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Everything posted by giampieroricci

  1. you have to use a heat-insulating paste on the solder already made! Like this: https://shop.mealli.it/index.php?id_product=750&id_product_attribute=0&rewrite=pasta-termoisolante-per-saldatura&controller=product&id_lang=1
  2. what an impressive job! just one tiny note if I may: don't those hinges look slightly big?
  3. The fineness of all the details in this splendid work is something unimaginable! A true masterpiece!
  4. I am starting to prepare the support base for the model. The idea is to make a kind of grating with three columns (probably brass) that will support the model.
  5. Outstanding work, Chuck! I really like the shade of wood you are using. What kind of wood is it?
  6. 🙂 I started work on the artillery in early December to make 14 complete guns (and I still have to make the hoists for manoeuvres)! I dread to think how long it would have taken me for a 74 guns!!!
  7. I apologise, it was not my intention to criticise anyone. I just wanted to point out that the finish and the excellent work expressed deserved a better type of wood, the grain of which is too pronounced compared to the scale of the model, that's all! Forgive me if sometimes I cannot express my concepts well, I do not know English perfectly, I help myself with a translator who does not always do his job well!
  8. excellent work! It's just a pity about those wood grains that are too obvious
  9. you are too good to me! As Socrates used to say, I know I don't know, and for every job I approach I never know if it will be acceptable or if I will have to start over again. I see so many works on this forum that are truly unparalleled works of art and I am enraptured by the skills of so many of you, and I wonder: how do you do it? it is true, sometimes I am amazed by what comes out of my hands, but rarely!
  10. as innisfree said these are not rectangles: it is the circle of axes made from a small brass rod; later they will be burnished, if I can
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