that there are two rings attached to the brackets. One is for the breeching line and the other is to hook on the gun carriage tackle . I can't find another example of guns being rigged like that. I think I'l just eliminate the aft-most ring, and orient the eyebolt horizontally, like it's done on virtually every other carriage I've seen.

  23. Like
    Bob Legge reacted to aviaamator in 17th Century Battle Station from HMS Mordaunt by DocBlake - FINISHED - 1:32   
    That's what I meant... At the end of a Board of a covering bolts are located vertically. For better Board fastening!

  24. Like
    Bob Legge reacted to DocBlake in 17th Century Battle Station from HMS Mordaunt by DocBlake - FINISHED - 1:32   
    Thanks guys, and thanks for the "likes""!
    I spent yesterday assembling the main parts of the gun carriages.  One of us noticed a problem with the fit of the quoins and getting proper elevation of the gun's barrel.  I'll make a mockup of the stool bed and alter it such that the quoin fits.
    The carriages are boxwood and the wreath is yellowheart.  I used a pencil to darken the recesses of the wreath to give more of a "3-D" effect.

  25. Like
    Bob Legge reacted to DocBlake in 17th Century Battle Station from HMS Mordaunt by DocBlake - FINISHED - 1:32   
    I finished planking the upper deck, installed the hatch coamings and the upper hatch and finished off the shot racks.  The upper deck is just sitting in place.  It won't be installed until the guns and details on the lower deck are complete.  It is tight in there!  The 2 hanging knees at the ends will be glued in place once the upper deck is in place.  Next is the guns.

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