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  1. Thanks guys. I have been cruising the cattledogs and think the following might be OK to limber up on: Nave Egizia - Egyptian ship (Amati) Les Trois freres (Sinagot) New Bedford whaleboat (Amati) By the way, 20 years ago, I built with my son, tthe "Le Husard". I think he did most of the work though. What do you recommend? Suggestions welcome!! Jimmy
  2. Thanks guys, so thats how it is done . I guess in real life they would have manhandled the guns in pieces down all those stairs. Or did they store the guns on each deck before they put on the hull? That is why the cross sections are so interesting - think I might do one!! I have got Victory kit and also San Martin - dont know which one to do first! jimmy from Brissie in Ozzie
  3. I am a real Newbie idiot with a stupid question... I have seen lots of kits and they look splendid with those 3 decks of guns. When the hull is built, the planking goes all the way from top to bottom. Then you cut out square holes for the gun ports. So how do you put in the guns (on their trolleys) on, say, the third deck down? There is nowhere to put them?? Do you just poke the brass casting through the gunport and put in a dollop of glue?? I have looked at a few instructions, but still no help!! Jimmie from Brissie in Ozzie
  4. Very interesting descriptions, guys! One thing I would like to add from the historical point of view.... In 1967 I embarked on a Mechanical Engineering course. It was a sandwich course and I spent 3 months a year for 3 years in "industry" I worked at the Newbury Diesel Company,as a fitter, in Berkshire. They were owned by the Everard Shipping company, and made some of the engines. These were monsters - many in-line cylinders. The engines would come into the factory after 40 years, I was told, for their first service! The max revolutions were 120, I remember, and the engine was direct coupled to the prop shaft. When you wanted to go astern, they would slow the engine right down and, when the compression was right, the engineer would swing a large hammer and knock the camshaft forwards. The engine would then start up in reverse! Those were the days!! Jimmy from Brizzie in Ozzie
  5. Hi Craig, we share the same birthday, but mine goes bac k many many years more! I have been looking at the paddle steamers and may get one. I have just finished a Greek bireme. I am afraid I didnt check on the contents of the box - just got on with making it! I ended up with heaps of walnut planks - cant find where I should have put them....It seems an awful fiddle to make an exact inventory of all the parts - do most people really do this?? Looking forward to your next posts Jimmy from Brissie in Ozzie
  6. Hi Jeff-E! yes, I would like to do a build log, but the photos may be few and far between. Reason? The cable from camera doesnt communicate with laptop no 2. So I have to put the SD card into laptop no 1, save it, then transfer to stick RAM, then put stick into laptop no 2 taking care not to upset the mouse cable, then try the internet device. EASY EH??? How do I put a photo onto this forum? AAAAGGGGGGHHHHH....... JIMMY
  7. Yes,Phoenix, I have the Panart Victory bow cross section, but so far, too chicken to start. I have decided to limber up on the rather strange Amati bireme. It is a sort of glorified rowing boat with 44 oars!! It has a simple sail that I think even I will be able to master. The Victory bow section is scheduled for after Chrissie Jimmy from Brissie in Ozzie
  8. Excellent idea with that masking tape - it will sure be easier and more accurate than measuring. I'll be doing that for sure jimmy from Brissie in Ozzie
  9. Thanks for that answer, Jeff! I agree, I will use Titebond. One other question, The kits I have got, some have tiny brass nails (well, actually Magnetic brass ?!*) None of the kits seem to use nails though. The model I made 20 years ago (Le Husard), seems to have nail marks on the deck planking, but none on hull planking. I cant remember a thing about how I ever did it???!! I would have thought a nice line of "brass" nail heads would look quite good..... Don't they use nails these days? Or is it just some special kits? The kit I have got is a Panart Art 746 HMS Victory section, and, yes, the nails are genuine non magnetic brass!! Not plated. Even the canons appear to be real brass too! jimmy from Brizzie in Ozzie
  10. Beautiful work, Jeff! I also have a model ready to start, but a bit of cold feet, I think, seeing your and others work on this forum! Question..... Why do they recommend contact glue for the second planking? I use this stuff for gluing sandpaper onto planed wood, but it would be awful if you make a mistake and dont position the plank absolutely exactly....Wouldn't water based glue like Titebond or PVA be better 'cos you have time to fix position errors. What do you use??? jimmyh155, Brissie, Oz
  11. Hi folks! I am a newbie but 20 years ago, I built Le Hussard which still adorns my library. I too have just bought an HMS Victory bow section. Raring to go, I am, and very interested in all your threads! Jimmy from Brissie in Ozzie
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