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Everything posted by kpnuts

  1. They are all individually controllable so maybe I will try it in the dark.
  2. Hi all well I still thought the sub was a little over scale so I've cut it down as much as I can, I've also added 2 more and added a bit more superstructure. I was thinking of adding another light, do you think that would be too much.
  3. Hi all, well apart from the Oerlikons all the deck furniture is done, i think, hope?
  4. Hi all well I've got lighting that seems more right scale wise, got another one of these to convert and ordered 2 more slightly different (just for variety) to add.
  5. Hi Ben I have some grainy stills of it (not many and nowhere near clear enough)
  6. Hi all built some more of the superstructure and added some more damage to the decking I know there is no debris from the wreck in the immediate area but I'm sorely tempted to use some artistic licence and add some.
  7. Hi all nearing the end now ( I say that hopefully) As is now With all the PE on the decks
  8. Hi all a bit more weathering on this Anyone see the tiny little sea anemone
  9. Hi all added some damage to the superstructure Trouble with doing a wreck is now I have to find out what the inside of that turret that's had the armour blown off looks like.
  10. Hi all started weathering the deck. Must say I'm a bit disappointed Tamiya don't supply and decals with this kit
  11. Hi all well I thought I could use this as the submersible used to light and film her, unfortunately it is totally out of scale so i will have to find something else, although I see that the effect will work quite well.
  12. Hi all can you guess what this will be. Started on a background Put a blue whale in it which I've drawn to scale just to show how big the wreck is, i realise it don't look that great but I'm going to put dirty blue wash over the background so that should make it fade out a bit. I'm really enjoying this build. Looking forward to my birthday and my next project (not a ship)
  13. Hi all added some salt then a light grey wash to kill some of the colour, then knock some of the salt off add another thin sandy wash, knock some more salt off then a thin black wash. I feel it's getting there now.
  14. Hi all started on rusting her, still loads of crud to add but I think it's a good starting point.
  15. Finally got the pompoms done on this part (get less and less modelling time these days)
  16. Hi all made a start on the damage, there is a load to add but I think it's an ok start. I'm afraid no more modelling for a week as off on hols.
  17. Hi all started on the base I've tried to get the seabed undulations as like the photos as I can, still got some fine tweaking to do to it yet. I've drawn some of the damage on the hull and decking I'm thinking of using a soldering iron to inflict it.
  18. I'm sorry for all the problems I'm causing. I've not had a laptop or tower system for ages i only use my Samsung tab s2 or my phone an LG 5se (the absolute worst phone I ever had ) I don't get any reports of errors on other sites I'm on. I use tinypic for hosting the pics (used to use and loved imbue but stopped working for me)incidentally I loved xp the best operating system they ever had it all went down hill from then. Hopefully people might be able to see this next update. I had to drill out the lower deck to allow for the details I have to add as the turrets won't be there. And gave the decking it's first coat of paint As you can see the traversing gear needs a bit of work
  19. Hi all proof I've not given up on this. Here is one of the four pom poms on the next part (they just take so long) Here are the unfolded magazine casings for the rest of them Here they are folded Now I just have to cut the magazine's themselves and bend them then fit them, oh and then cut out and bend the body's, then cut off the magazine's off the plastic parts, oh then bend the cages for the magazines. I really don't think I will do PE pompoms again. I saw somewhere where someone makes resin and PE pompoms for 1/700 scale ships that have 100+ parts, including metal barrels. Whoever undertakes those is either a hero or totally insane, or maybe a masochist.
  20. Hi all drilled out a couple of the big turrets bases and added the traversing gear to the inside of one of them (still got to deepen the shaft and add some internal detail)I'm only planing on making the base a little larger than the model, should I still add the missing turrets and other superstructure that came off even though they were found a long way from the wreck. Encase anyone thinks I've stopped working on the KGV I've not it's just the part I'm working on now has 4 pompoms and the PE takes ages.
  21. Hi all before risking the actual ship to my first attempts at an underwater dio I tried an experiment does this look convincing took me ages (well 15 mins) I'm quite happy with it. I'm trying to get it to look like this https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=Bismarck+Wreck+images&client=tablet-android-samsung&prmd=inv&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiq66XgqK7dAhUqBsAKHYSJA_UQ_AUIESgB&biw=768&bih=1024#imgdii=AsOOKmDJJz7KHM:&imgrc=jjP8_UgTvFSHiM:
  22. Hi all well got the hull painted, as I said I'm not too worried about the accuracy of the painting as most of it won't be seen when it's on the sea bed and yes I know the stern painting is a bit off but since that will be sheared off in the dio it won't be a problem, also another size comparison against the Titanic (which incidentally seems to be exactly the same length of the KGV although she was much higher makes me wonder were battleships given a low profile to make them harder to be seen.
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