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Kit arrived Friday, almost a week before I expected it. Didn't get to it till today. Organized tools again and took inventory, labeling all the wood bundles after measuring then with a caliper. I can't identify some of the castings but the count seems right. Will have to cross that Sea when I come to it. I'm pretty intimidated by some of the blocks and dead eyes. Will have to get a new magnifying visor or microscope to rig them. May get started on they keel today and may not. Have to find a copy place to copy the plans as they are printed double sided. I like to post them on the wall but don't want to have to stop and turn them over all the time. The Glad Tidings is a good inspiration that I can do this. It's sitting atop the piano right next to my work table.


Completed build: 1:24 Glad Tidings Pinky Schooner by Model Shipways


"The Only Difference Between Ordeal and Adventure is Attitude". Bob Bitchin AKA Robert Lipkin

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Did a lot better job of cutting the rabbit this time. The planks will fit without tapering but I did get a bit too aggressive at the stern post. Had to shave a little off the keel to get it to fit against the hull. I'm still no hand with a chisel so used the plane, a file and sanding block. It's sitting with weight on it now, will post a pic tomorrow.

Completed build: 1:24 Glad Tidings Pinky Schooner by Model Shipways


"The Only Difference Between Ordeal and Adventure is Attitude". Bob Bitchin AKA Robert Lipkin

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As I've read before, every slot needs to be enlarged slightly. Additionally, the small piece of keel next to the mast is very weak. I broke them both! Glued the mast slot covers on to both stiffen and strengthen these critical areas. I will have to cut the rabbit again on some places as the bulkheads do not reach it. They line up OK with a plank although bulkhead C needs a shim. So far so good but now it's off to work for me.


Completed build: 1:24 Glad Tidings Pinky Schooner by Model Shipways


"The Only Difference Between Ordeal and Adventure is Attitude". Bob Bitchin AKA Robert Lipkin

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Check the plans. I bet your rabbet is fine. My suspicion is that those bulkheads need to be seated lower so that they are even with the top of the keel plate. They all seem to be above it by a bit. 


Good luck on the build, she's a pretty vessel. 

Joe Volz



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Model Shipways "Benjamin W. Latham"



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I agree with Joe, they need to be tapped down lower, they should be flush at the top.  

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Well shiver me timbers and blow me down! There is a waterline on the plans both for the keel and the bulkheads, and I double checked. They are transferred as drawn. I guess I didn't read deep enough as I lined up the bulkheads with the waterline. I scrutinized a few other build logs and sure enough they are all flush with the top of the keel mine are now too, and the rabbit is correct. Thanks so much Joe and Don for saving me from a fatal mistake. Fair winds and following seas to you.


Completed build: 1:24 Glad Tidings Pinky Schooner by Model Shipways


"The Only Difference Between Ordeal and Adventure is Attitude". Bob Bitchin AKA Robert Lipkin

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Bulkheads glued up. I had some challenges with the aft filter blocks. Hard to cut, impossible to sand or file, ended up using the sanding drum on the rotary tool. Additional, I had trouble visualizing what they should look like and cruising other build logs didn't offer much help for me. I've attached a few pics of mine. They are by no means perfect but they're close. After the glue dries I'll sand them to final shape. The rotary tool masks a colossal fine mess and I was going to include a pic of it but the gf cleaned it up...

I've been researching and searching for some time for a work light and finally settled for this one. It's a Normande Lighting Magnifier Task Lamp #HP3-1401V. I don't recommend it. Not very bright and 'some assembly required'. When I went to tighten the head the plastic thumb screw stripped. Had to drill it bigger and install a screw and nut from my tool box as the screw in it is an unusual size and I didn't have a proper nut. All in all not very happy with it but I didn't feel like taking the drive again to return it. I'm not done looking.






Completed build: 1:24 Glad Tidings Pinky Schooner by Model Shipways


"The Only Difference Between Ordeal and Adventure is Attitude". Bob Bitchin AKA Robert Lipkin

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