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Everything posted by giampieroricci

  1. I have finally taken over the job left unfinished a few months ago. I started the construction of the plateau of the pit of cables. It 'still to fix and finish
  2. thank you, friends, for your appreciation! @Remco: yes, it's just like you said: in this way, I have the necessary space, after having removed the small cardboard, to cut off the head of the nail @uss frolick: for my work I'm using pear wood for carpentry and planking, ebony wood for everything that is black and boxwood for the moldings. Probably I will use maple wood for the planking of the bridge but I'm not sure yet....!
  3. thank you very much, friends!!! I started to prepare the two courses of the battens "of the flowers" of the left side. A work quite long, since I've done all the joints by hand with a sharp knife.
  4. I finally finished the nailing of the courses of the topside and I have built a temporary basis to hold the model out of the yard
  5. small forward: I finished reinforcements in ebony at the bow on the left side and nailing on the starboard side
  6. Meanwhile, I am continuing the bandage left side and riveting to starboard.
  7. I finished the installation of the courses between the doors and started to finish with fine sandpaper to remove the glue residue and the excess of black cardboard. I also finished the edges of the gunboats and scuttles the oars.
  8. I continued with the bandage of the topsides, I realized I had made a serious error to paste the thresholds of the gunboats: the angle between the threshold and the side wall is pretty sharp and this did not allow for a perfect installation of the course below thresholds, for obvious reasons, leaving a little 'air. I removed very carefully thresholds and set the course and the joints redone, everything went perfectly, although I remove a threshold, have resulted in the rupture of an oarlock to the coast, but this will not be seen because it will be covered by the plating .
  9. Thank you!! :) Small forward: I set the molded course on the left side and I started to wrap the starboard side starting with the two courses between the moldings at the stern, ebony This is my "powerful" cutting tool for the oarlocks of double coasts:
  10. is really a wonderful job! everything is so realistic that it seems true!
  11. Now it begins to outline the final form of this corvette, at least on the starboard side: I fixed the piece of plank molded bow, prepared and glued the other strip molded, smaller, which limits the performance of the formwork and I started to cut and trim oarlocks of double coasts
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