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Everything posted by giampieroricci

  1. I slowly resumed my work at Amarante. Two small decorations of the stern framework
  2. I hope so! I would love to visit the Rochefort museum and royal rope!
  3. I'm always excited when I look at the photos of your wonderful model! You are doing a sublime job !!!
  4. fills between the coasts are indicated in Table 10. I'm glad you chose this corvette: I really liked it! I did this way:
  5. WAUWWW!! My Teacher! Finally I see yours 74 gans among these masterpieces!
  6. You saw it well! I did in total about 4000 km but it was worth it! https://www.flickr.com/photos/87160638@N06/albums/72157682210361881
  7. I wonder why use cardboard? Is it easier to make it with wood?
  8. I used a brunette that I bought in armory: Then I passed a coat of opaque transparent paint
  9. you are right! I did not notice that! I'll change the chain. Thank you for making it known to me!
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