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Everything posted by Pete38

  1. Chad86 a former Triton Cross Section Builder had a materials list. I think I saved a copy of it somewhere. Will look when I get home from work. It is in excell format.
  2. That boxwood looking really nice. Deck are going to look real good. Great start
  3. Nice clean treenails... Your wood looks very nice... really enjoy your build pictures......nice saw alsop
  4. That looks like a nice fit of the keel to the frames. How did you cut the slot in the frames for the keel?
  5. Rummy, Nice to see you start back. Looking forward to more!!! The Oak is kinda hard
  6. Pablo, very nice work. Really like your metal work!
  7. At 1:32 scale I printed the downloaded plans at 150% Keel length about 7.5" inchs frames about 9.5" tall and abouit 13" at wides point I had to use Super B size paper 13" X 19" Hope this helps
  8. Today I finished making my frame gluing up jig. Then I started assembly of lmy first frame "c" , I have done made 3 futocks for "c" so my scap pile should be fairly large when I get done.
  9. Looking really nice Good to see your back, looking forward to more
  10. Once agan, Looking good Nice to see your back great build log.
  11. Mark, Thanks for looking in. Russ Wanted to make sure everything would be square! Bob Real good friend, says he has about 200 board ft in the attic of a barn for the last 15 or so years. Doesn't know what to do with, so I can get more if needed. He is into blacksmithing (has his own forge, so I throw some old files and stuff his way when I find them.
  12. Bob, nice to see you start your log back here, Lookiing forward!!!
  13. Good top see you starting the log back. Looking forward to following along.
  14. Real nice. Will have to try.
  15. Next I am going to make the frame jig I need to glue the frames up. Hopefully this weekend will have something new to post!
  16. Next I started building my buildboard. Using some 3/4 MDF and some shelving brackets (taken from a shelf in my garage) I used spray adhesive to attached the frame locations to the buildboard.
  17. Next started the keel, keelson and false keel. Sawed and sanded to size using my Byrnes table saw and thickness sander. When cutting the rabbit I used a razor blade shaped to the size. Before I started scrapping with the blade, since I am doing this in 1:32 scale was able to take a lot of the wast out of the rabbit with the table saw. Then I used the blade to final shape the rabbit.
  18. Here we go. The cherry wood was given to me by a friend where I work. More than enough for this build and then some. Resized the wood to the thickness I needed and then using 3M spray adhesive, applied the frames to the wood. Cut out all the frames and stored in separate marked bags so I wouldn't get confused
  19. The good thing about my build log is it had just started so won't take long to get back everything, just have to rember where I put the pictures. Will post later tonight! It's just good to be back.
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