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Everything posted by kpnuts

  1. Hi all here is todays, been playing with the sea, do you recon it needs more colour or is it ok ? still got 2 more 1/350 planes to add over all how do you think its going.
  2. It's fictional but obviously Warspite was never sunk so I wouldn't want to depict something which would have sunk her.
  3. Hi all playing with the 1/350 planes this one I was going to have crash into the sea behind Warspite but I had a thought didn't some of the German pilots do suicide runs and deliberately crash their crippled planes into ships. If I did this I was thinking they would aim for most damage so I would imagine they would try for the bridge or one of the big guns and hope to hit some ammo. If I did this would something like that have been enough to sink a ship like the Warspite. Obviously I dont want her sunk. also here is some work I've done some work on Warspite
  4. Hi all and thanks for the comments, I did think at this scale you wouldn't notice but it's nice to have it confirmed. Walt the titanic in the back there is 1/400 (shows how big she was when the Warspite is 1/350 and she is still way bigger), I did do an rc build at 1/200 but she suffered the same fate as the original (didn't strike an ice berg) but sank when I took her on her maiden voyage on our then local lake and she was swapped by waterskiers and sank before I could get her anywhere near shore. I couldn't swim so couldn't get her back. Learned a valuable lesson there, only use model boating lakes and fill model with polystyrene foam (no sinking) I think at 1/400 you would struggle to rc her, she's about 27 inches long.
  5. Hi all just a quick question, re the aircraft guns at 1/350 would the damage they do to the deck of the Warspite be noticeable, if so how much damage would they do (I assume apart from removing a bit of paint they wouldn't do any damage to the superstructure) if the damage did show, on a run along the deck of the ship how far apart would the hits be.
  6. Hi all had a go at weathering some of the superstructure (never weathered a ship before) is this enough or should I go further ? also did some more of that pesky PE
  7. Hi all my first attempt at water effect using clear bathroom sealant and i've done a bit more to the superstructure
  8. Done loads to it tonight, not posting pics cause it doesn't look like I've done a lot (its all tiny stuff you can hardly see) I am going crosseyed. On the chains for the anchors, where they slide up and down the long slipways would the paint have worn off and would rust then result (I don't know what you call those bits so can't Google pics).
  9. hello all I am sure you are getting bored by now, unfortunately here is another visual onslaught for you nhahahahaha(insert evil laugh)
  10. Yes bow wave will be using clear bathroom sealant to create it.
  11. Hi all here is tonights update, dulled the blue leds down (more glue and white paint ) and added a couple more planes.
  12. Thanks Carl been doing some experimenting with the base, my choice of using blue leds was a terrible mistake, now Ive gone and hot glued them all up to make the water plumes I am stuck with them (pun intended) hopefully loads of white paint will cure that problem, initially I was getting carried away and started making them too big, till it suddenly dawned on me an inch high plume of water at 1/350 scale would be 29 feet tall in real life so scaled them back a bit.
  13. doing some work on the base today as you can see not a lot of room in my man cave for it drilled the holes for all the leds and put and wired the leds into the board not wired the explosion in the stern of warspite cant do that till Warspite hull is permanently atattched same for the FW 190 the 2 blue leds are for the water plumes for the near misses.
  14. Sorry grimber its Humbrol enamels and no water was involved. Ps thanks for the ref pics cool.
  15. Hi all here is an update, and a querey I have used humbrol matt varnish for the first time, But I have an unusual effect the varnish has white patches (which in this instance is great I was going to add something like this anyway, and think it works ok) but what if I didn't want it, whats gone wrong ( I stirred it thourgherly)
  16. Hi all I think I've got too many balls in the air at once, at the moment so I am going to finish some of the planes before I get too involved with Warspite, so got on with the FW 190 and apart from painting the canopy and matt coating it I am calling the 190 done. I've done the all the decals on one side of the JU 87 so I recon that will be ready for matt coating tomorrow.
  17. Hi Sam I am planning on using leds to light the optics, my plan is to drill right through the barrel of the gun thread the opitcs through the barrel as far out the end as I can before the bend from its own weight makes it look unrealistic then light it from within the ship.Grimber I don't intend to put too much smoke on this explosion but just enough to give the indication that the ship is moving.
  18. Hi all here is a bit of an update of where I am now. I am a bit peeved now, I realise I made the mistake with not removing the plastic before I laid the decking but now i've started putting the PE on I've discovered ther are other bit which should be removed which are not on the instructions and now i've laid the wooden decking and cut it to fit whats on the deck the PE is not covering all the plastic. as you can see from the pic the only part outlined is the gangway which is to be removed but as i've now discovered the ramps should have been removed too. as you can see the PE ramps are too short and I can't remove the plastic ramps as I've cut the decking to fit, so I'm hoping that when painted grey it wont notice. (yes I know the middle blast shield is crooked in the pic but that has been sorted now) led in place ready for the only direct hit on the poor old lady. I know I swore I would never use PE again but this is all fairly simple stick it on stuff at the moment so will stick with it for now. first start at the explosion and I thought I would try an experiment with Optic Fibres will bee using those for the tracer rounds Warspie will be firing, I have discovered if you scratch the firbre every so often light escapes at the scratches over a length of about 12 inches (it does gradually get less as it goes along but I think 12 inches will be enough for me) anyway keeping it straight at anything more than that is almost impossible Obviously there is no smoke yet nor any debris in the explosion , I am wondering whether to put an unfortunate sailor in the smoke of the exlposion sans a limb or 2 ( the 350 scale sailors I've got I'm not sure it would notice, but might be fun to see if anyone does).
  19. I don't envy you that task supreme build by the way, way out of my skills set.
  20. Hi all made a really stupid total nitwit mistake in my eagerness to start this kit. There are parts on the deck you are supposed to cut off before you attatch the wooden decking, which I didn't. That made the job of removing it now a real b@'!:er, still done it now I've bitten the bullet and done a tiny amount of PE (the gangway which goes across the bow there are 2 gussets underneath which measure 2.5mm x 1.5 mm after an hour of getting them in the right place and upright I have to wonder is it worth the effort, once it's on the dio no one will see it, even off the ship when turned upside down you can barely see it with the naked eye. Still we will see how long I keep the PE up as although they are small the gangway was a simple bend the sides up (oh by the way the Mk1 detail up set instructions are vague to say the least) they show a picture of the part in place and one pic of some of the folds you are left to guess the rest of the folds.
  21. Well its not my birthday till Sunday but I am busy most of the day tomorrow and we have the whole family round Sunday, so I've negotiated a start today on my Warspite model so here is the start. I have placed a few planes and Warspite in different places which do you think looks best (obviously the planes will be in the air on the finished dio) I just want an idea of which you all think looks best.
  22. hi all here is quite a big update, I have tried my first attempt at panel lines and weathering of a plane, also I have been experimenting with the explosion on the Fw 190 wing the explosion is a bit too orange so will have to either add some brown or blue to it then a bit more black to the smoke, still got to add the suspension strutt and the cover thingy that goes over the wheel will have to buckle that a bit and bend the suspension strutt but I think the explosion should work ok.
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