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Everything posted by Holty

  1. Cheers Sailor, got a few ideas now. Also a sly PM from Gregor has helped
  2. At the moment it looks like the LN is planning on hunting Moby Dick! Thanks again for keeping me going
  3. Eamonn, no worries, made me laugh mate. Least you know to watch out for that one now
  4. Does it come in spearmint? Cheers Tony, I'll order some, much appreciated. Trying not to get frustrated.
  5. More problems, more cursing, I think I have filed our too deep an arch for the bowsprit, need some sort of fill job else it's going to be pointing downward. Again foresight would have been a great bonus here but I'm lacking in that and forward planning. Need to fix but not sure how at the minute, maybe some chewing gum
  6. Hi B.E. Firstly I got to say that this is one of my favourite build logs, I must have read it 5 times. Not sure I'm ready for a Fly or Pegasus yet so Pickle still a contender. I'm curious as to what the brass stamp says on the display stand and was it part of the kit?
  7. Very nice, inspires to be a little more adventurous with my Ln. Companionway is superb, where did you source the extra fittings?
  8. Yeah they are great, have to stop myself cutting and sanding everything in sight
  9. Little update / New toy So I gave in and bought a Dremel, proper handy little all rounder it is too. Yet to exploit its full potential but can think of many uses for it. I have spruced up the gratings, they are arced a little now and sanded to the arc of the deck a bit more too so look a lot better. I'm fairly happy with these now so they are in place. Dry fitted the pumps so a lick of paint and they will be good to go. Companionway will be adjusted too, I want it to stand out a little more so may give that a lick of paint whilst I am at it. Was hoping to get the port side cannons rigged up last weekend too but for some reason I was struggling again with it, I find walking away and coming back normally helps. Hopefully I will get them finished this weekend and then I can finish off the deck
  10. Hi Daniel, I'd say it is a good kit for a beginner however I think with all Pob kits they don't exactly walk you through it. A lot of research needs to be done prior to taking them on although there is nothing like messing up to learn most. Written instructions are pretty shoddy but the plans are good.
  11. I'll have to check it out, I'm veering towards Pegasus however I've seen there is an upgraded Hms Fly kit too.
  12. Eamonn, so glad you said that, minute I posted I thought a salvage operation would be cheaper and easier.I think some sandpaper laid over the deck would help stop it looking stuck on and sanding edges round will give it a more authentic look. I'm quite happy to have an amateur look to my Lady(after all,I am amateur) but I want to look at it one day and think, "my first ship" with some pride, satisfaction and.... better gratings. I know my next model could potentially be 10 times better through what I have learnt, and as I mentioned when I first posted, this is more a log of encouragement to beginners than anything else. Had it not been for this site I probably never would have even bought this beautiful kit so I'm giving back. Also for any noobs looking in, absolute dividends are paid doing a build log,people here are so ace, there is no looking down on people, just help and encouragement. Whatever your level, it all helps the site
  13. Thanks for this, Im veering towards Pegasus I think
  14. I have a more permanent Ship yard now, a shiny new desk, not bad for 40 quid. This has been a godsend as I dont have to keep packing away and unpacking and finding tools all over the house. Ship wise I have finally bitten the bullet and rigged the cannons as best I can, they are so small and fiddly but it makes a real diffference and great to see the first yarn being added to the build. As I look at theses pics though I have decided to re-do the gratings as they look too "stuck on" and lack the arch you see on the real thing. They are such a focal point on a ship too that I think it will be worth the effort of re-doing them. A lot of the eyelets are in place now too so once I have finished rigging the cannons I will be moving on to winch and the dreaded Bowsprit and mast planing (shudder). Thanks for looking in Holty
  15. Thought so, both look like a good kit to upgrade Thanks!
  16. Is their much difference in these kits? Other Than price? Fly looks like a workhorse and Pegasus more flashy. I'm tempted by both but can't make up my mind.I'm looking in to a second build and considering my level I may just go for lil pickle but interested to see people's thoughts.
  17. Thanks Bettina,Still not sure on what size thread to use for the cannons, doesn't appear to be mentioned in the plans. I plan to do this before I start rigging though. I still have a few bits left before I have gone too far I think / I hope.
  18. As promised I have finally got round to uploading some pics, cannons painted and fixed, I know its not ideal but I may have to wait to rig them as I am not quite sure how best to do them. Had a little accident when attaching the companionway resultig in a splodge on the deck so needs a lil scrape to fix it up (its not too bad). It is actually more difficult than I thought attaching parts to the deck, the curvature makes it tricky and could have done with some tinkering to get them to sit flush. Next time I will also make a copy of the plans that I can lay over the model temporarily for marking out. Still got loads of eyelets to fix but I have bought some more drills as I snapped one when I dropped it, getting better with fixing the swines now. Next up will be the chainstays and pumps, hopefully be able to spend more time now xmas is out the way Thanks for looking in!
  19. Thanks Ollie,glad you like it. Bettina, I do actually know what you mean but did not think about that, good advice. I Still can't get my head round the seizing and I can't find much on 3 pounders. May have to move on to something else for now
  20. To tie it to the inner bulwark. I'm going simple on this build, similar to Rays Nelson's cannons (as in not fully rigged). Not sure on the length either, obviously they would need to draw back far enough to reload but how far? They are bloody small so I'm not fiddling about with them too much,
  21. Anyone know what knot to use for attaching cannons? By the way I'm very humbled and heartened by the encouragement on here, it's a difficult hobby and made so much easier by the people on here. Lord knows what people did before forums!
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