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Everything posted by giampieroricci

  1. I used the common LED strips whose modules can be divided in groups of three LEDs. They are supplied with 12 volts with a common power supply
  2. I started to prepare the beams with the slots for the strings, the stringers and carts Many Arsenal purists turn up their noses, but willing to give a little 'light to the interior, I prepared the first beam that brings some LEDs in the lower face and this is the effect obtained:
  3. I made a big mistake with the bulkhead with two doors that do not touch the floor. Of course I redid the bulkhead correcting the error
  4. I am a novice too, this is my first model in the arsenal. And I do not think that you are a novice: your work is just great! The Fleuron is among the vessels more difficult to achieve!
  5. Some small progress: hardware ports: To get an idea of the proportions, the one you see in the picture at the top is the tip of 0.4 mm with which I performed the holes
  6. I went a bit 'on with the work; I prepared all the beams of the bridge and its armrests. I also placed the hatches of the lower deck the gunwale
  7. thanks friends! I started the preparations of the interior: the large bulkhead of the hold of the water and the well of the bilge pumps I also started the body of the bilge pumps
  8. These days I proceeded to finish outside of the model: I have given two coats of sealer and, after finely sanded, two coats of paint opaque transparent finish. All spray with airbrush.
  9. Sorry Mark, I was looking at the third photo. By drawing on the background it seems to me that the strakes at the stern should have a more harmonious bending and not folded so neatly. Perhaps the transom should be tapered a little to avoid the edge so sharp. Or am I wrong?
  10. My method to build the windows: with a card I found the exact shape of the window in which will fit the frame glass. Around this template card I made a counter-frame that I need to assemble the window:
  11. Thank you!! It's nothing compared to your job that I always follow with admiration!!
  12. I started the construction of the gunwale, starting from the bow where must engage in the oarlocks. Everything is only hinted at plenty fat: it will be finished later
  13. Oh! Sorry!!! With this: Synthaglass http://www.drtoffano.com/toffano_prodotti/pg_prodotti.htm
  14. Hello Alex! manually, with some tools shaped from me made from old hacksaw blades
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