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Posts posted by alde

  1. CaptainSteve, your launch is progressing well. You do have quite the pile of broken sticks though. I see no reason not to substitute the wood as long as you are able to get the color fairley close. The Cherry they supplied was way too brittle for the sharp bends of the frames.


    Is the football you speak of what we Americans would call soccer or rugby? I had a niegbor who was a professional rugby player from Scotland. He moved to New Zeland to join a team. He was a good guy but I could only understand about half of what he was saying. He was married to a lady from Austrailia so the move to New Zeland put her closer to her family. She was much easier to understand. That was 20 years ago. Where do the years go?

  2. Steve,


    I don't have enough cherry wood to complete the tween frames and had to request some from Model Shipways. They did send the order out within a couple of days of the order but you being in Australia I'm sure it would take a while for you to get them. You may want to put in a request sooner than later unless you have a good local source.


    I don't think you will have any trouble the the hull springing wider as long as you bend the frames tight to the forms.  

  3. She came right off the mould with no problems. It inside looks pretty decent without too many weird spots. There is no excess glue to speak of and it feels really solid. I also didn't notice any tendency to spring to a wider dimension like some others have reported. I think the people that had this happen used one cherry stick for one continues frame.



  4. Oh no, not the frames. I broke so many I had to request a few extra from MS. I had enough to bend over the form but do not have enough for the framing that goes into the hull after it's poped out of the form. I only have 3 sticks left for that job. I soaked mine overnight in plain water. I will use some amonia on the tween frames and see if that works better.


    They sure did burn TRANS deep enough. They really do need to put it next to the part.

  5. Mike, They sure don't tell you any of this in the instructions. They need to be re-writen. This was the first planked hull that I tried and before I was a member on MSW and got frustrated with it. I didn't know anything about fitting and bending the planks. Soaking and pinning will go a long way to getting your planks right. You may also have to bevel the plank edges so the sit next to each other tight. Also, try a little amonia in the warm water when you soak the planks and give them a few hours to soak.

  6. All planks did overhang the transom. I guess they could have gone further aft but I probably didn't take enough care in bending the planks to the correct shape. They have to make a pretty tight twist at the bow so the edges all line up. I know it's not a problem with the kit as it looks like other people did not have this trouble. I did get buy without a stealer though.


    I have learned a lot to carry over to my next build. The best thing is I am looking forward to the next one after this one if done. I am having a blast with it and look forward to the time at the workbench.

  7. Thanks for the tips. I think having a bit of primer on will help me just take down the high spots. I will also make a bunch of sawdust from my scrap to use as filler. It looks a lot better with the primer on.


    I think where I got into trouble was the first bulkhead didn't quite touch the planking in some cases. This made the planks want to curl under a bit. It looks ok on the inside so if I get outside looking good with filling and sanding all will be good. Keep an eye on that CaptainSteve. You might have to add some material to the first bulkhead for the planks to flow.


    Al D.

  8. I wish I could say I was totally happy with this but here is my fully planked hull, warts, bumps and all. As you can see I have done some filling and sanding but it's still not very smooth. I have since given it a quick shot of grey primer and it looks a little better. Any suggestions on smoothing it up better? I do like the fact that the plank seams show.



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