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Everything posted by giampieroricci

  1. if this lifeboat came decently it is also thanks to you, Johann!!
  2. I have finished the boat, I only spend the last coat of paint. Probably, in its final form, I will have to remove the benches and rudder because inside will be held the spear, that still I have to build (and already I shudder because this was a very demanding job!).
  3. Fantastic work, Albert!! I love your frigate!!
  4. you are right! I did not consider that the floor plates have to be reversed towards the stern, but now I can not change them.... :-( Yes, Mark! There is another more little boat that I have to build: it will be placed within the larger boat
  5. Dear friends, you are too good with my work and thank you for your compliment! I'm trying to apply the best of techniques on this beautiful forum frequented by great artists! it is thanks to your shares that I can understand many things too difficult for me!
  6. I started work on small boats: I try to copy unworthily masterful job of Johann "archjofo" who made masterpieces for his Creole:
  7. I fixed the decoration in place. Now I just try to polish it a bit 'and pass a coat of clear varnish
  8. gouges I use are self-built using old screwdrivers and cutting pieces .... Your work of sculpture is truly exceptional, believe me!
  9. Very nice figurehead! How have you made?
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