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Everything posted by kpnuts

  1. Wow just seen this what a mamoth task, not something I would ever attempt, that is truly something else.BRAVO .
  2. Hi all a small update on this, The transom sticks out past the gallaries on the sides and I didnt like the way Airfix just moulded them flat so I've rounded the edges and reguilded them also the grills on the prow are not moulded all the way through so I drilled all the holes out. and I've hacked the candle apart and reconfigured it
  3. Firstly welcome aboard wishbone stash, what a friendly helpful bunch they are on here, one thing I would say about the missing sprues is from the last (very, very, very apologetic reply I got from them (must have been the mention that this build was on several forums and the fact that my being unable to continue it because they wouldn't send the parts had been mentioned) they told me in future to phone with problems as phone call get treated with priority. personally I like emails as I have proof of all communication whereas with a phone call what proof have you got you made it or what was said in that phone call. Just to say that is what they told me in the last email.And I am humbled that my build has inspired you to build it I'm sure you will do a much better job of it.PS are you going to guild it as well. Anyway a little update on the Reale, I thought I would try to improve the way the rowers handles are depicted. so, only 29 more to go
  4. There are some amazing plastic kits out there and with the aftermarket parts I'd say they could challenge wooden kits.
  5. Hi all I've decided to do something different with this and it involves this It flickers just like a real candle and the other one is kaput so I developed a cunning plan so, off with the transom can you guess where this is going drilled out the windows then removed the rest of the window yes thats right I'm going to RC it, only joking, lighting up the state cabins.
  6. Hi all a small update, everyone was telling me the sails should not be billowing in different directions, contrary to the instructions and the fact that the sails are vac formed and can only but put on that way, I decided to make sure its right I would do the fore mast sail furled.
  7. Hi all well I'm as excited as a flea on a dog,,,,,,,,,, they've arrived and I see no other problem to finishing this(famous last words) out all day today but will post pics later, I am so happy.
  8. Just. Thought when I lit mine I lined the inside of the hull with tinfoil (not to block light out but to reflect it so I needed less leds) but it did have that effect you could line anywhere you didn't want light escaping with foil (I used double sided sticky tape to stick my foil with) just an idea.
  9. Just to mention since I got to the stage of rigging my masts you ought to glue the rear deck to the middle and glue them in the hull before you do the final tensioning of the rigging as when you put it in the hull unless both sections are at exactly the same angle in the hull either the mast will be bent or the rigging will be slack. Don't know if I've explained it properly.
  10. Hi all well now, now that I've started making them they are sending replacements, isn't that typical
  11. Hi mark no I didn't but since they sent the first lot ok, they obviously understood my english then.but thanks for the tip.
  12. Well I decided to have a go at making the missing parts and after 2 hrs and on my third attempt, this is what I have I'm quite pleased with it, its a bit crude but when its installed I dont think it will notice too much. I know one thing I will never buy another heller kit. its not the kits (the kwak apart) they are great kits I've loved the La Reale, its their complete ignorance I've sent 2 emails just asking would they let me know even if they are going to send the parts, not one single reply to 8 emails, now I call that down right rude. I intend to send one more email informing them that they are not the only kit manufacturer out there and if they treat all their customers the way they have treated me I wont be the only customer they loose.(since they obviously ignore emails it probably wont do any good but it will make me feel better) You don't buy model kit and expect to have to make the parts yourself. Rant over so only 15 more of these babys to make
  13. Hi all I've just emailed heller explaining to the person who dealt with the parts problem last time that I am a member of several forums that this build is posted on, and that it doesn't look good on Heller's part when I can't say when the build will restart. But I've had a great idea, I love the sleek lines of the hull, what if I put some rockets on the side and turned her into a space galleon.
  14. Well I'm not sure what's going to happen with the La Reale I've contacted heller several times but no reply, the 32 oars I do have couldn't go all on one side said some are different so I can't put them all on one side and display it that way. Not sure I can be bothered with displaying it in dry dock being refitted (lot of work involved and I will always know she's not complete) too big to keep hanging round, maybe time to bite the bullet and stick her in the spares drawer. All I know is she's taking up valuable room, not sure the missus will let me scrap her but, I am rapidly losing interest in her.
  15. Glad you got it sorted I was going to suggest doing it as a waterline model. PE is really frustrating stuff but the difference it makes is phenomenal, I hate the stuff with a vengeance but find I am nearly always inexorably drawn to using it, you do know it was invented by a group of optometrists to boost spectacle sales don't you.
  16. Hi all was looking at this today and noticed the mast was bent. so I thought how can I fix that and a cunning plan developed. first break the top of the mast off then drill out a hole in the top of the mast and insert brass rod then reglue the top on since this pic I decided I dont like the fore mast sail so have removed it was thinking of removing the main sail as well but my missus says no, what do you think would they have had one sail down and not the other or would they both be up or down.
  17. That hole in the stern has a brass flagpole in the centenary edition (that's the one I was building).
  18. Hi I've done a bit of research and revell do a kit of this with the sails that way and I've seen other build of this kit with the same configuration so I havent decided yet I am either going to leave it as is or remove the sails altogether and have the oars down. talking of oars, this is on the back burner again as you can see from the parts list sprue 17 and 18 say 2 sprues sprue 9 and 9a are listed together with a sprue count of 2 I stupidly didnt count the number of oars on the sprues (there are 16 oars on each sprue) so the 2 on the parts list means 2 of each 9a and 9 (why didnt they list those to sprues separately or say 4 on the parts count, so now I have to go through the rigmarole of contacting heller again and waiting for the parts, this really is putting me off ever buying a heller kit again, I mean are all there kits like this, I dont think much of the're quality control if they dont even bother doing a sprue check on the contents of a kit.
  19. Yes I had some confusion over that the pic on the box art shows them both billowing the same way, but the written instructions and the diagrams both show the way I have it also the vac formed sail has to be that way the only way I can make it billow the same side is to hang it upside down. any way thought I would have a break from the rigging so decided to do the steps, they are supposed to have hand rails but they were so fine one was snapped on the sprue and one broke cutting it off the sprue so will have to make a couple out of copper wire
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