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Everything posted by giampieroricci

  1. Thank you!! :) Small forward: I set the molded course on the left side and I started to wrap the starboard side starting with the two courses between the moldings at the stern, ebony This is my "powerful" cutting tool for the oarlocks of double coasts:
  2. Now it begins to outline the final form of this corvette, at least on the starboard side: I fixed the piece of plank molded bow, prepared and glued the other strip molded, smaller, which limits the performance of the formwork and I started to cut and trim oarlocks of double coasts
  3. Before continuing the work inside, I decided to finish the topsides on the outside because I want to remove all the bolts that cause me many problems and hassles by cutting the excess coast and finishing on the gunwale. I then prepared the tool, converted from an old saw blade and molded with a small disk, for the course that I started to fix
  4. I finished the gunboats also from the inside I also fixed the sleepers of the castle I also started to prepare the battens of flowers: job rather difficult to prepare, especially because you do not have much space to be able to score perfectly all measures
  5. Today I finished working on the gunner. I have completed the thresholds and lintels. This is the window of the cabin of the Captain
  6. I finished opening the gunboats and I started to prepare the thresholds, which have a particular concavity, to which I have built a custom "tool" this is the tool:
  7. Thank you!!! I finally fixed the last beam formwork, which fits into the oarlocks of the transom: Meanwhile, I continued working on the opening of the gunboats of the bridge and the openings for the scuttles of the oars; for them I made ​​a template sheet to try to make them all equal
  8. I also fixed the sleepers of the formwork, but first I had to make the last beam, with a particular shape as it follows the curve of the transom and gets stuck there. I also started to open a gunboat
  9. I finally finished the job of balancing the interior of the coasts: a big job! I then set the keelson:
  10. thank you friends! I managed to bend the ebony with the flame of a candle, and then I put in a suitable form. however, they are strips of 2mm that I bent just enough to paste them on the model. The curvature of this model is not excessive. My ship is about a meter long......
  11. I finished the work on the belts, I started the long process of equalization of the interior of the coasts, and if it was tough on the outside, inside it is even more!
  12. I thought maybe it would be appropriate to bolt the course of filling at least now that there is still no upper boundary for more space and avoid any awkward shot could damage the belts themselves. This is the job I started. I used the brass tacks of a diameter of 0.7 mm which I cut his head off and filed flush with the stem of the course.
  13. Thank you, friends! the belts are made ​​of ebony, a wood so hard, so delicate and so mangy to work but so beautiful to see!
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