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Everything posted by archjofo

  1. Hello Gary, I wish you a happy New Year! Beautiful and outstanding work as has been said already, it is wonderful to follow your progress.
  2. Hello, I wish you all a happy new year. And here it goes further with the current preparation of the strap hinges. First, the bands (1.6 / 0.4 mm) were cut from sheet brass. Then the bushings were cut from a brass round tube. To be continued ...
  3. Hello dear friends, thank you for your nice comments and kind words, I appreciate them very much, and I'm glad you like my work. Today I show the continuation of to the preparation of the door hinge. I hope you enjoy the pictures.
  4. Hello Doris, it's nice that you're active at MSW again. I hope you are well. The model building makes you fun and joy, I see. It is an extraordinary pleasure, to be allowed to look at your pictures.
  5. Hello, the fit of the gunports lids proved to be great challenge. Here is a picture of the first attempt. More pictures to manufacture the fittings for the gunports lids.
  6. Hi Karl, I know your models exactly and follow these in your reports. So I know, that you are a great modeller. In this regard, I am honored by your praise. But I'm still far away from your model art.
  7. Hello, currently I make the gunports lids. The gunports of La Créole were closed with divided lids, which had an opening for the gun barrel in the middle. To be continued ...
  8. Hello, thank you very much for the nice comments. Currently I am working with the gunports. Once I made this pictures, I'll show them. In the meantime, just a picture of all the guns of La Creole.
  9. Hello, thank you also for the positive comments. Here you can see at one glance all 20 carronades: Here is a picture of the carronades on the rear deck:
  10. Hello Matt, I have decided to design a fully rigged model ship. Here you can obtain the tool: LINK
  11. Hello, thanks to all for the motivating comments. Today I will show a carronade in a showcase. I hope you enjoy it.
  12. Hello friends, thank you for the kind comments. Nine out of twenty carronades I have now assembled. Here are some impressions:
  13. Hello friends, thank you for the kind words. Meanwhile I have already mounted 4 carronades.
  14. Hallo, thanks for the nice comments. Currently, the brass parts of the carronades are burnished. Here is a photo of a carronade with all parts before assembly.
  15. Hello, the straightening rod from the carronade was secured with a chain. For this I used a ready-made micro chain of copper wire 0.20 mm. The ring bolts are made ​​from brass wire 0.25 mm. Here are some pictures that show these chains.
  16. Hallo Karl, this is an excellent work. I am very impressed with the brass parts.
  17. Hello, many thanks for the nice comments. Today I will show how the target device of the carronade is made. The pictures illustrate the process.
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