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Everything posted by kpnuts

  1. well did some filling and glued some deck parts on corvette and added the wooden decking to the rear.
  2. Hi all done a bit to the corvette. the strengthening tie bars are a joke they bend all over the place had to add some plasticard to them to stiffen them also number 9 rib is about 1.5 mill too long when in place and you add the top deck it creates a gap all down the side so had to had a bit off that, fits ok now.
  3. Hi all is it me or are the plates on the side of this ship massively out of scale there is on average 1.5 mill hight difference between them that means a 1/72 they are between 3 and 4 inches in thickness difference that's like the thickness of a house brick.
  4. Hi all hull halves together as you can see will need a fair amount of sealant to waterproof it, even though I used a vise the gaps are still quite large. just waiting for the brass rod and tube for the prop shaft to come then I will seal it all.
  5. Sorry guys would have added them when I did the blasts otherwise, trouble is it would only be one single fiber optic fiber and the amount of light once I put the cotton wool over it would not show at all.
  6. Hi all well now I've finished Warspite I am putting some serious thought into the corvette. I know the purists will hate this but there are hundreds of corvette model builds out there, and, if you've got to know me at all you will know I don't do usual, so, I was thinking what I could do different, I could turn it into a luxury cruiser, but I want to keep the guns and stuff, so I thought maybe turn it into some sort of futuristic fighting ship, but no I actually like the look of it as it is, and that would change it a lot, so what I thought was. War gaming is quite popular what if you could play captain of your very own corvette. Obviously she would have to have up to date radar and stuff, for legal reasons I assume. So guys what would I have to alter legally (visibly I mean)if she was to exist now and be leased out to War game parties.
  7. Hi all thanks for the comments as promised here are some more pics taken in daylight.
  8. Well its finished, managed to sort the rigging used the glue on it and it worked like a charm.Thanks. hid the botched paint behind the gun blasts. will take some better photos in the daylight tomorrow.
  9. Thanks for the encouraging comments guys will try the glue tip and if that doesn't work will try the wire one, as for the paint maybe another near miss with a water spurt will hide that.
  10. Thanks for the reply. I am really annoyed it looked great when first done just the right amount of sag now it looks like s++@
  11. well here is where I am now sorry in advance not turned out anywhere near as good as I hoped have ruined the rigging and some of the paint work,doing some more to the dio then the whole thing will be done I feel I have to finnish the base as I prommissed myself I wouldnt start anything else till this was finished.. dont think I will be donating it to the library though and definitley not to the next club show table I think it is now ruined and fit for the spares drawer
  12. Hi all this is where I am now still a lot of little things to add so probably wont be posting any more on this for a while as the bits I need to do wont really show up much and would just be boreing, but dont worry I will still be working on it. Will have to find someone to donate it to then as its is too big to stay here.
  13. Well she's nearly done now just some rails and the rigging (no idea where that goes) I can see some of it in the box atr but obviously that does not show where its anchored or anything. got a bit of work to do on the base and the background, but definitly on the finishing stretch.
  14. Hi ya all a quick question where would the fire hoses be stored on warspite. I mean they wouldn't dip buckets in the sea to put out fires would they. The reason I ask is I've had an idea for another hit on warspite but I want the sailors trying to put it out, oh and another quick question would they try and launch the walrus whilst under attack.
  15. Hello all thought I would add a bit of life to her, got loads more of these to add.
  16. Can't see how I can do it with the aa guns the barrels are thinner than my fibre optic cable and even if I had thinner I don't see how I could drill out the barrel we it is so tiny.
  17. Hi all I knocked up a quick background what do you all think. still a ways to go yet but getting there.
  18. Thanks grimber very helpful Hi all well all the lighting is now set up and I have installed most of the guns.
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