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Posts posted by alde

  1. Thank you all for the information. I am really looking forward to starting the planking. Right now it doesn't look like much of a boat. At this point the rabbet is cut and the form is built and faired. Bending the frames is next. I plan to put the frams to soak overnight Friday and try bending them to the form the next day. The log will be updated along the way and there will probably be more questions.


    It's really rewarding to see it come together. This is a great hobby with some great people to help a new guy out.


    Thanks, Al D.

  2. I have what may be a silly newbie question. I am still working on my building form (will do log update in a couple of days) but I have been re-reading ahead in the instructions. When I get to the planking stage and start gluing planks do I edge glue them to each other or just glue to the frames and keel. I imagine edge gluing would be the way to go as not would make for a weak boat.


    Thanks, Al D.

  3. I can't imagine taking on the task of crewing the launch. I will be thrilled with a clean planking job on mine. It sure is a slow but fun process though.


    When you build your form give some thought to putting the sheer tabs on after it's all faired in. They really make to hard to do a clean job when in place. Of course it could just be my lack of experience too.

  4. I have the building jig assembled and one side faired in. It was pretty staright forward from the instructions. If I were to do it again I would have waited to install the sheer tabs until the jig was faired. The whole bulkhead needs to be faired so the frames lay against it at the correct angle and the tabs make it more difficult. It would be easy to add them after it's all together and sanded fair.


    I was really apprehensive about cutting the rabbet but the laser cut lines make it pretty easy. I am happy with the way it's going so far.


    Al D.




  5. Mike, That is a nice little kit. Be aware when you start to plank around the turn of the bilge that you will have to taper the planks on both ends. The instructions don't tell you this but it impossible to get the planks to lay against the forms if you don't. Just trim them so they lay against all the forms without stressing the wood.


    Al D.

  6. First, thanks for taking a peek at my first build log. I have decided to put my MS Kate Cory on hold. I originally bought the Kate Cory kit in December of 1992. Since this kit is over 20 years old it doesn't really compare to the modern laser cut kits with great instruction manuals. It also helps that there are so many builders of the modern kits to get help from.


    I have just gotten started on it but I can see it will be a real pleasure to build. The parts are amazing compared to the crude wooden blocks and pieces for the old kit. I chose the Bounty Launch as a first planked project because of all the wonderful build here on MSW. Please feel free to nudge me in the right direction if I get off track.


    Only one picture so far. I only removed a few parts from the sheets and started to clean up the char marks on the edges. It is not heavily burned like some pictures I have seen.


    Looking forward to a fun build, Al D.



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