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Everything posted by kpnuts

  1. woo hoo the sprues have arrived (that was quick, quicker than the actual model arrived they was only dispatched on the 23rd)
  2. Emailed Heller and have been told the parts were shipped on the 23rd so hopefully not long to wait. Still won't get much done as off on hols in a fortnight.
  3. Hi all well I'm afraid this is as far as I can go till the parts come so hopefully they will be here soon. I cant glue the two boxes on yet as I would not be able to get the other cannons in so this is it for now.
  4. Hi all good news heller emailed me and said if the parts are in stock they will send them out this week, if not when they next do a run of this model.
  5. Hi all well I've done all the flure de lys on one side (think I've gone cross eyed doing them)
  6. I am having all sorts of problems getting rid of the loose flakey bits that you just cant seem to brush off, so I've decided to try guilding the whole part then painting over the guilding. I've started by sizing all the parts for guilding then guilding the whole lot Now painting it also I decide to put a wash over some of the solid gold parts to highlight some of the detail
  7. Here is an update these rib bits are very confusing, dosnt help ther are no english instructions for this bit.
  8. Hi thanks for the replys I am going to continue to build what I can on it in the hopes the parts will come I know it could be wasted work but if the parts dont come, maybe I could put it in some sort of dio in dry dock for a refit or something
  9. Hi all here is a bit of an update. I have a big problem with this kit and dont know how much further I can go with it. there is supposed to be 2 sprues number 17 and 2 number 18 but there is only 1 of each, I have emailed Heller and asked for the missing sprues to be sent but have no idea what their customer service is like I'm hopeing they will send them as the kit is useless without them and I will have to bin it otherwise. so will do what I can and hope they will send the parts sooner rather than later.
  10. Can somebody help me on this I've tried searching here and on Google for a build log on this and all I can find is someone on finescale modeler asking if anyone's built it or my build log (which is obviously rubbish) I know this kit has been built by other people where are the build logs.
  11. Well here is todays efforts, got to say this will be a long long build, but unless I ruin it, it will be a beautiful ship.
  12. thats a good idea vsjerome, the masking tape idea won't work with gold leaf. The trouble I am having is getting rid of the loose bits that have not stuck to the size, I tried a stiff brush but the gold is so soft (its 9 carats I don't know if that's the softest or hardest grade, maybe if it's the softest I should get a harder grade) it takes all the gold off not just the whispy bits at the edges.
  13. well I've got to the first problem with guilding, getting a crisp line, mind you I still yhink it looks good
  14. Well here is my first attempt at guilding. not sure wether to do a wash to highlight the detail or not, dont know if it will kill the shine on the gold, and if I did what colour should i use.
  15. what is the problem with doing a dio I think she would look great like that there are lots of models of her fully functional I like your idea, I built her in full action, I would like to see her more truthfully displayed,
  16. Sounds interesting I did the Academy version with the dx upgrade pack, will be following this.
  17. Hi all well since I've nearly finished the Spits and the Lanc I thought it was time to start back on the Corvette and this little beauty that I've just taken delivery of, I must say I thought the 1/6 bikes box were huge but even they pale into insignificance when compared to this beast. That said the box could be half this size The moulding detail is beautiful The instructions however could do with some work, one written page in english everything else is in French. and why put these on the top where they could get creased like this, if theyed been on the bottom this would not have happened Hopefully I can iron them out. I have taken a very stupid chance and bought a very (well I think its very expensive) guilding kit just for this. I gulp, am going to try useing real gold leaf wherever the ship has gold. I have never guilded anything in my life so we will see, have I wasted my money, am I going to ruin this kit, stay tunefor the next exciting episode.
  18. Hi all since my bosses husband is buying the Bentley and my boss has commissioned me to build 2 1/48 Tamiya spits and a 1/48 Tamiya Lancaster (her father was an electrical engineer on the lancaster and actually worked on the Concord too)the corvette is going to have to go on the back burner for a while but here is where I am now on her.
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