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Everything posted by archjofo

  1. Hello, to build the capstan, was another challenge. The first attempt was unsuccessful. So I started a second attempt. The following figures show the manufacturing process. Be continued ...
  2. Hello Ulrich, nice to meet you at MSW. It makes me happy to see your excellent model
  3. Thank you for your nice comment. Sorry, but my English is not so perfect. I'll try later. But, I'll show you this in advance in the form of images.
  4. Before I start my build log some information about the real La Créole and the data from which my model will build. The La Créole was a 24-gun corvette of the French Navy. The corvette carried 4 x 18 pdr guns and 20 x 30 pdr carronades. Her plans were drawn by P. M. Leroux in 1827. She was launched in Cherbourg in May 1829. The ship took part in the French invasion of Mexico in 1838, and most notably in the Bombardment of San Juan de Ulloa before French troops disembarked and captured the city of Veracruz. There is a fine shipyard model on display at the Musée national de la Marine in Paris which is shown by many photos in the book of Jean Boudriot (in French). I use the following sources for building my model of the corvette: Jean Boudriot - Historique de la corvette 1650-1850: La Créole, 1827 Now the images of beginning: To be continued... Best regards Johann
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