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Everything posted by romiol

  1. Hello everybody Well, the process of building the Victory goes on only very, very slowly - too many other things that caught my interest in the last few months. However, I did work a little bit on the ship too. I completed the row of buckets and added the handles. And then I restarted the work on the galion rails. The first version was already finished when I noted that the shape is wrong. I removed everything and tried again - the result was not what I liked so now that's the 3rd version that is attached to the ship. It's not yet finished but the main shape is ok and a basis for further work. And with the late autumn and winter coming I guess I will spend more time inside and fill find time for working on the Victory. Cheers, Rosmarie
  2. Hi Anja The meeting in Radolfszell war great – a lot of fellow modellers, beautiful models, good food, good talk – what do you want more…. And the meeting had some consequences, since next year the organizers would like to have airplanes as main exhibition models. Usually most people build ships (navy, WWI to WWII). So my Fluite and my biplane were the nearly the only “special” items. And, well, the card virus infected me even more and I started to build some other planes….. If you are interested in the biplanes, you will find them at the end of my present Victory log and more of them here: http://www.kartonbau.de/forum/index.php?page=Portal – same nickname as in this forum. Cheers, and thanks for asking Rosmarie
  3. Hi Patrick It looks really good, your coppering - congratulations!!!! Cheers, Rosmarie
  4. Hello everybody Well, in the last months I didn’t feel like working on the Victory. It started when I noticed that I have to re-do the whole galion because the rails looked wrong. And, as some of you know, in the meantime I got strongly infected with the card-modelling virus…. In the recent weeks/months I was usually working on a model of the “Revenge” (1577), the beautiful Elizabethian galleon with was for some time the flagship of Sir F. Drake, who was my hero when I was about 10 years old. When not building the Revenge I was busy with model planes (card) from WWI. And just to let you see some pictures, here there are…. You see, I am still busy with making models of some old beauties – and just wait for getting enough appetite to struggle with Vic’s galleon. Cheers, Rosmarie Pics: 1-3: Revenge 4, 5: Friedrichshafen FF33 - engine, flight over the pond in Wil 6-8: Curtiss JN4 "Jenny", some details, flight over Lake Peyto (Canadian Rockies) 9-11: Albatros B.I, details, flight over our terrasse 12, 13: Morane-Saulnier L
  5. Hi Kevin Thanks for asking - I am very fine, was just busy with my other ship "Schwarzer Rabe", the card model (also in this forum). In mid May there is a meeting of card modellers and I will attend and show some models too. So I wanted the standing rigg of Rabe to be finished and in between knotting ratlines I build a WWI biplane, the Albatros B.I Attaches a pic of the fluite and some of the plane... Cheers Rosmarie
  6. Hi Anja Thans for asking - I am very fine, was just busy with other models.... Hello everybody The next step was the work on the main top mast. First I assembled the backstay which, as the fore back stay went down to a ring just behind the channel. The main topmast stay goes down to a ring at the foot of the fore mast. A challenge was the tackle which had to go in between of the two ropes of the main stay – a little bit tricky, to bring the blocks down. Next were the shrouds on the topmasts – same as with the other shrouds, so nothing special. Now I could start with setting all those shrouds, stays, backstays really firm without bending the masts. I used quite a lot of time for this, made knots without fixing them with glue and let everything rest for 2 days. Then I controlled, adjusted everything and fixed the ends of the tackle ropes with a drop of superglue. And then the ratlines! Well, nothing special, but a very boring job. I fixed a paper with the adequate lines behind the shrouds and started with these hundreds of knots… I decided to fix only the knots on the two outer shrouds and let the other ones “natural”. That was the time when I needed some change and when I started building a card-biplane. So it was 5 to 6 ratlines, then some work on the plane, then another 5-6 ratlines and so on. The plane made good process as did the ratlines. On 11 May there is a meeting of card modellers in Radolfszell (Lake Constance) where I will attend and I will show the Scharzer Rabe there with the completed standing rig, as well as the now finished biplane. By mid May I will have to decide how to proceed with the fluite: Shall I present her with all sails or with running rig only? What do you suggest? The next step was the work on the main top mast. First I assembled the backstay which, as the fore back stay went down to a ring just behind the channel. The main topmast stay goes down to a ring at the foot of the fore mast. A challenge was the tackle which had to go in between of the two ropes of the main stay – a little bit tricky, to bring the blocks down. Next were the shrouds on the topmasts – same as with the other shrouds, so nothing special. Now I could start with setting all those shrouds, stays, backstays really firm without bending the masts. I used quite a lot of time for this, made knots without fixing them with glue and let everything rest for 2 days. Then I controlled, adjusted everything and fixed the ends of the tackle ropes with a drop of superglue. And then the ratlines! Well, nothing special, but a very boring job. I fixed a paper with the adequate lines behind the shrouds and started with these hundreds of knots… I decided to fix only the knots on the two outer shrouds and let the other ones “natural”. That was the time when I needed some change and when I started building a card-biplane. So it was 5 to 6 ratlines, then some work on the plane, then another 5-6 ratlines and so on. The plane made good process as did the ratlines. On 11 May there is a meeting of card modellers in Radolfszell (Lake Constance) where I will attend and I will show the Scharzer Rabe there with the completed standing rig, as well as the now finished biplane. By mid May I will have to decide how to proceed with the fluite: Shall I present her with all sails or with running rig only? What do you suggest? Cheers, Rosmarie
  7. Hi Shipyard Sid Was a little bit ill the last days - flue - so didn't do anything in my workshop. Now it's better but I am still waiting for some wood which I need for the rails of the galion. As to the channels, I did not do anything with them so I have no idea wheather they fit or not - sorry. Cheers, Rosmarie
  8. Hi Anja Thanks for your kind comment! I use the rope which comes from Caldercraft - while building Victory's cannons I couldn't find the rope from the kit and ordered all new - now I have plenty of it and can use it for paper models. Hki Buck Thanks for your kind comment. Usually you have to cut nearly all parts. This model, however, comes with lasercut frame parts and you can buy an additional set with lasercut details (I highly recommend it!) which spare you a lot of difficult work. And there is an addition set for masts which includes the wood and lasercut parts of masts, also highly recommended. Cheers, Rosmarie
  9. Hi Augie Well, I started building Victory without this great tool - found it while studying Gil's log. Then search around here, then in the internet and finally had to order them from the USA!!! And there are other great tools - mostly ordered after seeing them in this forum and nearly all of them bought from the USA. So: What would I do without internet??? Cheers, Rosmarie
  10. In the last days I worked on the shrouds. Not a very difficult thing in general, however quite a challenge to have all tackles of the same length, all deadeyes in a parallel line to the channels. While the deadeyes on the shrouds are now fixed with CA, the tackles are just knotted and not yet fixed with glue. I will do this only when all parts of the standing rig is read and when I can adjust the tensions. As next I worked on the fore mast and hanged the shrouds of the topmast then assembled the backstays. At last (for today) I did the fore mast stay with its special tackle to the sprit. Cheers, Rosmarie pics: 1 Shrouds-mixture - or why does a ship need so many ropes.... 2 Fixing a deadeye - most important tool 3 Tackles 4 Fore mast with backstay 5 Fore mast with deadeyes 6 Fore mast with stay 7 Tackle of fore stay 8 all shrouds set
  11. Hi Mobbsie You see, I am trying to re-write history: Nelson's Victory with aircraft support.... Cheers, Rosmarie
  12. It seems as there will be another great build log - your deck looks brilliant! Cheers, Rosmarie
  13. Hi Caroline A wunderful build! I love your planking - it looks really great. And the captin's cabin is brilliant. Congratulation! Cheers, Rosmarie
  14. Thanks to you for your kind comments. For me too, when I see pictures of some of the paper models it's still hard to believe that's "only" paper - the new productions by Shipyard are reallly very realistic ones and it's real pleasure building them. Well, not as much pleasure as wood builts, but a nice alternation... Cheers and happy modeling Rosmarie
  15. Hi Sjors Thanks for looking by... and no problem with being "rude"... I guess Augie can take it.... Cheers, Rosmarie
  16. Hi David Yes, I could start selling some of the paper models... but until now, nobody wants them... And well, I would have some problems giving them away... A year ago I didn't no anything about paper models and then they somehow stole part of my soul (the big part of my heat belongs to the wooden model!!). That's while I'm building now also a paper ship... Cheers and happy modelling Rosmarie
  17. This afternoon I put all shrouds over the respective mast-tops and attached them loosley on the channels. Then followed the stays. I started with the stay of the main mast. First an eye fixed with a seizing, then a mini-mouse and then the deadeye goes to the bottom. The lower part ws started with the deadeye in the middle of a lenght of rope which went down under bow spriet and through a hole, the upwards and fixed with seizings. Finally the takkle. All seizings are fixed with watered wood glue, the tackle is loose. All three stays were done in the same way and are just set but without much tension. Cheers, Rosmarie
  18. Derek: instead of working on Victory (just some painting) I set the stays at the "Schwarzer Rabe". So, as you see, still working on a sailing ship... Augie: Good eyes, and sure, you know the Camel... There are more planes, mostly from WW1 because I love those filigrane biplanes.... Cheers Rosmarie
  19. Hi everybody Well, it's not my week... The heating is functioning again so I restarted working on the galion. Just before adding the blue colour on the vertical strips, I noticed that the whole build has a wrong shape! So I had to soften the CA glue and remove great parts. And while I intended to restart with building the rails, I noticed that there is not enought wood.... So another rest for this part and I will have to order wood strips... After all I was able to paint the gunport lids a second time - but the red parts will need another layer... So, sorry, no pics for the time being. Cheers and happy modelling Rosmarie
  20. Gil: Yes, it’s real tough work form to find all those special nautical terms in English. Many of them are not in a usal German/English dictionary at all. And while the PC on which I work is in the living room, the books about Victory are in the workshop downstairs… One more reason why I love the re-upload of your log, there I can see what’s the English term of a lot of those parts I’m building. Hello everybody I couldn’t work much on my Victory in the last few days. Last Friday-night the heating facility in my workshop crashed. And since temperatures are freezing (-3-10 degrees C) on Saturday morning the room was more than just cool, it was cold (only 5 degrees C!). I had to carry my Victory upstairs to the living room because I feared that the low temperature could made the wood work too much… And since our brilliant electrician (he made the 30 years old industrial heater blower work after years of unused) is in skiing for a few days I have to wait… But he promised to arrive tomorrow. The good thing – I had more time for working on my card model…. Cheers, Rosmaire PS: Fortunately the palm trees will not suffer as long as it doesn't freeze in the room and as you can see, Victory temporarily serves as carrier...
  21. Hi Yon It looks good - I like the bow of your Vic. Cheers Rosmarie
  22. Hi everybody Today I started with working on the shrouds. Mohnfeld mentions under “tricks” that one should first mount the most rear pair of shrouds on each mast first as well as the matching fore-stay. Then one should give them the definitive tension and by this the masts are fixed. Then the rest of the shrouds and ropes can follow. For me this sounds logical and I will go for this method. First I put the starboard pendant tackle around the mast top, fixed it with a seizing and some CA. Same on the portside and cut the rope to reasonable length. Then I fixed the most rear pear of shrouds in the same way, first stb, then port side. For binding in the deadeyes I formed an eye at the matching length and fixed it with a crocodile clip. Then I made a seizing around it, put the eye around the deadeye and pushed to seizing towards the deadeye. Sounds complicated but was quite easy. However, no pictures, because I have on two hands and needed both of them…. The seizing was then fixed with watered wood glue, but only on the surface so the length of the shroud could be adjusted if necessary later. Next I did the tackling, the knot at the beginning was fixed with watered glue, all the rest stayed mobile for adjustment. The whole system is quite stable but adjustment while setting the tension on the different shrouds and stays is possible. Until tonight, the most rear shrouds on each mast are done… Cheers, Rosmarie
  23. Hi Derek The stern looks very good - congratulations! Cheers, Rosmarie
  24. Hi Gil Thanks a lot for loading up again all your great pictures and especially all the drawings you made. It will be a great help for all modelers! Cheers, Rosmarie
  25. Now is the start of the rigging... I decided to do the sprit mast first, befor I fixed it to the hull because I thought this to be easier for handling. First I placed the lower deadeyes, however without fixing them definitively. Then I added the takles and the upper deadeyes so all had the same lenght. Finally I attached the shrouds, with small seizings. BTW: I used wooden deadeyes (2mm). Next I prepared the channels with the lower deadeyes. Here I used 2.5mm deadeyes, wood, which were placed in the small noch of the channel and then covered with small strip of card. They are not fixed in the channel but can move up- and downwards, as long as the futtocs are not glued to the hull (well, I'm not sure wheter I use the right words for all these parts of a ship...). As to the takles: they are not yet fixed i.e. I will give them the definitive tension later on when the shrouds are set. Anyway, the pictures will show what I do... Cheers, Rosmarie
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