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A three-year project finally completed. This big cat now features High voltage Main gun Flash, Servo recoil, Clark TK 22 control, and soundboard, Metal Tracks, Working Headlight, 4:1 Reduction Gears, Metal Drive Sprocket and Idler, Flashing Bow and COAX MG 34s, Track adjusters, Smoke systems, and it plays the Panzer Leid. All external fittings are nickel and photo-etch. Barrel and muzzle brake are brass and aluminum. The suspension is actual torsion bars just like the real TIGER 1.  It is finished in the scheme of the 3rd Company 101st SS at Normandy June 1944.  Tiger 334 was knocked out during the fighting. 

Tiger 334 7.JPG


TIGER  334 2.JPG

Author of the Submarine Thrillers


  • 1 month later...

    My father came across one of these on the side of a road, while in France in WWII.  He told me that there didn't seem to be any visible damage to it other than the track being blown off.  While he was with a mobile anti-aircraft artillery company and never saw one in action, he said he couldn't imagine being one of our tank crews trying to face one of these monsters while inside our own under armed and thinner armored Sherman tanks. 

    He talked to some some guys who did just that, telling him that their 75 mm shells just seemed to bounce off of them, while the Panzers' 88's just ripped right thru ours.  They would try to disable them by going for the tracks, but even having done that, they were still facing an armored artillery piece that was still capable of taking out just about anything we could throw at them! 

    Until we started getting more of our newer Patton tanks into the war to level the playing field somewhat, we were really taking a beating.  Lucky for us the number of these tanks in the field at that time was limited. 

    While it may be true that they were some of the most formidable weapons of their time, lets never forget all of our servicemen who were killed and wounded facing monsters like this just to make the life we lead now even possible! :huh:


“You’ve just got to know your limitations”  Dirty Harry

Current Builds:  Modified MS 1/8” scale Phantom, and modified plastic/wood hybrid of Aurora 1:87 scale whaling bark Wanderer.

Past Builds: (Done & sold) 1/8” scale A.J. Fisher 2 mast schooner Challenge, 1/6” scale scratch built whaler Wanderer w/ plans & fittings from A.J. Fisher, and numerous plastic kits including 1/8” scale Revell U.S.S. Constitution (twice), Cutty Sark, and Mayflower.

                  (Done & in dry dock) Modified 1/8” scale Revell U.S.S. Constitution w/ wooden deck and masting [too close encounter w/conc. floor in move]

Hope to get to builds: MS 3/16” scale Pride of Baltimore II,  MS 1/2” scale pinky schooner Glad Tidings,  a scratch build 3/16” scale  Phantom, and a scratch build 3/16" scale Denis Sullivan.

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