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Everything posted by jhughsonsr

  1. Your patience is amazing. Good job. Have you tried a blackening agent on the brass? It darkens the metal and will not chip Jerry
  2. Sorry, I was just responding to Captain 71's request for info Jerry
  3. I found a great nailing tool at a model train supplier. I think Micro Mark and Model Expo may have them also. Cheers, Jerry
  4. The framing looks good. Still have all your fingers? Cheers, Jerry
  5. Thanks for the tips, guys. Jerry
  6. Sweet planking and sanding job. Can't wait for more pix. Jerry
  7. I really appreciate the input concerning Mamoli kits. I have my eye on the Surprise, having listened to most of Aurbry's adventures on talking books, and being able to visualize the ship through those stories. I have loved the old sailing ships since I was a kid, watching Errol Flynn and his swash bucklers. I am working my way through the Dapper Tom, and probably have another 6 months of rigging to complete. All of my prior ships have been modern warships such as Tamiya's Fletcher Class destroyer and USS Missouri. ttyl, Jerry
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