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I have been using Elmer`s carpenter`s color change wood filler - it is a pink color in the tub but turns white when dry. It goes on smoothly & sands easily when dry. It is water based so there is no bad odors. It is usually dry enough to sand after about 1 to 2 hours.



current build - HMS Vanguard - Model Shipways



I was directed by one of the practicums I use to build my models to this product:  http://elmers.com/product/detail/E848

It works well, but I am sure there are others out there that work too.  I also follow up with a gray automotive primer, sanding between coats of the filler and primer to get a smooth finish before applying paint to the model.



Current Build:       Model Shipways MS2015 - Fair American Kit bash

Previous Build:     J-Class Endeavor



My preference is Hobbylite.  By Hobbyco.  see        http://www.ebay.com/itm/like/291074587074?ul_noapp=true&chn=ps&lpid=82

It comes in white or balsa color.  Made originally for model aircraft and balsa but works well on any planking wood also.  It is extremely lightweight, and sands beautifully.  The ebay link I gave above sells it for $4.00 plus $2.00 shipping.  That is about the lowest price I could find.

Unlike wood fillers, it is water soluble until dry.  That means it is less expensive because if it does get a little dry you only need to add a little water to revive it.  No odor and can be painted (not sure about staining).


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