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Everything posted by Pete38

  1. Glad to hear you got the saw problem worked out. Ain't nothing going to stop you now. Looking forward to the pictures. Good Luck
  2. Keep chugging along there Rocker, You will eventully get it the way you want and be making sawdust and building. Half the fun is just getting there.
  3. Russ, I am clamping each time a glue a section by using weights to hold down Something like this each time. I just got in to big a hurry with the first one.
  4. Just thought I would post my little bit of progress so far ( don't want people thinking I have not been doing anything ) Still just glueing up the frames. Like I said this takes me a while. The first one that I had done I only let the glue dry for about 1 hour and start handling it. It came apart in my hand and I had to redo it, so now I let each glue up sit at least 2 to 3 hours befor handling it. Also doing a little drum sanding along the way. Making sure to keep enough to fair themn in once mounted on the keel. Heres a few pic of progress Here is my drum sander mounted in my drill press I have the hose attached to the center plate on the bottom going to a vac to remove the dust. works great, just alittle bit noisy Hopefully will get the frames done this week and start the treenail of them before mounting on the keel.
  5. The walnut on the toothpicks turned out very nice. It is not to light or to dark (just enough contrast to know it is there but not draw away from the rest. And your frames look really nice. Hope mine turn out half this good. Keep up the good work and looking forward to more.
  6. I have just received the Delta 20" scrollsaw with stand and light and am very pleased with it. Easy to change the blade (no tools needed) and very little vibration when using it. If you have the room I would recommend this scrollsaw.
  7. I to have Jim's tools (table saw and drum sander and draw plate) and can not say enough praise about them. If you can save up to get these tools than do it, you will not be disapointed. Thank you Jim Byrnes
  8. Nice layout for the keel. Interesting on the joist for your house. Were those hand hewed? Looks like a big job. Looking forward to more on your full build.
  9. Moving along nicely, Beams and Post looking good. Hope the stain works out.
  10. Larry, You only have to please yourself. If on this second try you like it then it will be good enough, if you want to rip it off and redo it again then do so as many times as you want. We are here to support you in your hobby. Just have fun doing it Have you condsidered drilling the treenail with a bit then using a wood filler to simulate the nails. I know this has been done on quite a few models here on the site. Chuck's praticum onthe Sultana uses this method and it turned out really nice. Just an idea
  11. Don't have a clue to what type wood that is, by the pictures the grain looks fairly straight and tight. On the treenails what size bit did you use to drill the holes. At 1:48 scale about a #76 bit would be about the right size. I had tried toothpicks on a test board and I could never get them to come out right. So I switched to the draw plate and bamboo skewers.
  12. Looking good, when you glue the stem up will you be simulating the caulking between with anything (such as pencil or black paper) or will you leave it as is?
  13. Like your treenailing, very neat. Also like your stain choice, the lighter stain looks good.
  14. Very nice Larry, really do like your decking. Will you be stain the treenails after they are all installed?
  15. Very nice start to your frames, looking good. As everyone has said, take your time and do each step and before you know it they are done. Looking forward to more
  16. Looks great, joint clean and neat, Lovely job. Like the boxwood
  17. Have just order some blades from sawbirds, will see how they do a repost here. Thanks again for all the information.
  18. Congratulations on the milestone Nice stack of frames, Good luck on the fore frames.
  19. Thanks to all who have replied, this is some good information and was lots of help
  20. Bob...tryi this link jhttp://olsonsaw.net/scroll-saw-blades-5-in--pin-end.html
  21. Some very nice progress, wood is looking good. Simple but effective sander LIke it
  22. Can't wait to see the bloodwood. That kinda cool that you will be using wood that actually was in a ship itself
  23. No problem, it is the little things in life that make worth living. Thanks for the replys
  24. Rusty, everone has done said it. beautiful work, That boxwood is great. Crisp clean lines. I can just hope mine will come out half as good.
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