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Everything posted by Pete38

  1. Not been in modeling long but one of my favorite hand tools are the tweezers: handy for anything and everything But my favorite is this hand tool, for after modeling
  2. Thanks Jeff, I will check them out.
  3. Hopefully I will have some more progress to report this weekend, still glueing up frames!
  4. 42 Rocker, Thanks for the comments, as stated in our pm's I found the pictures I was looking for... So if you are interested Here is what the 1:24 frame layout template if you want to consider the full build in this size. Better have a spare room to show it
  5. Daniel, Thanks for looking in on my build, appreciate the comments. (Really like your full build) Pictures as they say are worth a thousand words and they work for me. I am the type that you can explain something to me by talking all day and I just look at you and say "HUH" but show me a picture and the light comes on
  6. Mark, Thanks for the reply. I used the one from sears (5 blades for about $4.00) Not very good.
  7. We have seen the replies for which scroll saw, but was courious about this 1. Where to buy good blades 2. What is a good blade 3. What type of blade for the types of wood (soft, hard, thick, thin) The blades I can buy locally seem to go dull after just 1 or 2 cut frames in the cherry I use. Any replies and information greatly appreciated.
  8. Ron, not to highjack Grants Great Build but if you go here http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/816-triton-armstrong-cannon-drawings/ . These are the cannons used on the Triton.
  9. Planking looks nice. Good contrast between it and the deck beams. Are you going to treenail?
  10. If that was your first attempt at guns and carrage's....I am impressed. Great job. Did you turn these or were they cast?
  11. Welcome to the forum again Sir Henry. Going to be interesting to see the full Triton is this scale. Looking forward to following.
  12. Bob I have never seen a practicum for the build. Only the other builders and their logs. It would be nice to have one but don't think there is one.
  13. No place around me close to get wood, unless you know someone that has some put back in the barn. As far as weather, this is Kentucky, stick around for 5 minutes and it will change. Hope to see some sawdust soon.
  14. Matrim, Very nice. Thanks for posting. Maybe if you get time can post some more pictures. Thanks again
  15. Way to go 42Rocker, happy you got everything printed out. Can't wait to see the sawdust flying. Just had a thought, at the prices the office store was going to charge I should have printed the plans and you buy me a air ticket to Florida to deliver them Only about 25 degrees here now, bet its warmer there. Anyway looking forward to the build.
  16. What can you say "SWEET" really like that outer planking. Great Job
  17. Nice carriages and a very nice tutorial on the eye bolts, well done
  18. Very good topic to have in one place. Thanks for starting I buy the plactic cups (found at my grocery store) that are use for condiments. Works great to put glue in for easy acess and seal with a lid to prevent drying out. A package of 100 cost aroun $1.50 US.
  19. Thanks for looking in. Yes, that is a Byrnes Draw plate. Nice and useful tool.
  20. Not alot to report, haven't had much time to work on my build. Still glueing up frames (this takes a while) 2 frames glued and ready to finish While the glue is drying, decide to pull some treenails for the frames. Being at 1:32 scale decide to go with 1" treenail. (.0312) This will be big enough to see, but not to big as to look out of place. I don't have a good grip in my hands so I can't pull them with my hands. I use a small needle nose plier and a small vise. Pictures explain better than I can. And here are the Finised Treenails. This will give me a start on them.
  21. Welcome to the build. That is some very nice wood. the Yellowwood is very nice. and the pine turned out great. You will get all the answers you need here. Great group of people. Enjoy and have fun.
  22. WOW Thanks alot for the information and the pictures. Will be trying some of this for framing on my next project. Thanks again.
  23. Very interesting. Love the way you are doing step by step with pictures (help to understand) Will follow with great interest.
  24. Brad and Micheal Thanks for your reply. So it would seem if care is taken on the way it is finished it should be a descent wood for framing. It is kinda like the basswood--hurry up and it will be sloppy---take you time, pay attention and you can get a nice finish on it. Think I may give it a try. Really appreciate it
  25. Very nice, the natural on the cherry is just right, (higlights the wood without hiding it)
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