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Q A's Revenge

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Posts posted by Q A's Revenge

  1. I have a variety of vee blocks that I could use but I'd probably use my finger plate. Different size brass bushes can be placed in the clamp. The one pictured is for a 5mm centre drill.




    Or you could just do it with something like a bench block if you can temporarily fix it in place.




    Just a vee cut into a piece of wood will work well enough though as Mark says. Just bring the drill bit down into the centre of the vee first then clamp the wood in place before placing your dowel into it. It's probably worth spending a little time to make a jig that can be kept safely for future use.

  2. I generally don't buy cheap drill bits or even sets for that matter unless they are on special offer. In the past I've bought the sizes I needed at the time and from reputable suppliers, normally companies like Buck and Hickman. Surprisingly to many maybe, but it's normally cheaper to buy from a local engineering supply house if you have one than from a DIY store. The one notable exception I made was many years ago when I took the chance on a cheap set of number drills at a very good price at a model engineering show. They turned out to be made in India but I've not had any quality issues with them at all and still use them now. Having said all that I do keep a "rough" set of drills for non critical work!

  3. I still might buy a ProEdge, until then though I will continue to use my much modified Record BDS250


    SAFETY FIRST if you plan to shape wood and sharpen tools on the one machine you must carefully remove all wood dust from the machines nooks and crannies before sharpening tools. If you don't you'll quickly find the sparks from tool sharpening has set fire to the wood dust! DAMHIKT.









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