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Everything posted by shihawk

  1. I i had taken a bit more care with makin the frames it would have made things easier later on ,but i still had it in my head that i would start from scatch again . All i can say at this atage is i have learned quite a bit in a short time and know i will need to learn a lot more before i finish . While waiting for planking to dry i started the bottom deck and as the pic shows it will need some parts replaced to square it . I hope to be able to work with the frames as they are ,with a lot of sanding and a few alterations . The deck frames and keel are the only pear wood i have used and must say it,s a pleasure to work with besides the oak ,plus the tight grain is a lot more realistic looking . The planking and thick stuff are from old stock rather than waste better woods
  2. finally decided ti mill out the fram base to give me something accurate to work from and then used a very high teck building board to fix them to the keel .
  3. i took a few pic as i went along just in case thing went according to plan . I wasn,t happy with my first set of frames but decided to carry on with them and see what problems awaited with the view to starting over again if things didn,t work out
  4. I started of this build by deciding that as i didn,t have to buy a kit i would splash out on some good timber just to see how it compared to kit supplied stuff . So i ordered some pear , well quite a lot of pear in fact , in various thicknesses having spent a lot of time workin out what i would need . Some maple ,some cherry , some holly, all woods i had heard recommended on various build logs . Unfortunately i neglected to order 5mm pear for the hull and ordered 2 mm instead , first mistake .Keen to get started i found a old windowsill made from oak and dicided i had the tools to make 5mm x 20 strips which would get me started . It was not great ,very grained and open so remembered that i had pieces of oak that i put away a few years ago. Spent a long time cutting to size and then decided i needed a thickness sander .More time waiting for bearings and a cheap drill to arrive .Eventually got sufficient to make the frames but broke a drive belt on my saw and had to wait for replacement , probably asked to much of a small machine . Decided that unless u have proper machines it,s probably easier to order timber as near the size u require as possible . Proceeded to makes the frames and after trying to reinvent the wheel for a week or so decided the best way was the way every one else did it . There are several great logs here and should be studied before starting this build . My first pic is of 2 very cheap tools which turned out essiential in preping the frames
  5. I delayed starting this log untill i was sure i would be continuing with it , doubt is my worst enemy , but i think i can produce something worthwhile out of it, so will open myself up to the great unwashed and see what u think
  6. good to see u back ,,it is a long build so a break now and again is acceptable , lookin good , wait till u start the rigging ??????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. welcome Marc . just remember first builds are a learning experience .. have fun ,, Boyd
  8. Welcome to MSW . I think from your obvious sense of humour u will make an excellent modeller . Have fun Boyd.
  9. Welcome aboard Amy .
  10. Welcome Archie, take it slow and have fun . Boyd
  11. control yourself man , your from scotland ?????
  12. i just found your log , great work , i love the sturdy look to that time period , it,s like the the frames are on the outside !!!!!
  13. I,m just dissapointed u didn,t get it built any quicker !!!!! I,m still fafhing about tryng to cut the hull for a Triton and it,s only the section ??? great work Mike ,i think u made the right decision to half cover it, it certainly makes it interesting . i,m glad u did the log and think my next build will probably be a plane . Which begs the question what,s your next build . ship in a bottle maybe ??? Boyd.
  14. Love it , definately on my to do list !!!!!!
  15. Welcome Marijn ,, brilliant work !!!1 Your pics take me back many years when Verlindin ," not sure now of the spelling " catalogs showing great figures and dioaramas where a must buy .. Although i have now moved to wood builds i can appreciate the skill and work u have put into your projects ,, I look forward to your log and although my knowledge is very limited there are many here who will be very helpfull in your research . Boyd
  16. lookin great , is it covered with something like tissue paper and dope like the old balsa models ????
  17. Welcome Mike , u just joined a agreat forum ,, Have fun . Boyd,
  18. sry for causing indecision Mike , but i did start with " my opinion " your the captain, or should i say pilot ??
  19. Welcome to the forum Larry , i think like u most of us have returned to a childhood hobby after life got in the way . If u intend to add to the kit there are some great build logs on here that should be helpfull,, Have fun !!! Boyd
  20. my opinion -- it would be a shame to cover all that work !!!!!!
  21. Sry i forgot to post this reply a couple of wks ago , I only realised when i wanted to show a final pic of the Vic in her temp dust covering ,,some confusion where her permenant home will be ??????
  22. Tks all for the kind comments . Grant ,,, i think im more proud of the fact that i got finished than of the build itself !!! though i,m happy with it and learned a lot ,, i think ? Keith ,, i,m still smiling. To be honest i was going to do a few more bits but having broken a few of the sticky out bits i decided to call it a day before i spend another year on repairs. Mike ,, i suppose u are still snowed in ??? Next is a display case , i hope to sort the materials to morrow ,and then i intend to do the Triton cross section , plans printed and timber ordered , i want to get the vic out of the workspace before i create more sawdust and dust . So i hope to see u all on the dark side . Boyd
  23. on the real thing would all that riggin have been wire ??? was thinking about fishing line as a sub !!
  24. Now i am impressed and a bit put off by all that rigging , didn,t think there would be that much in a plane , i live and learn .. thats the benefit of build logs ,they let u see what you are in for . Boyd
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