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Everything posted by ollyweb

  1. Un lavoro stupendo, vederle tutte e 3 allineate è bellissimo Gianni Beautiful work , HMS Bellona it's my preferite
  2. fantastic work, I will take my cue to update the Unicorn Hello Gianni
  3. The decision to revise the stern was a great idea ... your work is very thorough and well done. compliments Gianni P.S. I also modified the stern but unfortunately I thought of this when the model was already completed.
  4. Hello Ian I think it was a good idea to open the upper deck .... so doing it makes it more similar to the Mercure ships HMS and HMS Diana. Good job. Gianni
  5. hi Ian....i recived a message " The gallery is for images of completed models only. The admin team will be deleteing the folders. You should start a build log of that model for in progress projects. Dont hesitate to ask me any questions. Chuck" I don't find my post about Unicorn Upgrade and the gallery is deleted. I will try to open a new wip about Unicorn but I don't will create a gallery. By Gianni
  6. Hello Ian, unfortunately do not have enough time to devote to this hobby.la family ... my job and a second job .... an online shop (www.olivero-modellismo.com) but last year I izing the battleship Roma and I started hAdmiral Hipper in 1:700 scale: http://oliveromodellismo.altervista.org/joomla/corazzata-roma http://oliveromodellismo.altervista.org/joomla/admiral-cruiser-hipper-1941 by by Gianni
  7. This work is really fantastic ... I will follow him carefully, congratulations, you're really very adept at your job. I wanted to achieve in the future HMS Leopard in scale 1/75 with the help of plans John McKay Gianni
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