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Everything posted by kpnuts

  1. I just found this and I have to say I'm more than impressed, what a talent you have, I do a bit of drawing (A left over from my tattooing days) but blimey you have an incredible gift there. Will be watching this from now onwards.
  2. Hi all here's one I've been on a little while. working on the torpedo room and the batteries. It must be obvious to those in the know I know nothing about subs. That said I am enjoying the build.
  3. Hi all here's one I started a while ago it's a great kit (if only I had the skills for it) made the crane for lifting the small rescue boat, I must say I'm very pleased with how this bit turned out (shame about the rest of it)
  4. Hi all well all the detail painting on the hull is done. I've glued the cannons on the sinking side as when it's attached to the base I think it would be very difficult. Added to the base, need to get some more Poundland bathroom sealant now for the sea
  5. Hi all well here's one I shelved back in 2015 (can't remember why) Airfix goth the colour totally wrong they would have you paint it blue and gold (other than the transom theres very little gold on her, although she is very colourful mainly red though and vert little blue) ( actually i love the airfix colour scheme but that was not right) other than a few few small things it's a great little kit. it's been resurrected I've redone the woodwork, I figure if the Hermann Marwede is going to be in a seascape i may as well tag this one in with it.
  6. Hi all soon be ready for the fine spray and completion I've added a thin coat of clear resin to the fore deck to show the wetness of it. Got more of the safety railing on (I'm really enjoying this little kit everything has been a great fit and the detail is really great for such a cheap kit I hope someone brings out a PE set for this kit, it definitely deserves one.
  7. Hi all well here is where it is now. I love the little lifeboat on the deck and have added the grab ropes to it, I drilled little holes in the side then inserted bits of telephone wire which I then draped the ropes over then glued them in place after which I cut the wire off. After adding the inner parts at the rear of the cabin it would no longer fit on the deck properly after a lot of head scratching I found that the front edge of the added inner bits was fouling with the cabin wall (in hind sight I should have added that wall to the removable cabin) so I've had to shave a tiny bit of try it shave a bit more off and continue in that fashion till it finally fitted.
  8. Hi all well I've added more waves (run out of sealant now) still not sure I have enough waves yet, will live with it for a while I can always add more, it will look more realistic when I've added the foam and spray but I can't add that till I've finished the model.
  9. No, no removing it now which is why I put all the bow fittings on before I stuck it down I won't be doing the foam and stuff till it's all complete.
  10. Hi all well I've started the water, obviously needs to be a lot bigger on the spray I envisage it going well over the bow and probably double the ammount coming from the front then lots of connon wool for the masses of foam.
  11. I've got to say for pocket money prices this is a really detailed kit I'm really enjoying it, I must have the one good fitting kit airfix made of it because I've got to say so far it's been a perfect fit no problems at all I wonder if there is a bigger than 1/72 model of this kit.
  12. Hi all here's the next update, I've heard lots of people say this is a bad fitting kit but I have to say it seems spot on to me (so far anyway) just a trial fit of the top cabin nothing fixed yet I'm toying with the idea of making it removable to show the detailed interior.
  13. Hi all here's the next update. Do you think this water is ok not to steep? I won't get any more done for a week as I'm on hols.
  14. Hi all I decided to give this one a go, it's actually a very nice kit and at 12.99 cheap. Here's the box instruction booklet and my start on it. I intend to put it on a base in a very rough sea.
  15. all well I've fixed the foremast and strengthened it with a rod up the middle, making it a waterline model had an unexpected problem to it the main mast locates in an I shaped piece which is glued to the bottom of the hull to keep the mast central and true since I cut the bottom of the hull off obviously that locating area was no longer there also the mast was a lot higher than it should have been, luckily I still had the bottom of the hull that I cut off so I put the mast in it laid a rule across the hull and marked where it cam on the mast and cut that piece off but the mast is tapered at the bottom and the holes through the decks must be the same size as when I put the mast in it Leaned either way so I had a cunning idea and wrapped masking tape round the bottom of the mast till it was a snug fit in the bottom hole ( only problem now is the mast seems to lean sternwards) so now I just have that problem to sort and of course to make sure it is square with the center line as well.
  16. Wow looking very good, I like the ultra marine too, I think that would be a good choice.
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