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About barnol2461

  • Birthday 04/02/1961

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  • Location
    Triabunna, Tasmania, Australia
  • Interests
    Model boat building, watching dvd's but boat building takes precedence.

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  1. Thank you for that Bill, I went to Amazon and they were supposed to have 4 available but 1 week after purchasing it the money was back in the bank. with an email saying that there was none available. Last look they still show 4 available. I have found a book and received it yesterday and that is: Top Drawings The Battleship Bismarck by Waldemar Goralski. If there is anyone out there that can not get the book of drawings of the Bismarck I am happy to scan the pages and post them on this site and also the paper model website for everyone's benefit. Let me know. Barry
  2. Hi Capt, I am impressed with your workmanship. Am sure that it is going to be a spectacular ship when finished. I have a lot to learn. Can you tell me please where you were able to purchase the etched sheets that you have. I have the first three but not the others. I have a question to anyone who reads this, does the 1/200 Bismarck, Trumpeter kit, does the wooden decking and etched sheets compatible with Bismarck card kit as I have been told that they are supposed to be. I don't want to purchase something that is not compatible. Advice from modellers greatly appreciated. Keep up the excellent work Capt. Barry
  3. Hi all, I will be constructing the Bismarck soon in card {once I finish the other two ships I am building} the first time I have tried one. I am trying to find a copy of the following book "Bismarck (Super Drawings in 3d) by Waldemar Goralski". Does anyone know where I may be able to purchase a copy either old in excellent condition or new. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have been advised to get this book or is there another book that I can get. Your advice would be greatly appreciated. Barry
  4. Hi Captain, I have just purchased the Bismarck 1:200 scale with all the upgrades from the people you told me about and now I have the long wait for it to come. That will give me time to get the Mississippi finished and get a lot further with the rigging on the Hms Endeavour. I really want to get these two out of the way before I start this one. I am going to keep an eye on how you are doing yours so that I know what to do. Good luck with it Captain. Barry A
  5. I see that you purchased it.Only question that I have for you is. Do you know how to use this machine as it is? Micro-mark has stated that they are no longer selling this item also the attachments they have for it most likely will be discontinued also. I you haven't already got one it is advisable to purchase a coolant system. I am a fitter and turner by trade and it took a lot of teaching to know how to use one. They are good fun to use. Good luck with it. Barry
  6. Thank you all I will try to document the build further as I work on it but at the moment my back injury has had me bed ridden since the new year so not much going on I am afraid. The ideas that you all have given are greatly appreciated, I will accept all the advice I can get. Thank you Barry
  7. I started this build approx twelve months ago and has been an on and of project. Attached are photo's showing how far I have got so far. 1. Firstly is the front 2. The middle 3. The rear 4. In the alcove in the middle I have put livestock which to me looks quite effective. 5. There is then the top of the 2nd deck front and rear 6. With the cabins I did not put the cast windows in as I am planning to fit light inside so that they can be turned on at night to make it look effective. Still not completed as you can see. 7. Next is the front and rear of the 3rd deck 8. The 4th and 5th decks The stacks had there metal parts dry fitted to see if they fit fine. 9. The 1st set of stairs which have been a nightmare to complete. The handrail would not go right so I have tried using rope which looks effective. Not yet finished as I need to tidy the ends up, unfortunately the rope that came with the model is not nylon based. 10. The 2nd set of stairs have been started but a long way to go to get them right. 11. The paddle wheel has been fitted , only needs the arms on either side fitted to finish it of. This is all that I can show you at precent but will update further when I get more work done. Is there anyone that can give me ideas how to improve my model or advise me of anything I have done wrong. Anybody that has done the stairs I would be very pleased if you could give me some advice as to how to do it correctly.
  8. I found a topic on MSW explaining the "Frolich Style Rope Walk Plans" and there was links to: Version 1 Drawing # sheet 1 Drawing # sheet 2 Version 2 Drawing # sheet 1 Drawing # sheet 2 Unfortunately they are broken links and no further work. Has anybody got these sheets, if so would you be able to send them to me please as I really want to see them? I await your response> Thank you Barry
  9. I'm having trouble with rigging my HMS Endeavor, it just doesn't look right

  10. 26/12/2013 Machine Purchase. I wish to purchase the "Ropewalk Prosak $75.00 and the "Serving machine $95.00. Do I order them here or do I have to go else where to put my order and pay them. I reside in Tasmania Barry Arnol barnol2461@bigpond.com 0427 140 148 03 6257 3658
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