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Everything posted by Javlin

  1. I'll be poking my head in Andrew a Brute like the Typhoon/Tempest one always needs to keep an eye on
  2. Shes back on the table figure maybe 2/3 wks biggest part was figuring were I left off.I decided to do zilch with the engines close them up and turn her into a PRU bird with D-day Stripes.
  3. Thanks Fella's I had started the pit over a year ago and lost interest but even that was maybe 10/15% of the build the kit fell together like a Tamiya kit. Now #2 hits the table from the SOD HK's 1/32 Mossie
  4. I think the MkXVI's were generally used for V-1 doodlebugs.The tips could be changed easily in the field in minutes. Your answer; Clipped = tip of clipped wings Advantage:increased speed and lateral maneuverability. wings reduced by about one meter. Disadvantages: this reduces the bearing surface and increases the marginal vortices https://aviation.stackexchange.com/questions/77164/why-did-some-spitfire-variants-have-their-wings-clipped Edgar Brooks: Clipped wingtips were an essential modification (one of several, in fact,) when fitting the fuel tank behind the pilot, and, even then, the stub-spar, on frame 5, also needed strengthening. (11 Group hated the idea, and fought against it, due to the detrimental effect the mods had on performance,)Post-war, use of the tank was banned, which probably allowed standard wingtips (and elevators, which had to be metal-covered on the XVI) to be refitted. Edgar More Ammo;Clipped wing: This mod was found to be necessary on the Spit IX when used for dive bombing, as several cases of severe skin wrinkling occurred in 2TAF. A gain in strength of 10% is obtained by this means. It is considered by the MAP that on a Spit IX or XIV with full bomb load and extra internal fuel, the reserve strength factors would be unacceptably low unless the wings were clipped
  5. They are very Nice Dan did the Tempest remember.
  6. Thanks Mike decals and stencils have been laid.
  7. She does good work!Oh and everything that breaks or needs some kind of repair including her friends stuff ends up on the other side of the shop the wood work area it's 23'X16'......no rest for the weary I deliberately move slow alot of times
  8. Had not really thought of that aspect Mike the no removal part.
  9. From what I can see about 160 sq/ft?A bit bigger than my room of 7'X16' for the office area of the shop should work well if the Wife does not try to commandeer any of your space?Ask me how I know........
  10. Got the leading edge yellow bands done and glossed coated with Future.The plane will not get much if any weathering seeing being introduced to the SQ. in May/45.No Flash.
  11. Thanks Alan it's a process I have been working the last year kinda gives that faded effect before the washes or powders are applied.
  12. My MM Ocean Grey was to far gone to bring back with the leveling thinner and OG has a tint of blue I went US Intermediate blue I'm thinking a little to blue but the flash also is overstating the blue some what. I went back out to the shop to clean the AB definitely not that blue will take final pics outdoors natural light next week.
  13. I have not built an Eduard in a while if ever and have to say this is a saaweeeet Kit! The fit is just about perfect filler was a minimum on one wing root only.The kit supplied the PE to build up the pit though being a Spit not alot to see but I did use for the first time the SG with the light worked great for the bezels.I have been back with my MM enamels of late having found that MR.Color Leveling thinner for lacquers works Frigg'in excellente allowing me to thin to a 60/70 ratio of thinner and get a good application and is reviving some of the ole paints.The camo was all applied @17psi with the draw back on the trigger set to very light spray.The camo was drawn out with a pencil one at a time hitting the pencil line 2X and filling in the area it took me about 1 1/2 to 2 hrs to paint the whole plane,the airbrush never stops moving in various patterns.I started the build last Monday after shelving it for sometime for lack of interest but I think it's time to clean up those off the SOD.
  14. I like your engineering of the rafters as EG said very innovative in design
  15. She was the Brits answer to the Jug Craig and so much HP in the end.
  16. Thank You Sir she was fun and a challenge.I shy away from washes and such afraid to ruin a pretty plane but a Tempest like a Jug cry out for those results!
  17. Thanks Phil I enjoyed this build it was a challenge I have seen others on other forums drop the build and one on YT as much that Special Hobby replied to the builder.The kit is definitely a builder making a Nice representation of the the A/C if I say so myself.I am thinking of ordering the SP WhirlWind in 1/32 another kit were people do not like their instructions once you to the WW/LG area?This is my 2nd SP Kit and yes both required attention in that part of the A/C but a challenge is fun sometimes over the shake-n-bake kits.I think the next build will be Eduard's Mk XVI Spitfire started some time ago I may actually clear out a few ole builds.I need to start on another floor cabinet like the other one things are getting full!!
  18. Alright time to move on fellas to the next project.The inner door actuators kept braking off so made them out of .015" guitar string with a brass head then drilled the body of the actuator and just glued to the door only(bad pic).I used Alcad smoke first time ever using it easy just went a little heavy on the R/side of the plane.The bombs got a wash of Tamiya brown right on MrColor and then Tamiya grey wash both done with a q-tip did not touch the paint.Thanks for looking and the likes.
  19. Thanks Craig I could of left her as is I went to go look at pics of the exhaust flow/pipes color and these crates were pretty well maintained not that I did not see some with flight hours.Live and Learn got some practice though
  20. This is going slower than expected but I bit the bullet and did a weathering just sloshed the Tamy Brown and let it sit overnight.I think it will pass some areas on the side of the fuse R/side the future was thin and ate through in the sense the more I wiped the stickier it got and went "gotta fix that".I used a sponge and tweezers litely dipped in the respective color and all worked out just did not want brush marks.I usually go semi-gloss but seeing she's been a workhorse since D-day went dead flat.I am about to gloss black the LG and do the silver.I still at best guess another week of work on this one little stuff bombs and canopy and weathering the WW always more.She's not the best as far as weathering but I seldom attempt this part out of fear I dove.
  21. That's me Craig once it hits the shelf beyond these pages no one will likely see it.
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