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Everything posted by shihawk

  1. Hi Mike , to be quite honest it was so long ago i can,t remember the exact reason , i think i did try the black and decided that the light color looked better with the natural finish . As i decided to build more for the look of it rather than authentic it left me free to change the rules a bit . Boyd
  2. tks , Paul , u are correct ,, another job to redo .
  3. ps ,, anchors where bought replacements , i couldn,t make anything reasonable with the kit ones
  4. sorry , i got held up without explaining the pic,s , as with the rest of the build the mizzen and all that goes with has been cut short ,, rigging has been kept to minimum and so may look a bit strange to the trained eye , apoligies for that !!! Anchors are not rigged in the authentic way but no matter how i tried the proper version looked like it would loosen on the first tug , so as captain i ordered it securely fastened . Only a few things at the bow to finish up and a overall cleanup should bring this rather extended build to a finish ,
  5. Thought i,d post a quick update on progress while waitin for dinner to cook ,
  6. i,m glad to see u still at it , but u better hurry or i,ll beat u to it , stay away from the tanks . she really looks great . Boyd
  7. Heinz , i,m sorry to hear about your father . I just shows how little we know about each others lives outside our hobby interests .
  8. Tks Heinz , i took a run through your build , to remind me of your build ,fantastic work . Was wondering if like me u need a break now and again , it is a long slow process and hard to keep the motivation going over years , i don,t know how some do it , good to hear from u again and look forward to your next update . Hi Mike ,,I couldn,t find your Victory build on the logs ?????? But i did find your Sopwith Camel , great finish idea with the half and half . Did think of trying the Fokker tri- plane and still might , would u recommend ??? However i have now opted for the Triton section , got the plans and have the wood ordered so will see how that goes first , may even try the full one if i think i,m up to it .Of course i must finish the Vic first !!!!!!!!!!! Cheers Boyd
  9. welcome Tor , or is it Thor ??? from sunny N Ireland ,, and it actually is sunny for a change ,
  10. decided to only rig enough to keep everything in place , may not be to everyones taste but it is a sort of a cross between a full build and an admiralty type build To each his own .
  11. sorry was just trying to remember how to post pic,s
  12. Hi folks . After a few false starts i think i am ready to return to my Vic build . In fact i have returned a few times but decided to wait untill i had some progress to show before posting an update . Before i left i talked about a short masted version and have continued on this theme as rigging is my least favourite part of building and possiblly one of the reasons i have been absent for so long .Forgive me if i don,t have the same dedication as i did when i first started and may cut a few corners in my rush to get this build finished , but finish it i must !!!!! i couldn,t bare the thought of all those hours work sitting in a corner gathering dust . I have plans for a simple -cheap case which if it works will be as much for safe storage as display and may be of interest to some , more on that later .The few pic,s that follow show re cent progress and i,m glad to say that sitting in a roofspace under a window dose,nt seem to have done the Vic any harm .
  13. lookin good ,, if u think u have gaps to fill do them before putin on sealer , i have had problems with that before , i think it changes the color and texture of the sawdust ,though Popeye,s tip works well ,
  14. hi mike , long time , i was brousing and happened on your log , so thought it was only manners to let u know i,m still keepin an eye on u . like u i took small break , well a long break i suppose , but my mojo has revived and i,m back in the workshop have almost finished the vic but not made any posts incase i fall of again , your yacht Mary is lookin good , your usual high standard , i hope the business is still going well and still hope to get up to see u some time if the price is right lol best regards Boyd
  15. Many thanks for the welcome back all . just don,t expect too much for a while till i get settled in again , been trying to get my head around some of the rigging plans again ,amazing how much u can forget in a short time
  16. Hi all . Been away for a while for various reasons ,but all being well i hope to return to the workshop this week ,and resume work on the Vic . it must be 4 months since i worked on her but it seems like years ,so it may be a while before i have much progress to report . I hope to spend a while going through the various logs i had been following and try to get up to date again , lookin forward to getting back into the smell of wood and glue .
  17. Hi Sean ,I have just fitted the veneer sheet deck on the Santa Maria also from Daniel Dursk and at first like you i was a bit dissapointed that the decking was not in individual strips as was suggested in the instructions ,but i fitted them anyway and after a coat of poly they look quite good ,and i must admit it,s a very speedy way to lay a deck . You could always buy a few strips of your prefered wood and plank over them if you prefere . i think the individual planks were originally supplied with the kit but Daniel now seems to prefere the deck sheet . Good luck with your build !!
  18. Looks great Heinz , I envy your workmanship . As you will know i left the ropes of my gunports as i just couldn,t get them to look right maybe it was because they were open or more likely i lack the ability ??. You seem to have got it just right !!! As for being crazy ,sometimes it helps .......
  19. Good idea to seal the hull . it will help protect it during the rest of the build . Looks great !!!
  20. Thanks Ian ,I think the main thing i have learned from this build is not to be afraid to do your own thing and see how it turns out ,although often when searching through other logs or books i have to remind myself i am building a model not a replica of the real ship and decisions then become easier. If your build continues to the same standard as your present planking i rekon you will certainly have a build to be proud off . I hope to be back at the Vic soon and be able to let you see now the shortened masts turn out before you make any drastic decisions.
  21. Hi Keith , I,m taking a leaf out of your book and having a short rest from the Vic . I knew when i bought the next kit it would be only a matter of time but hope to get back to the rigging soon . I have learned that size ain,t everything !!! Happy new year to you and yours
  22. A few pics of progress on the rigging before i took a break and started the Santa Maria , The rigging will be sim plified as much as possible so don,t expect anything to authentic !!!!
  23. Thanks for looking in Captain AI .Your query on how far the ratlines go is something i wondered about myself , In fact on my last build ,Cruiser , i thought like you that they needed to go all the way to the top. It makes sense for all the reasons you mentioned but many of the pictures of models i have looked at don,t seem to have any ratlines above the start of the futtock shrouds , so i left them off this time . Is it possible that because the main shrouds are served at least part of the way behind the futtock shrouds that the sailors were expected to climb the ropes for the last few yards ???? A problem with tying ratlines the whole way to the top is that the shrouds get so close together it can become pointless . Maybe some one more else can tell us the correct way although as i now have the futtock shrouds fitted and the ratlines on them i will have to be content without them . I may get a few pics put on tonight of the main yard fitted and partly rigged ? As regards the stopping at the main yards , i think it will cause a few problems but like you rigging is not one of my strong points , in fact in frustration i have broken my rule and started the Santa Maria over Christimas
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