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Everything posted by kpnuts

  1. Well I know it's not finished but it's sold, my boss's husband came round to show me his car (some little horrors standing on a bridge lobbed a rock as he drove under and stoved in his drivers pillar and windscreen (the cars only a fortnight old £90,000 worth) he spied it and the Reale and said the Reale was too big for his new seaside house but he would buy the sovriegn.
  2. Hi all well I've decided to plug away at the rigging and here's where I am now, I've discovered I can do more than one set at a time with this thingy, thus saving loads of thread.
  3. Hi all well the amati Loom A Line is total rubbish, the airfix doodah is brill though, so that is 10 quid down the drain, the airfix whatsit was free with the Wasa. Rigging is deffinitely not my thing, I am thinking maybe take the top mast off just leave the lower masts and have it as its having a refit, don't know
  4. Incredible work, love the collection, just built the La Reale, your work is so inspiring, I know, I've seen the pictures but it's still hard to believe they are made of card.
  5. Hi all well I know nothing about rigging so I'm going to do a cross between the Airfix instructions and ones I've downloaded off the internet (I could not possibly do them the way they are supposed to be, I don't have a clue as to where to start) I dont even know what the different lines are called. also I bought this to do the ratlines with but This came with the Airfix Wasa kit which would be the easiest to use.
  6. Hi all here is tonights update Don hope this helps First paint your base ( the deeper the water the darker and less other colours there would be) in this example its costal waters so not very deep ( you could add greens and browns for really shallow water showing the shallowness) So here's your base place ship wherever you want it (if the ship is to be removed wrap the hull in cling film to stop the sealant sticking to it. Get some clear bathroom sealant and apply to base using a knife or spoon spread it roughly about now press down with the knife or spoon and rapidly move in the direction of the wave moving upwards as you go and you will get a little peak, just like a wave, continue till you have enough, it should end up looking like this let it go off, if you need higher waves you can add more when its gone off, as I did on the bow waves then just highlight with white paint you can then use cotton wool for the foam on the very tops of the waves. obviously you would take more care than I did on this example, but you get the idea. it really is easy I did this example in ten mins. hope this is of use.
  7. Great progress, it almost inspires me to finish mine, I said almost, just can't bring myself to do battle again, love the cables on the cranes, that's a great little detail.
  8. Hi all here is an update on this one. All the guns in place (still got to tie some down) all the closed gunports glued in. I've discovered that the slots in the grating for the bowsprit tie downs are not there so had to make them.
  9. Well I had to have a celebratory drinkipoos. Thanks for the encouragement mate.
  10. I loved the monkees too especially the car, its rare here too but I got it off ebay, if memory serves correct 27 quid so bit of a bargain too. Dun da da da,da its finished I will post better pics tomorrow but here she is. I few suggestions for anyone building this, don't glue the trumpets on the angels on the stern till the kit is finished( cant count the number of times I've knocked them off). do not glue the side railings on till the end they were constantly getting in the way making it difficult on numerous occasions, and most annoyingly including the rigging stage, I know you tie some of the rigging off onto it but you could always tie off to the framework some where temporarily. other than that it is a great kit and all goes together well. I would like to thank everyone for keeping me motivated on this kit, as without you I would have given up at the first hurdle.
  11. Hi all I've been racking my brains trying to think of a way to do the tassels round the canopy, I cant find any which match the cord I've done the flags on the mast with, so,came up with this. take a piece of double sided tape and stick it to a piece of paper tack that each end to a lollipop stick wind the gold thread round the lollipop stick Cut along the edge then glue in place
  12. Hi all well the advantage of taking my boss to have her hair done is it gives me 5 hrs sitting in the car, so I've bought a bag of oars and glue with me so looking forward to hours of glueing oars.
  13. Well I've got to do all 64 oars again, I ordered some more ladders to do the handles with ( ordered more than I needed as I could see them being usefull for other things) luckily I ordered the wrong bits. now when you compare them, I just have to redo all of them
  14. Well I am so annoyed I thought I had some oars over and I had finished them but no, stupid idiot there are 32 PAIRS of oars, not 32 oars, now I have to order more of the steps to cut down for the handles, or I display it from one side only.
  15. Hi all, well I think I'm on the last leg of this build, this is half way there with the oars just these left to do every single oar has this huge seam on it, so, only32 to sort I really feel this is nearing the end now, once I add the oars it will be huge, no idea what I will do with it when done, I had my warspite dio in the local library, but now thats back due to the library re-utilising the areas and no longer having room for it (a polite way of saying no one was interested in it) so now I've got that back too. argh I have no room.
  16. Hi all here is tonights update, I've tried to do the cannon anchors and the ammo boxes. also tried an experiment with the vac formed sails which looks most realistic
  17. Hi all didn't like the oar handle, too irregular, so browsing the net I found these, they are OO gauge steps (1/87) so near enough. But as you can see they are too wide so with my guage I whittled them down a bit cut to length split and with a little bit of fettling they will all look the same now
  18. hi Edwin from stern to bowsprit she is 18.5 inches and she is 14 inches high I think I paid 29 quid on ebay for her. For such an old kit the fit is really good, no real problems so far.
  19. Hi all here is another update on this lovely little kit, it really is a joy to build.
  20. Hi all yes I made the row handles myself,thanks for the advice will have to see if I can get the ones I've done off without to much damage, is an update on this build someone told me the clew? was missing, well apparently this is it (the loose flap of sail from the furled sail)in the first picture. I've added all the cannons now as well.
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