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Kris Avonts

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Everything posted by Kris Avonts

  1. Yes, that is a traditional start with DELFTship. I guess the tricky parts to map the model to the lines of an existing (ancient) ship plan will follow. Anyway thank you for starting this effort. best regards, Kris
  2. That is fantastic news, Ab. I can hardly wait to walk around in that virtual ship. And the fact that it took 3 years for that model makes me realize that I have to spend some more effort. thanks and regards, Kris
  3. Hello Ab, If what you show is made with DELFTship, I call that a masterpiece. I also have used DELFTship but never realized the lines I wanted. Maybe I miss the point with DELFTship because I believe that every point that you make is a control point. So it is not a point on the hull. From the control points, lines for a hull are made by subdivision and you can adjust these lines by moving around with the control points. Every movement of a control point will affect several hull lines. For me that resulted in overly adjustments and a lot of frustration. Maybe I should give it a second chance as you prove that DELFTship can be mastered. best regards, Kris
  4. Hi TonyM, I also have tried out FreeCAD to model a hull. But until now that was not very successful. I even have problems of making points from the waterlines in the half-breadth plan to coincide with the same points viewed in the station lines of the body plan. About the splines in the sketcher, it is a fact that you can only make constrains for the control points and not the points of the spline itself. There is however a workaround for this and it is explained in this video: https://forum.freecadweb.org/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=9364&start=420 It seems a lot of extra work to me. So if you start a topic showing some hints on how to construct coincident points, I'm interested. best regards, Kris
  5. Hello j (Hardwoodhorder), I bought some boxwood about 2 years ago from Dictum, a German company that sells tools for the woodworker. They also offer a range of materials where you can find 2 offerings for boxwood. See here: https://www.dictum.com/en/european-wood-caa?p=5&followSearch=9700&o=1&n=12 The 2 last items in the European woods section are boxwood: The boxwood I ordered is no longer on display on the Dictum website. It was called ' Buchsbaum-Kantelsortiment, 4,5 kg '. Its cost was 55 euro and this is what I received: The largest pieces are 50 mm square and the longest is about 270 mm. The smallest are 20 mm square and the shortest is about 120 mm. You can see that some edges show some remains of bark (I turned all such edges up for the picture). Also take into account that there are shipping costs as weight is 4,5 or 10 kg, and it depends where you live. I paid 16,80 euro for shipping to Belgium. I hope this information is useful for anyone looking for boxwood in Europe. Best regards, Kris
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